The REAL Silent Hill Experience Script.doc - Twin Perfect

The second the angle changes, Henry decides to go wherever the hell he wants.
And ...... When monster jumps you in chase sequences, you are prompted to
perform aerobic exercises. ...... Not hyperbole?literally nobody." ...... then
someone else who thought two plus two equaled five can't enjoy math that way

Part of the document

The REAL Silent Hill Experience
By Rosseter and Fungo
© 2007-2010 by Some parts of this video may be considered violent or cruel. Viewer
discretion is advised. SPOILER WARNING: This video contains spoilers for Silent
Hill 1-4, Origins, Homecoming, Shattered Memories, Orphan
(mobile), the Silent Hill movie and the following list of
comic books:
. Among the Damned
. Dying Inside 1-5
. Dead/Alive 1-5
. Paint It Black
. The Grinning Man
We strongly advise playing Silent Hill 1-4 to completion
before continuing. 00: INTRODUCTION Rosseter and Fungo sit on a couch playing a video game. Rosseter uses
a Nintendo Gamecube controller while Fungo uses a Sega Dreamcast
controller. Their improvised conversation indicates that the game is
multiplayer and competitive. It is soon revealed that they are playing
Silent Hill for the Sony Playstation. Harry dies in the game as Fungo
"defeats" Rosseter, and they exchange post-game banter. They set down
their controllers.
Hey there, guys!
Hi. I'm Fungo.
And I'm Rosseter.
But you already know that! That was a given...
We were just playing some Nintendo, but since you're here
we should probably begin that which you have so fervently
chosen to foment your intellectual percipience.
Touché. Silent Hill has become one of the best-known
survival horror series in video games, and that is most
likely due to its high level of detail, immersive
atmosphere, and intricate storyline.
But the intricacy of that storyline also makes it one of
the most sadly misunderstood series in gaming history. And
that's why we're here.
We're going to explain to you the plot of Silent Hill in
its entirety and exactly what makes it a phenomenal game
Along with our views on the current games and the future of
the series.
We should note that any time we make a point, the proof
comes from either the games themselves or from quotes from
people who know what they are talking about. We do not say
anything we cannot prove, and we do not use anything from
third party plot guides unless such guides quote a member
of the creative team responsible for the games.
DerFuzhwar enters with glasses of grape soda on a tray.
So, grab yourself a grape soda and join us right here on:
The REAL Silent Hill Experience!
Halfway through the title announcement, Rosseter stops speaking and
turns angrily toward DerFuzhwar. He reprimands Fuzh for joining in on
the title announcement and sends him back to the kitchen for snacks as
the scene fades to black. 01: SILENT HILL FUNGO
When it was introduced on January 31st of 1999, Silent Hill
was unlike any other game at the time. It took the survival
horror genre established by series like Clocktower...
Resident Evil...
Alone in the Dark... and blew that genre right out of your
mind, showing what psychological horror could do. While
other games would pop enemies out to shock players (to some
success), Silent Hill offered the promise of a sudden shock
that would never come, keeping the player constantly on
edge. But when the sudden shock finally did come, it was
usually an image disturbing much farther beyond anything
other games were delivering at the time.
The game used the PS1's shortcomings to an advantage,
masking the limited draw distance with thick fog and pure
darkness, giving the player a sense of being lost and
alone, having to rely on a map and flashlight for
You could use those.
These right here.
Navigate with those.
And just when players thought the game couldn't get any
more scary (because it was scary), it would thrust them
into a nightmarish mockery of whatever area they were
exploring, intensifying their feelings of discomfort even
All of these elements are what made Silent Hill truly
scary, rather than the fake "fun house" scares of other
survival horror games. The game has aged well, since the
gameplay and controls remain unchanged through most of the
series. Normally when going into the PS1's back-catalog,
you find that some games aren't as good as you remember
them to be... [e.g. Tomb Raider, Vigilante 8, Tekken 3] But
sometimes, the games are exactly as you remember them to be
and are still extremely enjoyable. [e.g. Final Fantasy VII,
Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill]
The game uses the "tank" control style (as some like to
call it), where the character only moves forward and
backward, while turning left and right. No one seems to
like this control scheme, but we cannot imagine Silent Hill
without it, especially in a game where the camera angles
change so often. The controls are a little sluggish, but
they're still better than the controls in Tomb Raider, and
look at the praise that game gets! Resident Evil still uses
tank controls to this day, and look how that turned out.
[e.g. Resident Evil 4]
Combat is a step up from other games in the survival horror
genre. It's like what Resident Evil would be if the melee
combat were more developed. The gameplay's focus is on
completing puzzles and exploring the environment. Item
collection is a big part of the game. Rather than being
obvious items, like keys or handles, they are interesting
objects that pertain to the theme of a puzzle. After
beating the game, players are presented with a ranking
screen and the possibility of gaining other endings,
inviting them to beat the game over and over and over and
over again. Much of the horror comes from the harsh and
unsettling sound effects and music, but moments of silence
add to the suspense and allow the horrific atmosphere to
take over.
What really sets Silent Hill apart from any other series is
the ingeniously crafted storyline that poses more questions
than answers. Players are simply given bits and pieces of
information to compile throughout the game, without being
told the story outright. In a way, it's a game within a
game. Straight through to the end, the player must read
into every line of dialog and every image presented in
order to completely understand what is going on... What is
going on?
The tourist town of Silent Hill, Maine is home to a
mysterious cult dedicated to a demon god, presumably
"Samael". The cult uses the drug "White Claudia" (PTV) to
draw in visitors and initiate them, creating a drug ring
and substantial income for those involved. The most
fanatical of the cult have a higher goal, however: to birth
the god into the world, bringing with him an "eternal
paradise" (in reality, a hell on Earth).
Dahlia Gillespie, one of the more influential members of
the cult, has a daughter wi