Chapter 1 - World Bank Documents & Reports

APP. Anti-Poverty Program. NGO. Non-Government Organization. ASER. Annual
Survey of Education Report. NHAI. National Highway Authority of India. BCC ......
Clarifying the powers of different tiers of the PRI system through an activity
mapping exercise involving critical line departments, elected PRI representatives,
and ...

Part of the document

Report No. 36437-IN
India Jharkhand: Addressing the Challenges of Inclusive Development March, 2007 Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
India Country Management Unit
South Asia Document of the World Bank CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective [28 February, 2007]) Currency Unit = Rupees (Rs.)
Rs. 1.00 = US$ 0.022568
US$ 1.00 = Rs. 44.31 FISCAL YEAR
April 1 - March 31
|ACR |Annual Confidential Report | |NCL |National Colliers Limited |
|AIES |All India Education Survey | |NDA |National Democratic |
| | | | |Alliance |
|ALS |Alternative Learning | |NEP |National Education Policy |
| |Centers | | | |
|ANC |Ante-Natal Care | |NFE |Non-Formal Education |
|ANM |Auxiliary Nurse Midwife | |NFFW |National Food for Work |
|APL |Above Poverty Line | |NFHS |National Family Health |
| | | | |Survey |
|APP |Anti-Poverty Program | |NGO |Non-Government |
| | | | |Organization |
|ASER |Annual Survey of Education | |NHAI |National Highway Authority|
| |Report | | |of India |
|BCC |Behavior Change | |NREG |National Rural Employment |
| |Communication | | |Guarantee |
|BCCL |Bhartiya Coking Coal | |NRM |National Resource |
| |Limited | | |Management |
|BEP |Bihar Education Project | |NSS |National Sample Survey |
|BIFR |Board for Industrial and | |OBB |Operations Black Board |
| |Financial Reconstruction | | | |
|BJP |Bhartiya Janata Party | |OBC |Other Backward Class |
|BPL |Below Poverty Line | |PDS |Public Distribution System|
|CAS |Compensatory Afforestation | |PEO |Program Evaluation |
| |Scheme | | |Organization |
|CBR |Crude Birth Rate Survey | |PESA |Panchayat Extension to |
| | | | |Scheduled Areas |
|CIL |Coal India Limited | |PFC |Power Financial |
| | | | |Corporation |
|CNT |Chhottanagpur Tenancy | |PHC |Primary Health Centers |
|CPI |Communist Party of India | |PHS |Primary Health Services |
|CSS |Centrally Sponsored Schemes| |PIP |Program Implementation |
| | | | |Plan |
|DES |Department of Economics and| |PMGSY |Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak |
| |Statistics | | |Yojana |
|DISE |District Information System| |PRI |Panchayati Raj Institution|
| |for Education | | | |
| | | |PTR |Parent Teacher Ratio |
|DPAP |Drought Prone Area Program | |RJD |Rashtriya Janata Dal |
|DPEP |District Primary Education | |RCD |Rural Construction |
| |Program | | |Department |
|DRDA |District Rural Development | |RCH |Reproductive and Child |
| |Agency | | |Health |
|DSS |Decision Support System | |RD |Rural Development |
|DWS |Drinking Water Supply | |REC |Rural Electrification |
| | | | |Corporation |
| | | |REO |Rural Engineering |
| | | | |Organization |
|ECL |Eastern Coalfields Limited | |RJBS |Rural Jharkhand Baseline |
| | | | |Survey |
| | | |RJUSS |Rural Jharkhand User |
| | | | |Satisfaction Survey |
|EGS |Education Guarantee Scheme | |RNF |Rural Non-Farm |
|EITI |Extractive Industries | |RNTCP |Revised National TB |
| |Transparency Initiative | | |Control Program |
|FRBMA |Fiscal Responsibility and | |SC/ST |Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled|
| |Budget Management Act | | |Tribe |
|FCI |Food Corporation of India | |SGRY |Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar |
| | | | |Yojana |
|FDI |Foreign Direct Investment | |SGSY |Swarnjayanti Gram |
| | | | |Swarozgar Yojana |
|FoI |Freedom of Information | |SHG |Self Help Group |
|FPS |Fair Price Shop | |SIEMAT |State Institute of |
| | | | |Educational Management and|
| | | | |Training |
|GDP |Gross Domestic Product | |SIERT |State Institute for |
| | | | |Educational Research and |
| | | | |Training |
|GER |Gross Enrolment Ratio | |SME |Small and Medium |
| | | | |Enterprise |
|GFATM |Global Fund for AIDS, TB | |SPR |Slide Positive Rate |
| |and Malaria | | | |
|GoI |Government of India | |SPT |Santhal Paraganas Tenancy |
|GoJ |Government of Jharkhand | |SRRDA |State Rural Road |
| | | | |Development Agencies |
|GP |Gram Panchayat | |SRS |Sample Registration System|
|GPI |Gender Parity Index | |SSA |Sarva Shikshya Abhiyan |
|GSDP |Gross State Domestic | | | |
| |Product | |SSI |Small-Scale Industries |
|HMIS |Health Management | |SPCB |State Pollution Control |
| |Information System | | |Board |
|HoD |Head of Department | |STC |State Transport |
| | | | |Corporation |
| | | |TB |Tuberculosis |
|HRDM |Human Resource Development | | | |
| |and Management | | | |
|IAY |Indira Aawas Yojana | |TFC |Twelfth Finance Commission|
| | | |TFR |Total Fertility Rate |
|IC |Investment Climate | |TLMs |Teaching Learning |
| | | | |Materials |
|ICD |Inland Container Depot | |TPDS |Targeted Public |
| | | | |Distribution System |
|ICDS |Integrated Child | |TSP |Tribal Sub-Plan |
| |Development Scheme | | | |
|ICS |Investment Climate Survey | |T&D |Transmission and |
| | | | |Distribution |
|IIDB |Industrial Infrastructure | |TTD |Transformation, |
| |Development Board | | |Transmission and |
| | | | |Distribution |
|IMR |Infant Mortality Rate | |VAT |Value Added Tax |
|IRDP |Integrated Rural | |VEC |Village Education |
| |Development Program | | |Committee |
|IRR |Internal Rate of Return | |VHC |Village Health Committee |
|IWDP |Integrated Watershed | |VHSE |Vocational Higher |
| |Development Program | | |Secondary Education |
|JEPC |Jharkhand Education Project| |WMI |Whitehorse Mining |
| |Council | | |Initiative |
|JHS |Jharkhand Health Society | |XISS |Xavier Institute for |
| | | | |Social Sciences |
|JIIDC |Jharkhand Industrial | |XLRI |Xavier Labor Relations |
| |Infrastructure Development | | |Institute |
| |Corporation | | | |
|JMM |Jharkhand Mukti Morcha | | | |
|JSEB |Jharkhand State Electricity| | | |
| |Board | | | |
|LAA |Land Acquisition Act | | | |
|MDG |Millennium Development Goal| | | |
|MHRD |Ministry of Human Resource | | | |
| |Development | | | |
|MIS |Management Information | | | |
| |System | | | |
|MKSS |Mazdoor Kisan Shakti | | | |
| |Sangathan | | | |
|MLA |Member of Legislative | | | |
| |Assembly | | | |
|MMR |Maternal Mortality Rate | |