Masaryk University Brno - IS MU - Masarykova univerzita

In March 2012, there were approximately 66,000 active Moodle sites that were ... forum) and course activities, including various types of exercises, readings, quizzes etc. ... The term ?blended? means that traditional instructor-led training is being ... component involved in its meaning structure (the concept of hyperbole will be ...

Part of the document

Masaryk University Brno
Faculty of Education
Department of English Language and Literature


The Development of an E-learning Course According to the ADDIE Method

Diploma Thesis

Brno 2012

Author: Libu?e Spá?ilová Supervisor: PhDr. Tamara Vá?ová

I declare that I worked on this thesis independently, using only the
sources listed in the bibliography.
I agree with this diploma thesis being deposited in the library of
the Faculty of Education at the Masaryk University in Brno and making it
accessible for academic purposes.

Libu?e Spá?ilová


I would like to express sincere gratitude to my supervisor PhDr.
Tamara Vá?ová for her expert advice, inspiration and valuable comments as
well as her support during my work. My grateful thanks also belong to my
willing student.

Ro?nov pod Radho?t?m, 22 March 2012. Libu?e


The Diploma thesis The Development of an E-learning Course According
to the ADDIE Method, based on the bachelor's thesis Online Language
Learning - Idioms, employs the ADDIE model, following the five phases, i.e.
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, in order to
design an ideal online course with the support of blended learning.
The outcome of the thesis is an improved online course "English
figurative language" designed in the Moodle software to suit the learner's
individual needs, containing a number of study materials, diverse
activities and tasks, concerning English figurative language, idioms in
The thesis is divided into two parts - the first being theoretical
and the second practical. The theoretical part explores the ADDIE method
and its utilisation in e-learning. Furthermore, it considers the potential
of both blended and online learning. Finally, a chapter on English
figurative language is presented. The practical part provides a detailed
description of the course, including the gradual development of the
original course. Afterwards, it discusses the learning process of the
participant involved in the trial course through a mixture of blended and
online learning, affecting the resulting course content by the trial.

Key words:
ADDIE model, e-learning, online learning, blended learning, a learning
management system, Moodle, online courses, instructional design,
instructional systems design, figurative language, English idioms, the
learner's individual needs


Diplomová práce The Development of an E-learning Course According to
the ADDIE Method, zalo?ená na bakalá?ské práci Online Language Learning -
Idioms, vyu?ívá ADDIE modelu, dr?ící se jeho p?ti fází, tzn. analýzy,
designu, vývoje, realizace a hodnocení, za ú?elem navr?ení ideálního online
kurzu za podpory smí?eného u?ení.
Výsledkem diplomové práce je online kurz "English figurative
language" projektovaný v Moodle softwaru a vylep?ený tak, aby vyhovoval
individuálním pot?ebám ?áka, zahrnující ?adu studijních materiál?,
rozmanitých aktivit a úkol?, které se týkají anglického metaforického
jazyka, idiom? p?edev?ím.
Práce je rozd?lená do dvou ?ástí - první teoretické a druhé
praktické. Teoretická ?ást zkoumá ADDIE metodu a její vyu?ití v e-
learningu. Mimoto zva?uje potenciál jak smí?eného u?ení, tak elektronického
vzd?lávání. Nakonec p?edkládá kapitolu o anglickém metaforickém jazyce.
Praktická ?ást poskytuje detailní popis kurzu v?etn? postupného vývoje
p?vodního kurzu. Poté projednává u?ební proces ?áka zapojeného do
zku?ebního kurzu skrze spojení smí?eného u?ení a elektronického vzd?lávání,
který ovliv?uje následný obsah kurzu.

