INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENDERING - Hartlepool Borough Council

Accounting for a Small Business, BAN4E, Grade 12, Workplace Preparation ...
the school's Guidance and Career Education Program Plan (Choices Into Action).
.... TSV.01, TSV.02, TSV.03, TS1.03, TS2.03, TS3.05 ... Students then work
through exercises entering transactions dealing with these three accounting

Part of the document

Name of
...... TEES VALLEY BUS NETWORK Catcote Road / Oxford Road Junction Improvement FORMS OF TENDER AND AGREEMENT BY DEED CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SPECIFICATION BILL OF QUANTITIES Engineer for the Works:- D Wilson, B Sc, C.Eng, Date:- July 2010
C O N T E N T S Page No. Form of Tender 3 Forms of Agreement 7 Form of Bond 8 Conditions of Contract 11 Specification 20 Preambles to Bill of Quantities 49 Bill of Quantities 56
SHORT TITLE OF WORKS:- All Permanent and Temporary Works in connection with:- Catcote Road / Oxford Road Junction Improvement FORM OF TENDER INCORPORATING
(NOTE: The Appendix forms part of the Tender) To:- The Chief Executive,
Hartlepool Borough Council,
Civic Centre,
Victoria Road,
Hartlepool Having examined the Drawings, Conditions of Contract, Specification and
Bill of Quantities for the construction of the above-mentioned Works (and
the matters set out in the Appendix hereto), we offer to construct and
complete the whole of the said Works and maintain the Permanent Works in
conformity with the said Drawings, Conditions of Contract, Specification
and Bill of Quantities for such sum as may be ascertained in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract. We undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the Permanent Works
comprised in the Contract within the time stated in the Appendix hereto. If our tender is accepted we will, when required, provide two good and
sufficient sureties or obtain the guarantee of a Bank or Insurance Company
(to be approved in either case by you) to be jointly and severally bound
with us in a sum equal to the percentage of the Tender Total as defined in
the said Conditions of Contract for the due performance of the Contract
under the terms of a Bond in the form annexed to the Conditions of
Contract. Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this tender,
together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding
Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest, most
economically advantageous or any tender you may receive. COLLUSION CERTIFICATE 1. We certify that this tender is made in good faith, and that we have
not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by or under or in accordance
with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify
that we have not and we undertake that we will not before the award of any
contract for the works:- (i) (a) communicate to any person other than the person calling for
these tenders the amount or the approximate amount of the
tender or proposed tender, except where the disclosure, in
confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender was necessary
to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the
tender; (b) enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person
that they shall refrain from tendering, that they shall
withdraw any tender once offered or vary the amount of any
tender to be submitted;
(ii) Pay, give or offer to pay or give any sum of money or other
valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any
person for doing or having done or causing or having caused
to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for the work,
any act or thing of the sort described at (i)(a) or (b) above. 2. We further certify that the principles described in paragraph 1(i)
and (ii) above have been, or will be, brought to the attention of all sub-
contractors, suppliers and associated companies providing services or
materials connected with the tender and any contract entered into with such
sub-contractors, suppliers or associated companies will be made on the
basis of compliance with the above principles by all the parties. 3. In this certificate, the word 'person' includes any persons and any
body or association, corporate or unincorporate; 'any agreement or
arrangement' includes any transaction, formal or informal and whether
legally binding or not; and 'the work' means the work in relation to which
the tender is made. Dated this ........................................... day of
........................................................... 20 ........ Signature ...................................................... In
capacity of .................................................... Duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of:- Postal Address:-
.. Fax No:- ................................................. Telephone No:-
(Note: This Certificate forms part of the Tender). 1. Having examined the provisions of the Conditions of Contract designed to
ensure the prompt payment of sub-contractors we certify that:- (1) Any sub-contract for works entered into by the Contractor shall provide
for timely payment of the sub-contractor on terms comparable to those
detailed in the Civil Engineering Contractors Association Form of Sub-
Contract. (2) For any other contract for goods and/or services the Contractor shall
pay his suppliers within 30 days of the receipt of a valid demand for
payment, or within any other period as may be normal practice within the
industry for the supply of such goods and services. (3) We understand that failure by us to comply with sections (1) and (2)
above and/or failure to act in accordance with the provisions for prompt
payment of sub-contractors/suppliers found within the Conditions of
Contract will be taken into account as provided for by the EC Works
Directive when considering future tendering opportunities for our Company
or any future Company which may be formed by us.
Dated this ................................................... day of
........................................................ 20
................ Signature ......................................................... In
capacity of
.................................................................. Duly authorised to sign tenders and certify acceptance of the provisions of
the Prompt Payment Certificate for and on behalf of:- Postal Address:-
............................................................ Fax No:- .............................................................
Telephone No:- ...........................................................
APPENDIX (Note:- Relevant Clause numbers are shown after the description) Amount of Bond (Clause 10)
10% of Tender Total Minimum Amount of £10,000,000 (IN RESPECT OF
Insurance (Clause 23(3)) OF ANY ONE INCIDENT)
| |Liquidated damages for Delay (Clause 47) |
|Time for Completion (Clause |Column 1 See |Column 2 See |Column 3 See |
|43) |Clause 47(1) |Clause 47(2) |Clause 47(3) |
|For the Whole of|12 weeks |£500 | | |
|the Works | | | | |
| | | | | | Defects Correction Period:- (Clause 1(1)(s)) 52 weeks Vesting of Materials not on
Site:- (Clauses 54(4) and 60(1)) Method of Measurement Method of Measurement for
adopted in preparation Works 1991 as referred
to in the
of Bill of Quantities (Clause 57) Preambles to the
Bill of Quantities Percentage of Value of Goods 97%
and Materials to be included
in Interim Certificates (Clause 60(2)(b)) Minimum Amount of Interim £25,000.00
Certificates (applicable up to
the date of the issue of The
Certificate of Completion of
the Whole of the Works) (Clause 60(3)) Banks for base lending rates (Clause 60(7)) Average rate
from HBOS, Barclays,
To be used in interest payments LloydsTSB, and National
Westminster. Reference Date (Clause 1(1)(x)) 1 January 2009 Retention (Clause 60(5)(a)) 5% of value of works
done up to a maximum of 3%
of Tender Total
F O R M O F A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT made the ............................................... day
of ...................................... 19 ....... BETWEEN