???? - ?????? ???????????? ???????? National Health

Step five : The techer explains the instructions Of "Activity 5p102" then invites the
pupils to work on their rough copy books . Step six : The teacher explains the
instructions ..... Step three: The teacher asks the pupils to take their rough
copybooks and try to do the following exercises. Activity 10p113: Complete the
sentences ...

Part of the document

??? 616.322-002-036.12-085.831: 612.017.1 ???????? ???????? ???????????
???????? ??????????? ????,
??? «????? ???????? ? ???????????»
Peschany Vladimir Grigoryevich
Candidate of medical sciences,
CJSC Center of an Allergy and Immunology
peschanyvladimir1@rambler.ru ??????????? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????? ??????????? ? ????????? ???????
CHRONIC TONCILLITIS ?????????. ?????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ?
????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????. ??? ???????? ???????? ??
???????? ?????????? ?????????? ? ???????? ?????????? ??? ???? ??????????? ?
?????? ????????. ? ?????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ?
???????????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????????, ??????????? ??
????????????? ? ??????????? ????????. ? ??? ???????? ???????? ????????????
???????????????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ????????????????? ???????? ?????
? ???????????? ??????, ??????? ????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????????
??????????????, ?????? ? ?????. ???????? ?????: ??????????? ?????????, ?????????, ????????,
???????????, ???????????????? ???????, ???????????????????. Annotation. The article is devoted pressing questions of immunology
and quantum therapy of a chronic tonsillitis. It contains informations on
the basic changes of systemic and local immunity at this disease in
different age. In article considered separate techniques of phototherapy
and photodynamic therapy of a chronic tonsillitis, feature of their use in
clinical practice. In it shown basic advantages of photodynamic therapy
with use of low intensive red light and methylene blue, influence of this
combination on the basic pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and mushrooms.
Keywords: chronic tonsillitis, immunity, cytokines, phototherapy,
photodynamic therapy, photosensitizers. ??-?? ??????? ?????????????????? ? ??????????? ???????????-
????????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????? (??) ????????
??????????. ????????????????? ????????????? ?? ??????????? ? ????????????
?????? ?????????? ? ???????? ??????????, ? ????? ????????? ???????
???????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ?????????? [1, 2, 3, 4] ?????????
??????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ? ??????????????? ??????? ???????
??? ?? ?????????? ????????? ????????????? ???????????? CD4+-
??????????, ??????????????????? ???????, ???????? ?????????????? ??????
CD8+-?????? ? ???????? IgA ? ????? [5]. ???????? ?????????? ??????????????
?????????? CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD16+-??????????, sIgA, ???? ?????????????? ?
??????????? ????? ????????? ??????????, CD20+-??????, ?????????????
???????, ?????????? ???????????????? NBT-?????, ?????????? IgA, IgG [6, 7].
??? ?????????????????? ????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ?????????????
???????????? CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD16+, CD20+-??????, ???????????????????
???????, ??????????? ????????????????? ???????????, ???????? IgM, IgG,
????????? ?????? ????????????? ???????? ?????????? (???) ? ??????? ?
Haemophillus influenzae. Str. pneumoniae, ?????????????-0 ? ????? [8, 9].
???????? ????????????? ???????? ?????????? CD3+, CD4+, CD8+-?????????? ?
????? ? ?????? ?????????? (??) ??? ?????????? ????????? CD16+, CD19+-
??????, ??? ??????? ? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???
????????????? ??????????? [10].
??????????? ???????? ?????????? ??? ?? ?????????? ????????
????????????? ? ?????????? ???????????? CD3+, CD4+-??????????, ???????????
CD4+/CD8+, IgA, ???, ?????????? ?????????????? ? ??????????? ??????????
CD16+, CD22+-??????, ?????? IgM, ?????????? IL-1?, ?-???, IL-2, ???
???????????? ?????????, IL-10, IL-4 ? ???-?1 ? ?????, ? ????? ???????????
IL-10, IL-4, ???-?1, IL-1?, IL-6, IL-17, IL-2 ? ??? ????????? ? ?????? ? ??
[11]. ? ????? ? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????????
?????????? CD4+-??????, ??????????? CD4+/CD8+, ????????? ?????????? ?
???????????????, ??????????? ??????????? ? ??????????????? NBT-?????,
?????????? ???????????? ????????????????? IL-2, IL-4 ? ???????? ??????
?????????????????????? IL-10 ? ????? [12].
?????? ??? ????????? ????? ??????????? ? ???-?????????, Str. pyogenes,
Staph. ?ureus ??????? ? ?????????? CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD16+-?????????? ??
????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????? ? ?? ????. ??? ??? ????????? ?????? ?
???-????????? ?????????? ???? ???????????? CD19+-??????, ??????? IgM, IgA,
IgE, ??? ? ????? ? ?????????? ???-?, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, sIg A
