NAVY 13.2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Proposal ...

N132-115 Android Security Toolkit ...... 210?217.
dx07/Proceedings/Proceedings.pdf ..... frequency simultaneously input to the
prototype in order to exercise the limits stated in the description. ... Initial tool
development should be directed toward the MS Visual Studio COM architecture
for Phase I.

Part of the document

13.2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Proposal Submission Instructions The responsibility for the implementation, administration and management of
the Navy SBIR Program is with the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The
Director of the Navy SBIR Program is Mr. John Williams, For program and administrative questions, please
contact the Program Managers listed in Table 1; do not contact them for
technical questions. For technical questions about the topic, contact the
Topic Authors listed under each topic from 24 April through 23 May 2013.
Beginning 24 May, the SITIS system
( listed in Section 4.15.d of the
DoD Program Solicitation must be used for any technical inquiry. TABLE 1: NAVY SYSCOM SBIR PROGRAM MANAGERS |Topic Numbers |Point of Contact |Activity |Email |
|N132-084 thru |Ms. Elizabeth |MARCOR | |
|N132-087 |Madden | | |
|N132-088 thru |Ms. Donna Moore |NAVAIR | |
|N132-107 | | | |
|N132-108 thru |Mr. Dean Putnam |NAVSEA ||
|N132-120 | | | |
|N132-121 thru |Mr. Chris Coleman |NSMA ||
|N132-125 | | | |
|N132-127 thru |Ms. Lore Anne |ONR |loreanne.ponirakis@nav|
|N132-138 |Ponirakis | | |
|N132-139 thru |Ms. Elizabeth |SPAWAR |elizabeth.altmann@navy|
|N132-141 |Altmann | |.mil |
|N132-142 thru |Mr. Mark Hrbacek |SSP ||
|N132-146 | | |mil | The Navy's SBIR Program is a mission oriented program that integrates the
needs and requirements of the Navy's Fleet through R&D topics that have
dual-use potential, but primarily address the needs of the Navy. Companies
are encouraged to address the manufacturing needs of the Defense Sector in
their proposals. Information on the Navy SBIR Program can be found on the
Navy SBIR website at Additional information
pertaining to the Department of the Navy's mission can be obtained by
viewing the website at PHASE I GUIDELINES Follow the instructions in the DoD Program Solicitation at for program requirements and proposal
submission. It is highly recommended that you follow the Navy proposal
template located at as a guide for
structuring your proposal. Cost estimates for travel to the sponsoring
SYSCOM's facility for one day of meetings are recommended for all
proposals. Technical Volumes that exceed the 20 page limit will be reviewed only to
the last word on the 20th page. Information beyond the 20th page will not
be reviewed or considered in evaluating the Offeror's proposal. To the
extent that mandatory technical content is not contained in the first 20
pages of the proposal, the evaluator may deem the proposal as non-
responsive and score it accordingly. The Navy requires proposers to include, within the 20 page limit, an option
which furthers the effort and will bridge the funding gap between Phase I
and the Phase II start. Phase I options are typically exercised upon the
decision to fund the Phase II. The base amount of the phase I should not
exceed $80,000 and six months; the phase I option should not exceed $70,000
and six months. PHASE I PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST: The following criteria must be met or your proposal will be REJECTED. ____1. Include a header with company name, proposal number and topic
number on each page of your Technical Volume. ____2. Include tasks to be completed during the option period in the 20
page technical volume and include the costs as a separate section in the
Cost Volume. ____3. Break out subcontractor, material and travel costs in detail. Use
the "Explanatory Material Field" in the DoD Cost Volume worksheet for this
information, if necessary. ____4. The base effort should not exceed $80,000 and have a period of
performance of six months and the option should not exceed $70,000 and have
a period of performance of six months. The costs for the base and option
are clearly separate, and identified on the Proposal Cover Sheet, in the
Cost Volume, and in the work plan section of the proposal. ____5. Upload your Technical Volume and the DoD Proposal Cover Sheet, the
DoD Company Commercialization Report, and Cost Volume electronically
through the DoD submission site by 6:00 am ET, 26 June 2013. ____6. After uploading your file on the DoD submission site, review it
to ensure that it appears correctly. Contact the DoD Help Desk immediately
with any problems. The Navy will evaluate and select Phase I proposals using the evaluation
