Road Transport HSE CASE - PDO

PDO vehicle specifications are managed by the Corporate Road Transport Safety
unit (CSM/15) and are contained in SP-2000 ?Road Transport?, within these
specifications are included that:. ..... For the latest PDO Corporate HSE Plan see
the Corporate HSE web pages (

Part of the document

Road Transport HSE Case
Document ID: GU 432 Version 1
02/July/2003 |Document Authorisation |
|Document Authority |Document Custodian |Document Author |
|'dapo Oguntoyinbo |John Graham |John Graham |
|Ref. Ind: CSM |Ref. Ind: CSM/15 |Andrew Ure |
|Date: 02/July/03 |Date: 02/July/03 |Tony van Thiel |
| | |Ref. Ind: |
| | |CSM/1/15 |
| | |Date: 02/July/03 | The following is a brief summary of the most recent revisions to this
document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the
Document Custodian.
|Version |Date |Author |Scope / Remarks |
|No. | | | |
|Version |July 2003|Andrew Ure |Initial issue. |
|1.0 | |(CSM/15X) |This document supersedes part |
| | |John Graham (CSM/15) |of the "Road Transport Safety |
| | |Tony van Thiel (CSM/1),|Case" issued as |
| | | |Rev 0 on 31/10/93 by TSM/1 |
| | | |Project Team |
| | | |Rev 1 on 29/06/94 by TSC |
| | | | |
| | | |Note that only "driving" |
| | | |related hazards and controls |
| | | |are discussed in this new |
| | | |document. Other "logistics" |
| | | |activities included in the |
| | | |93/94 TSM/TSC Safety Case are |
| | | |NOT yet captured in this |
| | | |document. |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
User Notes: A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's EDMS.
Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility
to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For
assistance, contact the Document Custodian. This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither
the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any
means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without
prior written consent of the owner. Table of Contents 0. Note to the reader/user
1. Management Summary
2. Introduction
1. Responsibilities for the HSE Case
3. Description and overview of Road Transport within PDO Operations
4. PDO's Road Transport HSE Management System
5. Hazards and Effects Analysis Assessment: the "Bow Ties"
1. Threats caused by Driver
2. Threats caused by Vehicle
3. Threats caused by Load in/on vehicles
4. Threats caused by Road and Environment
5. Threats caused by Other Road Users
6. Threat grouped as "Other"
7. Consequences
8. Other Hazards that do not lead to an RTA 6. Road Transport HSE Critical Tasks
7. Remedial Action Plan
Appendix 1: Detailed description of Threats and Controls 0. Note to the reader/user
Road transport is the single most hazardous activity that PDO and
Contractors engage in on a daily basis. Typically 40% of PDO's LTI's and
90% of fatalities are a result of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA's). Such an
activity must be managed by an HSE Management System to achieve ALARP
residual risk (As Low As Reasonably Practical). An "HSE Case" demonstrates
the Management System in action. Big words, but it can be presented in a
very simple manner in this document.
PDO has never had a "user-friendly" HSE case for Road Transport activities.
A document entitled "Road Transport Safety Case" was issued in June 1994
and is still valid to date. For those that still have a copy (it is NOT
available in electronic format): it is in a red folder and was issued by
TSM, Supply Manager. That document contains very useful and valid
information but it is not presented well and hence has found limited use by
management teams and supervisors to manage and improve road safety.
Although entitled "Road Transport Safety Case" it covered the full range of
land transport logistics activities.
We have now created this new "Road Transport HSE case" which, we believe,
should provide a user-friendly tool to manage road safety. We see the
following use/purpose for this Road Transport HSE case:
. A formal description of Hazards/Threats, the Consequences (an RTA),
Controls and HSE critical tasks required to maintain the controls in
place to managing Road Transport to ALARP.
. It provides users with a full overview of all controls and HSE
critical tasks that can and should be applied. It basically describes
the full PDO road safety program. It provides the answer to the
question "how can I manage road safety" without missing anything.
. It provides users at corporate and local/team level the tool to
evaluate the controls and define a "Remedial Action Plan" to correct
weaknesses in their management system.
. It is to be used in the investigation of all RTA's. Especially the
list of Hazards/Threats and Controls; is an excellent tool to quickly
point the investigation to the Hazards/Threats that played a role in
the RTA and the associated Controls and HSE Critical Activities that
. Other HSE cases refer directly to this case for all Road
Transport/Driving activities and should only detail specific
additional controls to the operation/facility they describe. This is a first issue document. We have done our best to make this document
user-friendly and useful to the user but we know already that improvements
are possible. We need user feedback to improve it. Please do not hesitate
to give us your constructive comments and suggestions. PDO's Corporate Road Transport Safety Team:
CSM/1/15 1. Management Summary
This PDO Road Transport HSE Case lists and provides an assessment of all
measures/controls that are in place to prevent Road Transport accidents
from happening, and to reduce the consequences in case an accident does
happen. The Case gives an inventory of all threats that can release the hazards
associated with vehicles at speed. All controls in place within PDO and its
contractors to prevent the release of these hazards or to mitigate the
consequences of releasing them are listed in this Case. Included is an
assessment of the effectiveness of these controls. It is concluded that although Road Safety is much better than before, PDO's
management of Road Transport Safety can and must still be further improved.
A Remedial Action Plan to achieve this is included in this Case (Chapter
7). Completing all of its action items will ensure that PDO and its
contractors' Road Transport activities can be carried out without undue
risk to employees and 3rd parties.
Objective of the PDO Road Transport HSE Case
The objective of the Road Transport HSE Case is to safeguard against
fatalities, injuries and asset damage as a result of PDO or Contractor Road
Transport activities. Any major shortcomings that may release hazards with
the potentially fatal consequences are to be identified and a remedial plan
to rectify these shortcomings is to be developed.
Endorsement of HSE Case
The content of this HSE Case is the responsibility of its Custodian. The
Owner of the HSE Case accepts responsibility for the Statement of Fitness
and the Remedial Action Plan. Note: this case has a dual Owner/Custodians and Users.
Within PDO: . At a PDO corporate level it is the Corporate HSE Manager through the
Corporate Road Safety Advisor.
. At PDO user level, each Asset Team and Department that is engaged in
Road Transport activities becomes a de-facto Custodian of this case.
The controls must be reviewed and associated HSE critical tasks must
be allocated within each user group. PDO Contractors (although not yet contractually enforced it is strongly
recommended to Contractors to review this case and, after amendment to
specific needs, adopt the principles).
. Large PDO Contractors might have a Corporate Road Safety Advisor
similar to PDO.
. Within each Company Custodians of this case must be appointed.
Statement of Fitness Subject to the satisfactory implementation of the remedial action plan
items referred to in chapter 7 it is concluded that the Road Transport HSE
Case demonstrates that, to the extent possible: 1. There is an HSE management system in place for Road Transport in PDO
operations that is adequate to enable compliance with all relevant
statutory and company provisions.
2. There are adequate arrangements in place for the audit and review of
the management system at appropriate intervals.
3. All hazards and effects with the potential to cause a major road
accident have been identified and assessed and controls will be/are in
place together with plans for recovery in the event of an incid