Correction ? Mario writes to his mother ... A lire : le devoir mis en ...

... si nécessaire sur :
exercice-anglais-12567.php ... Yours truly,. Yours faithfully. Yours sincerely,.
Sincerely yours,. Kind regards,. Best wishes,. Love,. Cheerio,. Hugs and kisses,.
Pour étoffer. I would like to thank you for sending me ... I look forward to hearing
from ...

Part of the document

Correction - Mario writes to his mother ... A lire : le devoir mis en ligne en première page du blog (voir badge
"Awsome etc"). LES IDEES Quelques éléments pertinents : I have found a room in one of the crowded tenements (=apartments) of
Little Italy. I want to fit in but I don't want to lose my roots. I miss you . I hope that some day , I will be able to send you tickets to come to
the US. Catholics are discriminated against. Attention aux anachronismes ! In 1620 : the journey lasted two months. The travelling conditions
were so bad that some people died. In 1910 : an Atlantic crossing in an iron steamship took from
six to twelve days. LA LANGUE A revoir : les structures qui vous ont posé problème . They don't want newcomers to bring in diseases. I had to wait (for) six long hours in Ellis Island. At last, I was given a landing card. We are being discriminated against. A retravailler si nécessaire sur :
69416.php Exclamation : pour exprimer une émotion. How + adj -> How delighted I was ! What + groupe nominal - > What a fantastic place (it is) ! A travailler sur : Could ? was able to : Could +V = il pouvait le faire, il en avait la capacité . Was able to = il pouvait le faire et l'a effectivement fait cette fois-
là. A travailler sur :
14361.php Vocabulary : A foreigner : a person from another country a stranger : a person that you don't know ECRIRE UNE LETTRE | |Formel |Semi-formel |Informel |Familier |
|Début |Dear Sir, |Dear Mr(s) |Dear Steve, |Hi, Jane ! |
| |Dear Madam, |Smith |My dear Jane, |Hello Steve! |
|Fin |Yours truly,|Yours |Kind regards, |Love, |
| | |sincerely, |Best wishes, |Cheerio, |
| |Yours |Sincerely | |Hugs and kisses, |
| |faithfully |yours, | | |
|Pour |I would like to thank you |It was great to hear |How are you doing? |
|étoffer |for sending me ... |from you |I must rush now. |
| |I look forward to hearing | |That's all for now. |
| |from you | |Take care ! |