Detailed Syllabus - Kristu Jyoti College

The following exercises demonstrate several very useful BioConductor tools for
single-color and dual-color array analysis. Slide Show: ..... K-means, PAM (
partitioning around medoids) and clara are related partition clustering algorithms
that cluster data points into a predefined number of K clusters. They do this by ...

Part of the document

BCA 101 ENGLISH (Common Course)
( Syllabus as approved by Board of Studies of English ( UG)

BCA102 MATHEMATICS ( Complementary)
( Syllabus as approved by Board of Studies of Mathematics ( UG)

BCA 103 : BASIC STATISTICS (Complementary)
( Syllabus as approved by Board of Studies of Statistics ( UG)

BCA104 : Introduction to Computers (Core)

Introduction: Parts of Computer System- Hardware, Software, Data, Users,
Different types of computers, Characteristics of computers, Computer
Languages - Machine , Assembly Language and Higher Level languages - 3GL,
4GL, 5GL

Interacting with Computers:-Input Devices - Key Board, Mouse, Variants of
Mouse, Hand held devices, Optical Input devices. Output Devices: Monitors,
Sound Systems, and Printers.

Data Processing: Representation of data, processing of data - The CPU,
Memory-different types of RAM and ROM, Factors affecting speed

Storing Information in a Computer: Types of Storage Devices - Magnetic
Storage Devices -Data storage and organization on a Magnetic Disk, Finding
data on a disk -Diskettes - Hard Disks- Tape drives- Optical Storage
devices ,Solid state storage devices

Operating Systems and Networking: Definition of an Operating System -
Different types of PC Operating Systems. Computer Networks - uses -
categories of networks - LAN, WAN, The Internet - Working of Internet -
Major Features of Internet. Brief idea of multimedia.

Book of study :
Peter Norton's Introduction to Computers, Sixth Edition,
Published by Tata McGraw Hill

Computer Fundamentals By P K Sinha & Priti Sinha Fourth
Introduction to Computer Science, ITL Education Solutions

BCA105 : Methodology of Programming and Programming in C (Core)

Program Concept, Characteristics of Programming, Various stages in Program
Development Programming aids Algorithms, Flow Charts - Symbols, Rules for
making Flow chart, Programming Techniques - Top down, Bottom up, Modular,
Structured - Features, Merits, Demerits, and their Comparative study.
Programming Logic- Simple, Branching, Looping, Recursion, Cohesion &
Coupling, Programming Testing & Debugging & their Tools .

Unit 2:
C language basics: C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types,
Enumeration type, constants, variables, declarations, qualifiers - long,
short and unsigned declarations, expressions, symbolic constants,
input/output functions, compound statements, arithmetic operators, unary
operators, relational and logical operators, assignment operators,
increment and decrement operators, Precedence and order of evaluation,
conditional operators, bit operators, type casting, using library
functions in math.

Unit 3:
Control flow: If statement, if....else statement, nested if ..else
statement, switch statements, looping - for loop , while loop, do ...
while statements, nested loop structure, break, continue and go to
Arrays & Strings: Single dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays,
initializing array using static declaration, Searching and sorting of
Arrays, Array of Characters, Character arrays and strings, String handling

Unit 4:
User Defined Functions: Function declaration, definition & scope,
recursion, Arrays and functions, call by value, call by reference, Storage
Classes: automatic, external (global), static & registers.

Unit 5:
Structures: Definition of Structures, declaration, structure passing to
functions, array of structures, arrays with in structures, unions, typedef
Pointers: Pointer Definition, pointer arithmetic, array & pointer
relationship, pointer to array, pointer to structure, dynamic memory

Book of study:
Programming in ANSI C 4E , E. BalaGuruswamy, TMH
Programming in C, Byron S Gottfried, Shaum's Outline series.
Computer Fundamentals By P K Sinha & Priti Sinha Fourth Edition.
B. Kernighan and D. Ritchie, "The ANSI C Programming Language", PHI
BCA106 Software Lab I (Core)

[There will be two questions: the first from Exercises 3 to 5 and the
second from Exercises 6 to 10. Exercises 1 and 2 will be included in the
1. Familiarization of Computer System and installation: Demonstration of
various units of Computer system, handling of devices, demo on hardware
units, Login process, Booting Process, software installation, driver
installation, printer installation etc.

2. Practicing Operating System Commands: MS-DOS internal & External
commands (dir, copy, del, ren, copy con, date, time, chkdsk, mkdir, cd,
rmdir, EDIT etc). MS-WINDOWS -using start menu, desk top, task bar, word
pad, note pad, file management- creation, copy, delete, moving of files in
directories, selecting and executing a program - Demonstration of editing,
compiling and executing a C program using a C compiler.

3. Programs using Basic Constructs: Fundamental data types, qualifiers-
long, short, unsigned, input/output functions - scanf(), printf(),
Arithmetic expressions, Evaluation of integer, real and mixed mode
arithmetic expressions, truncation effect, type casting, relational and
logical expressions, Conditional operators, trigonometric functions- sin(),
cos(), tan(), mathematical functions - abs(), sqrt(), round() defined in
math.h, printing formatted outputs using width

4. Programs using control structures: if, switch, for, while, do...while,
nested structures, break and continue. Sample programs should include
printing of Fibonacci numbers, prime numbers, check for Armstrong numbers,
summation series - exp(x), sin series etc and verification of result using
built in functions, printing pyramid like pattern & other similar patterns
using nested

5. Programs using Arrays: Array based programs - Creation of array
containing prime numbers, matrix addition, matrix multiplication, transpose
of a matrix, array sorting, preparing rank lists based on marks, searching
of arrays (linear) for finding price of an item. Static initialization of

6. String manipulation programs - reading strings using %s, gets(),
getchar(), copying one string into another, counting number of characters,
vowels, words etc, using string handling

7. User Defined Functions: Programs using return type functions, void type
functions, example program using recursive functions, array sorting program
using function with call by reference, function to copy one string into

8. Program using structures: array of structures, program using structure
containing arrays and array of structures. Rank list preparation

9. Simple program using pointers


BCA 201: ENGLISH (Common)
( Syllabus as approved by Board of Studies of English ( UG)

BCA 202: MATHEMATICS( Complementary)
( Syllabus as approved by Board of Studies of Mathe Matics ( UG)

BCA203: Accounting and Programming in COBOL (Core)
Unit-1 : Accounting Principles: Accounting concepts, conventions, Double
Entry systems, Journal and Journalizing, Ledger- Posting and balancing,
Trial balance

Unit 2 : Final accounts: Manufacturing account, Trading account, Profit
and Loss account, Balance sheet.

Unit 3: Introduction to COBOL: History of COBOL, COBOL Coding sheet, Basic
structure of COBOL programs, Character set, COBOL words and rules, Data
names, Identifiers, Literals, Figurative constants, Identification Division-
entries, Environment Division - Configuration section, Data Division -
Working-storage section - Level numbers and structure - data entries-value
clause, Picture clauses- Edited Picture clauses.

Unit 4: Procedure division : Need for Paragraph, Input-Output Verbs -
Display and Accept, Data Movement Verb - Move, Arithmetic verbs- Add,
Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Compute- Rounded option - On size error option,
Operator precedence, conditional verb-If statement, If-else statement,
Nested If statement, Conditions in If statement- class, sign, relational,
negated, compound, condition name condition, Sequence control verbs-GO TO,
STOP RUN, Corresponding option - move - add - subtract, Table Handling-
Arrays and subscripting- one, two dimensional tables, Perform statement -
five different formats, GO TO with DEPENDING ON option. Programs based