2. Sulphur dioxide Monitoring within temis - bira

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France). ...... Zahorik, D. M. & Maier, S. F. Preference for tastes paired with
recovery from ...

Part of the document

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|DOCUMENT TYPE: Service Implementation Document | |TITLE: |
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|Sulphur Dioxide Monitoring |
|within TEMIS | The description in this document also applies to the Sulphur Dioxide
Monitoring which is performed within Stage II of the PROMOTE project and
its Support to Aviation Control Service. The TEMIS and PROMOTE projects are
supported by the European Space Agency (ESA). [pic] [pic] [pic]
DOCUMENT STATUS SHEET |Issue | Rev.|Date |Modified Items / Reason for Change |
|0.9 |0 |29.11.06|First Version |
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1. Introduction 5 1.1 Purpose and scope 5
1.2 Document overview 5
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 5
1.4 Applicable Documents 6
1.5 Acknowledgments 7 2. Sulphur dioxide Monitoring within temis 8 2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Sulphur dioxide and the TEMIS services 8
2.2.1 Air Pollution Monitoring Service 9
2.2.2 Support to Aviation Control Service 10
2.3 Data and service version history 11
2.4 Lifetime and reaction cycles of sulphur dioxide 12 3. Sulphur Dioxide slant columnS 14 3.1 Slant column retrieval 14
3.1.1 The DOAS software 15
3.2 SO2 slant column retrieval 16
3.3 Background correction of the SO2 slant column 17
3.4 Reference spectra for the DOAS retrieval 21 4. Sulphur Dioxide vertical columnS 22 4.1 Slant column and vertical column densities 22
4.2 Air-mass factor using a radiative transfer model 24
4.3 Air-mass factor using a chemistry transport model 24 5. data product description - preliminary data set 26 5.1 GOME and SCIAMACHY slant column data 26 6. data product description - Current data set 27 6.1 Geographic regions 27
6.2 Data product presentation 29
6.2.1 Cloud cover fraction 30
6.3 Data product delivery 31
6.4 ASCII data file specifications 31
6.4.1 Data file name 32
6.4.2 Data file format 32
6.4.3 Data flags in the ASCII data file 35
6.5 HDF data file specifications 37
6.5.1 Data file name 37
6.5.2 Data file format 37
6.6 Known issues 40
6.6.1 South Atlantic Anomaly 40 7. near-real time and alert service 42 7.1 Near-real time processing of SO2 42
7.1.1 Reference spectrum and background correction 42
7.1.2 Monitoring of the near-real time processing 42
7.2 Criteria for exceptional SO2 concentrations 43 8. References 44 Introduction
1 Purpose and scope The Data User Programme (DUP) is an optional programme of ESA which aims at
supporting Industry, Research Laboratories, User Communities as well as
European and National Decision Makers to bridge the gap that exists between
research at the level of pilot projects and the operational and sustainable
provision of Earth Observation products at information level. TEMIS is a project (started September 2001) in response to an Invitation To
Tender from ESA in the context of ESA's Data User Programme. The aim of the
project is the delivery of tropospheric trace gas concentrations, and
aerosol and UV products, derived from observations of the nadir-viewing
satellite instruments GOME and SCIAMACHY. This document contains the specifications of the SO2 products for the TEMIS
themes "Air Pollution Monitoring" and "Support to Aviation Control"; the
latter service is set up in close relation with the service of the same
name within Stage II of the PROMOTE project. The current version is part of
the final deliverables of the implementation phase of TEMIS. The version
number of the document corresponds to the version number of the SO2 data
product (cf. see section 2.3).
2 Document overview Chapter 1 contains the introduction, applicable documents and
acknowlegdments. Chapter 2 gives an introduction of the SO2 monitoring
services within TEMIS. Chapters 3 to 6 describe the SO2 processing, the
data product delivery and data product specifications. Chapter 7 describes
issues specific for the near-real time processing the notification service
of exceptional SO2 concentrations. And chapter 8 contains the list of
references for this document.
3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
|AMF |Air-Mass Factor |
|ASCAR |Algorithm Survey and Critical Analysis Report |
|BIRA-IASB |Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy |
|BrO |Bromine Oxide |
|CH2O |Formaldehyde |
|CTM |Chemistry Transport Model |
|DLR |German Aerospace Center |
|DOAS |Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometry |
|DU |Dobson Unit |
|DUP |Data User Programme |
|ECMWF |European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast |
|ENVISAT |Environmental Satellite |
|ERS |European Remote Sensing Satellite |
|ESA |European Space Agency |
|ESRIN |European Space Research Institute |
|FRESCO |Fast Retrieval Scheme for Cloud Observables |
|GOME |Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument |
|HCHO |Formaldehyde |
|H2SO4 |Sulphuric acid |
|IAVW |International Airways Volcano Watch |
|ICAO |International Civil Aviation Organization |
|KNMI |Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |
|LIDORT |Linearized Discrete Ordinate RTM |
|NLLS |Non-Linear Least-Squares |
|NO2 |Nitrogen Dioxide |
|NRT |Near-Real Time |
|O3 |Ozone |
|PROMOTE |Protocol Monitoring for the GMES Service Element: |
| |Atmosphere |
|RRS |Rotational Raman Scattering |
|RTM |Radiative Transfer Model |
|SAA |South Atlantic Anomaly |
|SACS |Support to Aviation Control Service |
|SCIAMACHY |SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for |
| |Atmospheric CartograpHY |
|SCD |Slant Column Density |
|SO2 |Sulphur Dioxide |
|SR |Service Report |
|SVD |Single Value Decomposition |
|SZA |Solar Zenith Angle |
|TBC |To Be Confirmed |
|TBD |To Be Defined |
|TEMIS |Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service |
|USD |User Specification Document |
|URD |User Requirements Document |
|UV |Ultra Violet |
|VAAC |Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre |
|VCD |Vertical Column Density |
4 Applicable Documents
|AD-1 |Data User Programme II period 1st call For Proposal |
| |ref:EEM-AEP/DUP/CFP2001 |
|AD-2 |User Specification Document, v1.4, TEM/USD/005, May 2002 |
|AD-3 |User Requirement Docu