jawaharlal nehru technological university - SVCET

Aug 31, 2009 ... Intel based desktop PC with ANSI C Compiler and Supporting Editors. Exercise l.
a) Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer .....
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ANANTAPUR - 515 002 (A.P) INDIA Prof. B.Uma Maheswar Gowd Ph & Fax:08554-272432
M.Tech., Ph.D., F.I.E., MISTE Mobile: 9000551418
All the Principals of Colleges offering MBA & MCA courses. Sir,
Please find herewith approved syllabus of I year MBA & MCA effective
from 2009-10 The academic regulations and syllabus of rest of the course will be
notified later.
Academic & Planning
Course Structure (2009-10 onwards)
Master of Business Administration
MBA Semester - I
|S.No |Subject |Theory |Practical|
|1. |Management & Organizational |4 |0 |
| |Behaviour | | |
|2. |Managerial Economics |4 |0 |
|3. |Financial Accounting for |4 |0 |
| |Managers | | |
|4. |Business Environment |4 |0 |
|5. |Statistical Methods for |4 |0 |
| |Management | | |
|6. |Business Communication |4 |0 |
|7. |Information Technology for |0 |3 |
| |Managers | | |
|8. |Case Study - I |0 |6 |
| | |24 |9 |
| |contact periods/week | | |
| |total |33 | MBA Semester - II
|S.No |Subject |Theory |Practical|
|1. |Human Resource Management |4 |0 |
|2. |Financial Management |4 |0 |
|3. |Marketing Management |4 |0 |
|4. |Production and Operations |4 |0 |
| |Management | | |
|5. |Management Information System |4 |0 |
|6. |Business Research Methods |4 |0 |
|7. |Operations Research |4 |0 |
|8. |Case Study - II |0 |6 |
| | |28 |6 |
| |contact periods/week | | |
| |total |34 | Case study-I & II shall be practical courses. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NEHRU TECHNOLOGIAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR
MBA Semester - I T P
4 0
Management & Organizational Behaviour Objective of the course is to give a basic perspective of
Management theories and Practices. This will form foundation to study other
functional areas of management and to provide the students with the
conceptual framework and the theories underlying Organisational Behaviour. 1. Role of Management - Concept - Significance - Functions - Patterns of
Management: Scientific - Behavioural - Systems - Contingency - Ethics and
Social Responsibilities of Management - Management by Objectives. 2. Decision Making - Process - Techniques- Planning - Process - Problems -
Components - Making It Effective. 3. Controlling - System of Controlling - Controlling Techniques - Making
Controlling Effective - Organizing Process - Departmentation Types - Making
Organizing Effective. 4. Organisational Behaviour - introduction - Understanding Individual
Behaviour - Perception - Learning - Personality Types -Johari window-
Transactional Analysis- Functional and Dysfunctional Behaviours. 5. Group Dynamics - Benefits of Groups - Types of Groups - Group Formation
and Development - Team Decision Making - Training Groups for Team Work. 6. Motivation - Types of Motives - Motivational Theories of Maslow,
Herzberg, David Mc Clelland, and Porter and Lawler - Motivating Managers
and Workers. 7. Leadership - Traits Theory - Managerial Grid - Transactional Vs
Transformational Leadership - Women and Leadership. 8. Organizational Culture and Climate - Change Management - Conflict
Management - Organization Development. References:
. Organisational Behaviour, Stephen P. Robbins, Pearson Education
. Human Behaviour at Work, Keith Davis, Tata McGraw Hill
. Management and Organisational behaviour, Pierce Gordner, Cengage
. Principles of Management, Koonz,Weihrich and Aryasri, Tata McGraw
. Behaviour in Organizations, Jerald Green Berg & Robert A.Baron,
Pearson Education
. Management and Organisational Behaviour, Subbarao P, Himalaya
Publishing House.