Klí?ová slova:
ADDIE model, e-learning, elektronické vzd?lávání, smí?ené u?ení, ?ídící
výukový systém, Moodle, internetové kurzy, výukový design, systémový
výukový design, metaforický jazyk, anglické idiomy, individuální pot?eby

Table of contents

Introduction 7

Theoretical Part 9

1 E-learning 9
1.1 Introduction to e-learning 9
1.1.1 Technology-based learning versus classroom-based learning 10
1.2 Past expectations versus reality 10
1.3 Future trends 11
1.3.1 E-learning in tertiary education 12
1.4 Pros and cons 12
2 Virtual Learning Environments 14
2.1 Pros and cons 14
3 Moodle 17
4 Blended learning 19
4.1 Introduction to blended learning 19
4.2 Definition 19
4.3 Implementation 20
4.4 History of blended learning 21
5 Instructional Design 23
5.1 Instructional System Design models 27
5.2 History of Instructional Design 29
6 ADDIE 32
6.1 Introduction to ADDIE 32
6.2 ADDIE phases 33
6.3 ADDIE and the learners's motivation 42
6.4 ADDIE for teaching purposes 43
6.5 Weaknesses of the ADDIE model 44
6.6 History of ADDIE 44
7 Figurative language 47
7.1 Introduction to figurative language 47
7.2 Figures of speech 49
7.3 Idioms 53
7.3.1 Classification of idioms 56
7.3.2 Idiom dictionaries 58
7.3.3 Why to learn idioms? 58

Practical Part 60

8 Introduction 60
9 The course preparation 61
10 The application of the ADDIE model 63
10.1 Phase 1: Analysis 63
10.1.1 A general student's profile 65
10.2 Phase 2: Design 66
10.3 Phase 3: Development 68
10.3.1 Action plan 71
10.4 Phase 4: Implementation 72
10.5 Phase 5: Evaluation 73
11 The course description 75
11.1 The settings of the course 82
12 Adjustments to the former course 84
13 Trial course 87
13.1 Introduction 87
13.2 Programme of the trial course 88
14. Conclusion 99
14.1 The course outcomes 99
14.1.1 The ADDIE model: pros and cons 100
14.2 Ideas on improvements 101
14.3 Final evaluation 102

Resume 104

Bibliography 105

Appendices 111


As I have always been interested in information and communication
technology, I started to explore the potentials of online learning
immediately after I entered Masaryk University. Although I met with e-
learning at the very beginning of my studies through a number of online
Moodle courses, which provided support for some compulsory subjects at
university, my real experience with IT was provided by the Department of
Technical Education and Information Science in the form of the optional
subject Introduction to Information Technology. Following the requirements
of this course, I created a PowerPoint presentation, a sort of study
material for distant learning, dealing with English idioms with which I
have been concerned since then. Having enjoyed this task, I consequently
chose idiomatic language as the topic of my next project - the design of an
online Moodle course. Later, I was advised to devote my bachelor's thesis
to the same area, specifically online language learning and English
idiomatic language, which finally led me to the idea of developing my
original Moodle course based on English idioms.
This diploma project was initiated by the supervisor of my bachelor's
thesis PhDr. Tamara Vá?ová, who suggested polishing the online course
English idioms, representing the practical part of the bachelor's thesis
Online Language Learning - Idioms. This incentive, provoking further
considerations on e-learning, resulted in the creation of an advanced
course on English figurative language. As opposed to the original course
English idioms, the field of English idiomatic language has been extended
by adding new figures of speech, i.e. metaphors, similes and proverbs. The
new course has been redesigned in the Moodle software, but this time
according to the rules of the ADDIE model, following its five phases, i.e.
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, thus
exploring the ADDIE method and its possible utilisation in online language
learning. Even though I was unaware of the existence of the ADDIE model
until recently, I decided to use it after a consultation with my supervisor
since it seemed to offer a suitable and useful tool for efficient online
course design. In addition, blended learning was employed during the trial
course to achieve smoother contact with the course participant, providing
extra feedback from face-to-face lessons, and the potential of blended and
online learning was considered.
The main objective of this thesis was to develop a valuable online
Moodle course dealing with English figurative language, idioms in
particular, derived from the original course English idioms. The course
content should offer relevant study materials and a variety of appropriate
activities to learners interested in this area.
Another goal of the project was to demonstrate the applicability of
the ADDIE model to online language learning.
Since the ADDIE model appears to be worth a detailed examination,
this subject matter will be closely dealt with in the theoretical part of
this thesis.

Theoretical Part

1 E-learning

1.1 Introduction to e-learning

First of all, the definition of e-learning should be provided. Online
learning (also known as e-learning, technology-assisted learning or