1 - Department of Water Affairs

Reporting for Quality Management. The principal investigator (PI) and Study
Coordinator at each enrollment site have local responsibility for monitoring the
trial. ...... The probe will be oriented parallel to the long axis of the tooth with the
probe tip in contact with the crown or root surface. Proximal sites: The shaft of the
probe ...

Part of the document

Sustainability TABLE OF CONTENTS
Part 1
Operations and Maintenance
PAGE(S) 1. scope and background 1
1.1 Scope and Definitions 1
1.2 Process 1
1.3 Background Documentation 1
2. description of the o&m sites 2
3. interfaces 2
3.1 Business Planning Interface 2
3.2 Facilities 3
3.3 Construction Section interface 3
4. Employers Requirements 3
4.2 General Operations Services 4
5. take over/transfer 4
6. Mentorship 5
8. Appendix 1: Services appendix 7
8.1 Interpretation 7
8.2 Overall description of Section for Business Planning Reports on O&M 7
8.3 General Water Operations Services 10
8.4 General Wastewater Operations Services 11
8.5 Maintenance of the Facilities, Vehicles And Equipment 11
8.6 Customer Service 12
8.7 Customer Service 12
9.1 Assurance and Reliability of Supply 12
9.2 Water Quality 13
9.3 Cost Effectiveness 13
9.4 Water Loss/Accountability Management 13
9.5 Take over 13
9.6 Continuous Maintenance 13
scope and background
1 Scope and Definitions
This volume applies to the operation, maintenance, institutional and
social development for the infrastructure Sections of the Works
described in the previous volume and any other works as identified by
the DM.
. Operations and Maintenance (O&M); Part 1 addresses the aspects
of sustainability through appropriate operations and maintenance
of a number of different projects and may include existing water
schemes and new schemes all within the area as described.
. Institutional and social development (ISD); Part 2 of this
volume looks at the ISD requirements of a particular Project or
Section of the Works and will be applied and should be included
throughout all Sections of the contract
Definition of "Facilities". The Facilities shall be the completed
works resulting from a construction Section of the Works or an
existing water services facility as listed in 2 below.
2 Process
Following on from the Business Planning processes allowed for in this
contract individual Projects are converted into a lump sum for the
construction Section of the Works, with the risk sharing as per the
conditions of contract.
At the end of the construction Section of the Works, the following
possibilities exist:
. The individual Section of the Works terminate in the usual
manner, with a defects liability period of 12 months; or
. The Project then enters an Operation and Maintenance Section of
the Works for a longer period of 1 to 3 years. This Section has
been included so that sustainability aspects of the water supply
and sanitation services provided for under the earlier Sections
of this contract are adequately addressed.
3 Background Documentation
The following documentation, which will be considered as read as part
of the Terms of Reference for this project, shall form the technical
background to this volume:
1. Operation and maintenance of urban water supply and sanitation
systems. A guide for managers: World Health Organisation
Geneva 1994
2. Guidelines for the Development and Operation of Community Water
Supply Projects, First Edition, January 1999 by the Department
of Water Affairs and Forestry
3. Framework for establishing Water Services Providers in Rural
Areas DWAF August 1998
4. Guidelines for Human Settlement Planning and Design (The RED
BOOK), 2000, by the CSIR, Pretoria
5. Institutional and Social Development package for water supply
projects (2 Volumes) DWAF 1999
description of the o&m sites
The work is to be undertaken in the supply area of
A detailed map of the area is attached in Appendix and Projects scoped
so far have been located on that map.
Individual Sections will be identified as the work proceeds and may
consist of all or any combination of the following:
. Pump stations
. Water reticulation systems
. Water storage facilities
. Water treatment works
. Wastewater treatment works
. Onsite sanitation
. Sewerage reticulation systems
. [list in this section any other main components of the envisaged
contract, ]
This O&M will be for the Projects and existing facilities as detailed
. For the 1st year [x Projects or Sections of the Works]
. For the 2nd year [y Projects or Sections of the Works]
. For the 3rd year [z Projects or sections of the works]
1 Business Planning Interface
The PIA shall include full details of the Operations and Maintenance
of a Project as a separate section included in part of the Business
Plan. This shall include methodology, administrative structures,
reporting, operating cost ranges, maintenance structures, interfacing
with communities and Local Authorities.
It shall be noted that existing Facilities together with the new
Projects jointly make up the water supply and sanitation
infrastructure within an administrative area of supply, and that
operations and maintenance strategies will not succeed if they only
cater for planned new Projects, whilst existing Facilities are left in
a state of disrepair or are neglected. Where included in an agreed PEP
and therefore Business Plan Section of the Works the PIA shall
determine the extent and condition of existing water supplies in the
area and shall incorporate these into the Business Plan for approval
and then execution during the O&M Section of the Works.
2 Facilities
1 Taking over existing Facilities
The PIA shall carry out a review of the operations, maintenance, and
administrative performance of existing Facilities if required, in the
Business Plan Section of the Works and shall report on its findings as
per the following sections of the O&M portion of the Business Plan. If
approved, the PIA will execute the programmes and plans to address the
findings in the Business Plan in the O&M Section of the Works.
1 O&M Situation
2 Management Information Systems
3 Safety Deficiencies Correction
4 Occupational Health and Safety
5 Inventory Management
6 Energy Management
2 Facilities Constructed by the PIA
The PIA shall assess the need for any of the programmes and plans in
the above list and shall address them in its Business Plan for the
particular Section of the Works. The PIA shall execute them during
the O & M Section of the Works.
3 Construction Section interface
The PIA shall advise when it has completed the construction Section of
the Works of a Project. Where O&M services are to be provided by the
PIA, the O&M Section of the Works shall flow seamlessly on the
completion of the Construction Section i.e. upon the issue of a Taking
Over Certificate of such a Construction Section of the Works.
The PIA shall immediately commence Operation and Maintenance of the
project as per the approved Business Plan. It is the responsibility of
the PIA to ensure that all preparatory work, structures and systems
are in place so that the Operation and Maintenance Section can start
according to the Business Plan.
Employers Requirements
1 Overall Description of Services to be provided by the PIA
1 The PIA shall,
[List to be finalised by DM. Guidelines given here for
information purposes only]
1 operate the existing and new water services Facilities to carry out,
. the pumping and transportation of water
. the disinfection of water where necessary; and
. the distribution and supply of drinking water to the
2 operate the existing and new Sanitation facilities to carry out,
. the collection of wastewater;
. the treatment of wastewater; and
. the pumping and transportation of treated wastewater
to the point of discharge;
3 maintain the Facilities and develop a comprehensive maintenance
management program for the Facilities;
4 (except as provided otherwise in this Contract, carry out all management,
financial and administrative responsibilities as defined in the
Business Plan;)
2 General Operations Services
1 Management of Water Sources