. Organisational Behaviour, Sarma, Jaico Publications,2009
. Management and Organisational Behaviour, Paul Hersey and Ken
Blanchard, PHI
MBA Semester - I T P
4 0 Managerial Economics Objective of this course is to understand the relevance of economics
in business management. This will enable the students to study functional
areas of management such as Marketing , Production and Costing from a
broader perspective. 1. Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope,
Relationship with other areas in Economics, Production Management,
Marketing, Finance and Personnel, Operations research - The role of
managerial economist. 2. Objectives of the firm: Managerial theories of firm, Behavioural
theories of firm, optimization techniques, optimization with calculus, New
management tools of optimization. 3. Basic economic principles - the concept of opportunity cost, incremental
concept, scarcity, marginalism, Equi-marginalism, Time perspective,
discounting principle, risk and uncertainty. 4. Theory of Demand: Demand Analysis, Elasticity of demand, types and
significance of Elasticity of Demand. Demand estimation - Marketing
research approaches to demand estimation. Need for forecasting, forecasting
techniques. Supply Analysis - Supply function, the Law of Supply,
Elasticity of Supply. 5. Production Analysis: Production function, Marginal Rate of Technical
Substitution, Isoquants and Isocosts, Production function with one/two
variables, Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Returns to Scale and Returns
to Factors, Economies of scale- Innovations and global competitiveness. 6. Cost theory and estimation: Cost concepts, determinants of cost, cost-
output relationship in the short run and long run, short run vs. long run
costs, average cost curves, Overall Cost leadership. 7. Market Structure and Pricing practices: Features and Types of different
competitive situations - Price-Output determination in Perfect competition,
Monopoly, Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly both the long run and
short run. Pricing philosophy - Pricing methods in practice: Price
discrimination, product line pricing. Pricing strategies: skimming pricing,
penetration pricing, Loss Leader pricing. Pricing of multiple products. 8. Profit Management: Nature, scope, Theories of profit, Measurement
policies, Cost - Volume- Profit Analysis. References:
. Economics for Managers, Hirschey, Thomson, 2007.
. Managerial Economics, Gupta, TMH 2009.
. Managerial Economics, Economic Tools for Today's Decision Makers,
Keat, Pearson Education,
. Managerial Economics, Concepts and applications, Thomas Maurice:TMH
. Managerial Economics-A Problem Solving Approach, Froeb:Thomson, 2007.
. Managerial Economics ­ Analysis, Problems, Cases, Mehta,P.L.,
Sultan Chand and Sons,
New Delhi, 2001.
. Managerial Economics, Pearson Education, James L.Pappas and
Engene F.Brigham: New Delhi, 2006.
. Managerial Economics, Suma Damodaran, Oxford, 2007.
MBA Semester - I T P
4 0
Financial Accounting for Managers
The Objective of the course is to provide the basic knowledge of book
keeping and accounting and enable the students to understand the Financial
Statements and make analysis financial accounts of a company. 1. Introduction to Accounting: Importance, Objectives and Principles,
Accounting Concepts and conventions, and The Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP). 2. The Accounting Process: Overview, Books of Original Record; Journal and
Subsidiary books, ledger, Trial Balance, Classification of capital and
revenue expenses, Final Accounts with adjustments. 3. Valuation of fixed assets: Tangible vs Intangible assets, depreciation
of fixed assets and methods of depreciation. 4. Inventory Valuation: Methods of inventory valuation and valuation of
goodwill, methods of valuation of goodwill. 5. Issue of Shares and Debentures: Entries for Issue of shares, forfeiture
and re-issue of forfeited shares. Issue of shares at Discount and premium.
Issue and Redemption of Debentures: Meaning, issue of debentures for cash
and other than cash, treatment of discounts and losses on issue, meaning of
redemption, redemption out of capital and profits. 6. Financial Analysis-I: Statement of Changes in Working Capital, Funds
from Operations, paid cost and unpaid costs. Distinction between cash