criteria in Section 6.0 of the DoD Program Solicitation with technical
merit being most important, followed by qualifications and
commercialization potential of equal importance. Due to limited funding,
the Navy reserves the right to limit awards under any topic and only
proposals considered to be of superior quality will be funded. Protests of Phase I and II selections and awards shall be directed to the
cognizant Contracting Officer for the Navy Topic Number. Contracting
Officer contact information may be obtained from the Navy SYSCOM SBIR
Program Manager listed in Table 1. One week after solicitation closing, e-mail notifications that proposals
have been received and processed for evaluation will be sent.
Consequently, e-mail addresses on the proposal coversheets must be correct. The Navy typically awards a firm fixed price contract or a small purchase
agreement for Phase I. In accordance with section 4.10 of the DoD Instructions, your request for a
debrief must be made within 15 days of non-award notification. CONTRACT DELIVERABLES Contract Deliverables (CDRLs), typically progress reports, final reports,
and initial Phase II proposals should be uploaded to as required by the
contract. PHASE II GUIDELINES All Phase I awardees will be allowed to submit an initial Phase II proposal
for evaluation and selection. The Phase I Final Report and Phase II Initial
Proposal will be used to evaluate the offeror's potential to progress to a
workable prototype in Phase II and transition technology in Phase III. The
details on the due date, content, and submission requirements of the
initial Phase II proposal will be provided by the awarding SYSCOM either in
the Phase I award or by subsequent notification. All SBIR/STTR Phase II
awards made on topics from solicitations prior to FY13 will be conducted in
accordance with the procedures specified in those solicitations (for all
Department of Navy topics this means by invitation only). Section 4(b)(1)(ii) of the SBIR Policy Directive permits the Department of
Defense and by extension the Department of the Navy (DoN), during fiscal
years 2012 through 2017, to issue a Phase II award to a small business
concern that did not receive a Phase I award for that R/R&D. The DoN will
NOT be exercising this authority for Phase II awards. In order for any
small business firm to receive a Phase II award, the firm must be a
recipient of a Phase I award under that topic. The Navy will evaluate, and select Phase II proposals using the evaluation
criteria in Section 8.0 of the DoD Program Solicitation with technical
merit being most important, followed by qualifications and
commercialization potential of equal importance. Due to limited funding,
the Navy reserves the right to limit awards under any topic and only
proposals considered to be of superior quality will be funded. The Navy
does NOT participate in the FAST Track program. The Navy typically awards a cost plus fixed fee contract for Phase II. The
Phase II contracts can be structured in a way that allows for increased
funding levels based on the project's transition potential. This is called
the Phase II.5 and is accomplished through either multiple options that may
range from $250,000 to $1,000,000 each, substantial expansions to the
existing contract, or a second Phase II award. For existing Phase II
contracts, the goals of Phase II.5 can be attained through contract
expansions, some of which may exceed the $1,000,000 recommended limits for
Phase II awards. Each SYSCOM has specific guidance for Phase II.5 which can
found at DISCRETIONARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - The SBIR Policy Directive section
9(b), allows the DoN to provide discretionary technical assistance to its
awardees to assist in minimizing the technical risks associated with SBIR
projects and commercializing into products and processes. Firms may
request, in their application for Phase I and Phase II proposals, to
contract these services themselves in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per
year. This amount is in addition to the award amount for the Phase I or
Phase II project. Approval of direct funding for this discretionary technical assistance will
be approved by the DON SBIR office if- the firm's proposal clearly
identifies the need for assistance, provides details on the provider of the
assistance and why they are uniquely skilled to carry out this work, and
the cost of the required assistance. If the firm requests discretionary
technical assistance in a Phase II proposal, they will be eiliminated from
participating in Navy Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and Navy
Opportunity Forum or any other assistance the Navy provides directly to