B - zantye college of commerce

Invoking worksheet, Entering data, editing worksheet; Sorting, formulas, Inserting
charts, freezing titles; Page layout,(Margins, orientation, page-size, set print area,
print ..... Try using some of these exercises just to be sure of the levels you are
dealing with in a class. ...... Bitrates, Internet live stream, Multicast, hi-definition.

Part of the document

2013-2014 onwards B.COM Semester I
English I
(Written English)
100 Marks - 75 Lectures
Course Objectives: 1. To improve the English language proficiency of the students, by
developing their reading, comprehending, writing, listening and speaking
2. To provide them competence and expertise to answer various Competitive
Exams. Learning Outcomes By the end of the semester the students should be able:
. to know correct grammatical usage / analyze the structure of language;
. to comprehend a given text, grasp its gist, locate meanings, and infer
. to prepare notes of an unseen text in a format of their choice;
. to write simple narratives;
. to design advertisements;
. to write articles of an analytical nature;
. To write reports.
Course content 1 Grammar: Students to be familiarized with the structure of the English
language. (20 Marks -18 lectures)

2 Comprehension: Questions asked should test literal, inferential,
interpretive skills of students.
3 Basics of Business Letter Writing: Layout and Parts of letters;
Courtesy Letters: Invitation letters, Appreciation and Congratulation,
Sympathy etc.
(15marks - 09
4 Creative writing: Students should create documents in genres like
poetry, drama, short stories, essays, biographies etc. (09 lectures) 15
5 Advertisements: Students should prepare simple classified and display
advertisements (08lectures) 10 marks 6 Articles: Students should interpret visual representations like graphs,
maps, tables and charts and write articles of analytical nature based on
(15 marks-10
7 Computer Writing Skills: Students should improve their ability to touch
type and use the on-line and off-line tools like spell checker, grammar
checker and search engines to improve their writing abilities. This can
be taught through computer games that can be freely-downloaded.
(10 Marks-10 Lectures) Books for Study and Reference: - Objective English for Competitive Examination by Hari Mohan Prasad. Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
-Advanced Learner's English Grammar and Composition by M.P.Sinha., Concept
Publishers and Distributors.
- Objective English by Rajni Sehgal, Sarup & Sons, New Delhi.
- Comprehension, Precis and Paragraph Writing, by Lawrence Shaffer, Sarup &
- English through Reading, by Bhaskar and Prabhu, Macmillan India.
- owl.english.purdue.edu/ The Purdue University Online Writing Lab
Scheme of Examination:
2 Intra Semester Assessments [ISA] 20
1 Semester End Examination [SEE] 80
marks. B.COM
Geography Paper I
(Geography of world resources &their development )
100 Marks - 75 Lectures
1. TO understand the primary, secondary and tertiary activities and their
role in developmental aspects. 2. To provide an overview of resource geography and its interface with
environment. 3. To provide and understanding of the existing reality of resources,
utilization, depletion and sustainability. 4. To be aware of the spatial and structural dimensions of population. 5. To provide the knowledge of locational aspects of Tertiary activities. 6. To create an awareness of geo-political space with reference to trade. 7. To introduce GIS, its basic elements and areas of application of GEI
(to the students of Commerce) in Business Studies. 8. To provide physical and cultural aspects of Goa. 9. To sensitise the Commerce students about emerging trends in resource
utilization of Goa. 10. To provide Geographic knowledge and information to the students of
Commerce students for the competitive world. Geography of World Resources and Their Development
Unit . I Relevance of Geography in Commerce; 35 Marks - 25 Lectures
A) Introduction, Nature and scope of Economic and commercial geography.
Its inter-relationship with Geography and Environment, Basis of
economic and commercial activities, principles of comparative
territorial advantage (physical, economic and technological)
B) Resources: A conceptual background, classification development and
related. problems-Resource conservation,
II. Study of World Resources; 35 Marks -25 Lectures
A) Human Resources: Meaning and importance factor affecting the
distribution, population growth and its implication on commercial
activities, occupational structure, Migration; causes and effects,
spatial variations, quality of life human resources.
B) Natural Resources:
i) Forests: Direct and Indirect uses, classification comparative
study of Tropical and Temperate forests and their commercial
viability, status of forest of India.
ii) Marine Resources: Fisheries, factors affecting fisheries and
Fish processing units, major fishing regions and world trade in
fish with special reference to India.
iii) Mineral Resources: commercial importance of minerals,
classification of minerals and world trade Iron ore,
Manganese and Bauxite with spatial reference to India.
iv) Energy Resources: Commercial importance, Merits and Demerits and
geographical distribution of coal, petroleum, hydro-electricity,
nuclear and non-conventional energy resources. (Solar, Biomass,
Wind, Tidal and Geothermal). Energy crisis in and world trade in
fuel minerals.
III. Resource; 30 Marks - 25 Lectures
Commercial importance of Agriculture, factors affecting, the growth,
current status and globalisation of agriculture in subsistence and
commercial, plantation, horticulture and mixed farming,
Locational factors, distribution and commercial importance and
locational factors, classification leading producers and world trade
i) Iron and Steel Industry,
ii) Electronic Industry,
iii) Shipbuilding Industry
iv) Cotton Textile Industry
Books for Study and Reference:
S.No. Name of the book Author
1. Geography of Resources. Tikka.B.N.
2. Geography of Resources. Negi. B.S.
3. Economic Geography. Roger and HOdder.
4. Commercial Geography Shinde. P.C.
5. Economic Geography. Mukharjee. Roy. Prathwish.
6. Resource Geography. Majid Hussain.
7. Economic Geography. Jones and Darkenwald.
8. Economic Geography Alexander and Hartshorne.
9. Economic and Commercial Geography. Sharma. T.C. and Coutinhao. O. 10. Economic and Commercial Geography. Khanna and Gupta.
11. Commercial Geography. Nimkar Suresh and Choudhari.
12. Economic Geography S.K.Sadhukhan.
Commerce category
General Management I
100 Marks - 75 Lectures Objective: To expose students to various aspects of general management
Unit I Introduction to management 20
marks- 15 lectures
Meaning, Definition, Features and Importance of management. Management
and Administration
Functional areas of management-Purchase, Production, Finance, Personnel,
Inventory and Marketing management (an overview) Unit II Development of Management Thought (25marks) 20
Classical approach to management thought-Bureaucratic, Scientific,
Administrative, Human relations Approach
Modern approach-Behavioural, Quantitative, Systems, Contingency approach
Japanese, American, European Styles of management Unit III Decision Making
(30 marks) 25 lectures)
Meaning, Features, Advantages of effective decision making.
Types of Managerial Decisions, Steps in decision making process
Guidelines for effective decision making, Difficulty in effective decision
Rationality and decision making- Meaning, Benefits and Limitations
Creativity in Decision Making- Meaning, Features, Steps and How to
introduce creativity in decision making. Unit IV Emerging areas in Management (25 marks)
15 lectures)
Event Management- Meaning, Process, Types
Disaster Management-Meaning, Types, Control Mechanism
Stress Management- Meaning, Types, Causes and Measures taken
Supply Chain Management- Meaning, Process
Logistics Management- Meaning, Features Books for Study and Reference: Management Concepts and Practices, Tim Hannagan, Macmillan India Ltd
Principles and Practice of Management, L.M. Prasad, Sultan Chand and Sons
Personnel Management, C.B.Mamoria, Himalaya Publishing House
Principles of Management, Dr Neeru Vasishth, Taxmann
Principles of Management, N.G. Kale and M