summary of medical, health, nutrition and education services

For amendments to this article prior to 1973, consult the Colorado statutory
research explanatory note beginning on page vii in the front of this volume. ...... (2
) and (3) of this section shall be billed to counties or a county within the judicial
district in the proportions specified in section 20-1-302, C.R.S. Each county shall
make ...

Part of the document

The Training Guidelines and Program Description Chapter contains two
sections. For easy access to each section, hit "Ctrl+click" on the
subheading below to go directly to that section. OVERVIEW SECTION ONE: Table Of Contents - Training Matrix Guidelines SECTION TWO: Table of Contents - Program Descriptions Overview Training Guidelines and Program Descriptions
The American Nurses Association "Public Health Nursing: Scope and Standards
of Practice"1 practice guidelines describe the standards of practice,
standards of professional performance and provide measurement criteria for
public health nursing care. These standards of public health nursing
practice are meant to guide, define, and direct health professional nursing
practice in all settings. In order to remain consistent and in alignment with these nationally
recognized standards of public health nursing practice, the Department for
Public Health Administrative Reference "Training Guidelines and Program
Descriptions" chapter provides specific training guidance and program
overviews for the clinical and community health services provided in local
health departments. One of the standards of Professional Performance which specifically relates
to training and competencies, Education, states "The public health nurse
attains knowledge and competency that reflects current nursing and public
health practice." The measurement criteria for this standard include the following
guidelines: The public health nurse: . Participates in ongoing education activities to maintain and enhance
the knowledge and skill necessary to promote the health of the
. Seeks experiences to develop and maintain competence in the skills
needed to implement policies, programs, and services for populations.
. Identifies learning needs based on nursing and public health
knowledge, the various roles the nurse may assume, and the changing
needs of the population.
. Identifies changes in the statutory requirements for the practice of
nursing and public health.
. Maintains professional records that provide evidence of competency and
lifelong learning.
. Seeks experiences and formal and independent learning activities to
maintain and develop clinical and professional skills and knowledge. Additional measurement criteria for the Advanced Practice Public Health
Nurse include: The advanced practice public health nurse: . Uses current research findings and other evidence to expand nursing
and public health knowledge, enhance role performance, and increase
knowledge of professional issues. 1 American Nurses Association (2007), Public Health Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: SECTION ONE: Training Matrix Guidelines Abstinence Education 1 Adult Preventive 1 Arthritis 1 Asthma Program 1 Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program 2 Cancer (KY Women's Cancer Screening Program) 2 Cardiovascular Health Program 3 Child Fatality Review 3 Diabetes 4 Family Planning 5 Folic Acid 6 Genetics 6 HANDS 6 Home Health 7 Immunizations 8 Lead 8 Nutrition: Community 9 Nutrition: MNT 9 Oral Health 10 Physical Activity 11 Prenatal 11 Reportable Disease 12 Resource Persons 12 School Health: Coordinated 13 School Health: Nursing Services 13 Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV/AIDS 14 Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation 14 Tuberculosis 17 Vital Statistics 18 Well Child Pediatrics 18 WIC 18 SECTION TWO: Program Descriptions Cancer (KY Women's Cancer Screening Program) 19 Child Fatality Review and Injury Prevention 23 Diabetes 27 EPSDT Outreach 29 Family Planning Program (Title X) 37 Genetics Program 45 HANDS (Health Access Nurturing Development Services) 46 Healthy Start 52 Hepatitis (Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator) 55 HIV/AIDS Branch 56 HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Program 60 Home Health 62 Home Visiting 64 Immunization Program 66 K-STRIPE Program (KY State and Regional Infection Prevention and
Epidemiology) 79 Laboratory Services 82 Lead (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program) 88 MCH Coordination and Improvement Collaborative Grant 93 Newborn Metabolic Screening Program 97 Oral Health Program 100 Passport Referral 106 Preconception/Folic Acid Guidelines 110 Prenatal Program 115 Preventative Services Protocols 122 Quality Assurance: 133 Administration and Financial Management, Local Health Budget Section and Local Health Operations Branch
135 Environmental Services Program 135 HANDS 136 Immunizations - Kentucky Vaccine Program 136 Preparedness Branch 136 Public Health Laboratory 137 Women, Infant and Children (WIC) 137 Division of Women's Health 138 Reportable Diseases 140 ROR Program (Reach Out and Read) 142 Resource Person Services 144 School Health: Coordinated 146 School Health: Nursing Services 149 STD Control Program 158 TB Prevention and Control Program 162 Well Child 167 WIC Program 170 WIC Farmers Market Program (FMNP) 174 WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program 175 Fair Hearing Procedures 185
| |Abstinence |Adult |Arthritis |Asthma Program |
| |Education |Preventive | | |
|Description |Provide |Provides for |Provides |Provides public and |
| |education to |age-appropriate|self-help, |professional asthma |
| |decrease early |health |Arthritis |education and |
| |sexual activity|screening or |Aquatics, |awareness, in order |
| |and teen |services. |classes for |to decrease asthma |
| |pregnancy. | |individuals in|morbidity and |
| | | |the community |mortality and |
| | | |with |improve the quality |
| | | |arthritis. |of life for people |
| | | | |with asthma in KY. |
|Target |Adolescents age|Adults 21 and |Persons with |All people with |
| | |above needing |self reported |asthma in Kentucky |
| |10 - 19. |access to |or MD | |
| | |preventive |diagnosed | |
| | |health |arthritis. | |
| | |services. | | |
|Category |I.B. |I.B. |I.B. |I.B. |
|Laws, Regs |Title V, |KRS 211.180 | | |
| |PL 104-193 | | | |
|Funding |Federal - CDC |State General &|Local Funding |Federal - CDC |
|Sources | |Local | |funding |
|Cost Center |837 |810 |856 |722 |
|Staff Req. |Recommend |Direct care MD,|RN's Health |Varies with level of|
| |experience with|APRN, PA or RN.|Education, |services: certified |
| |adolescents. | |Program |asthma educator, RN,|
| | |Support: LPN & |Coordinators, |health educator |
| | |other |lay people who| |
| | |appropriately |are trained. | |
| | |trained health | | |
| | |professionals. | | |
|Training |A-H Compliant |RNs must |LHD staff must|New Nurses - Asthma |
|Req. |with curricula |complete a DPH |complete DPH |1-2-3 one hour |
| |abstinence |approved |approved |training - Optional |
| |education |training |training. |for clinic nurses. |
| |definition as | | |Module will be on |
| |defined by law | | |TRAIN in the fall, |
| |PL 104-193 | | |2010 Experienced |
| | | | |Nurses - Asthma |
| | | | |Educator Institute -|
| | | | |Optional Contact |
| | | | |Asthma Program Mgr.|
|Competencies|Under Development |
|Reporting |Semi and annual|PSRS |Annual |CDC |
| |progress report| |progress |Special Projects |
| |