? ?????. ??? ????????????? ?????????? - ????????? ???????? IgG, IgA, Ig?,
??? ? ?????, ?????????? ??????????? IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, IL-17 ? ????????
?????????? sIg A ? ????? [13].
???????? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ? ????????????
??????????? ??? ???????, ?????????? ???????? ????????????? ????????
?????????? ? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ? ???????????? ???????????? ???-
? ????????????????????? ??????????. ?????????? ????????????????? IL-1, IL-
6, IL-8, ??-??? ? ???-? ? ????? ? ?????????? ?? ????? ? ????? ???
??????????? ?????????? ????, ??? ??? ??????. ??? ?????? ? ??????????? ???-?
??????? ? ????????????? ???????? ??????????. ??????????
?????????????????????? IL-10 ??????????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????
????????. ???????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ? ???????????? ???????
?????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ? ?? [14, 15].
? ????? ? ?? ? ???????????????????? ????????? ???????? ???????
?????????? ????????????? ? ??????????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? SNP IL-
1?. ??? ???????? ? ???????? ?????? ?/??? ?????????? IL-1? ? ??, ??? ???
?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ?
??????????? ???????? T-?????????? ? ????????? ?????????????? ??????????.
????????? ? ????????? ????????????? ??????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???????
??????? ??, ?? ? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? ?? [16, 17]. ? ?????? ?
???????? ? ????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? IL-1?, ?
?????????? ???-?, ????????? IL-1?, IL-4, ?-??? ????????? ? ???????? ?????
????????? ?????? ? ?????????? ?? ???????? ???????????????? ?????????
????????? (???), ???????????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ??????????????
?????????? ?- ? ?-??????????. ? ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ????? ????????
??????????????? ? ???????? ? ??????????? ??. ? ?????? ???????? ??????????
???????????????? ????????? ????????????. ? ?????????? ????????? ???????????
??????????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????, ?????????? ? ??????????
???????? ????? ? ?????????? ?? ????????? ???????. ????? ? ????????
???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???? ?????? ???????????-??????????? ?
????????????? ?????????? (??????????????? ? ????????) [19]. ??????????
??????? ?????????? ????? ? ????????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ???
?????????? ? ???????. ??? ???????? ? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?
??????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ???????? ? ????????? ?????????
?????????? ????? ? ???????. ? ???????? ??????????? ????????????????
????????? ?????? ???? ? ??????-???????????? ????????, ????????? ? ????????
??????????? ?????? ?? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ???????
????????????, ??????????? ? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? [20]. ??
?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ??
???????????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????????? ????????? ???????
? ????? ? ????????? ???????? ????? (???) ??? ??????? ??????
??????????? ????????, ? ??? ????? ??, ??????????? ?????????????????
?????????? ??? ????????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????: ????????
?????????? ? ????????????? ???????????? CD3+, CD4+, CD16+, CD20+-
??????????, ?????? ?-???, ??????????? ???????????????? NBT-?????,
?????????? ?????????? ???-?, IgG ? IgM [21, 22]. ? ??? ????? ?????
?????????? ??????????? ????????? ? ???? ??????????????? (96,5%) ?
????????????? (3,5%) ????????? ???????????? ? ?????????? ??????????,
??????? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ? ????????????? ??????????.
???????-???????????????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ??????????????? ????????
?????????? ???: ?????????? ?????????? CD11+, CD16+, CD95+-???????? ??
???????? ???????????; ????????? ????????? ??????????; ???????? ??????????
?????????????? ?????? (CD8+DR+, CD25+, CD71+, CD20+), IgG, Ig?, ?- ? ?-???;
?????????? ?????????????? IL-2, IL-4 ? ????????? ????? ??????,
??????????????? ????????? ???????? (CD95+). ????????? ?????????????
??????????? ?????????? ????? Th2- ? ???????? ???????????? ?????????? Th1-
??????????. ??? ???????????? ?????????????? IgE, ???????? ??????? ?-???,
???????? ?????????????? ? ???????????? ?????????? [23]. ??? ?????????
Staph. aureus ? ??? ?????????? ???????? ?????? IL-6 ? ??? ????????? ?
?????, ???????????????? ?? ??????????????? ? ?????. ????????? ?????????,
???????? ???? IL-6 ? ?????????? ?????????? ? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????,
??????????????? ? ???????? ??????? ???????-????????????????? ?????????? ?
???????????? ?????????? ????????. ????????? ???????? ? ??????????
?????????? ???-?, ? ????? ??? ????????? ? ????? ?????????? ???????????
????????? ? ??????? ? ??????????????? ???????????????? ??????? ???? ?
?????? ??????????? ????????. ??? ????????? Str. pyogenes ?????????????
??????? ?????????? IL-6, ??? ?????????, ???-? ? ????? ? ??