Items 1 - 7 ... Policy letters recommend Army-wide standardization of aeromedical evaluation,
treatment, and disposition for a variety of common clinical problems. They
provide continuity of ..... At USAAMA the waiver package must pass through 9-11
essential work-stations and at PERSCOM 5-7. Bottlenecks are inevitable.

Part of the document

15 January, 1998
Compiled by
Colonel Richard L. Broyles *This compiled version of the US Army Aeromedical Policy Letters, Technical
Bulletins, AR 40-501, and AR 40-8 has been produced primarily for use in
the Flight Surgeons Office. This version completely replaces all previous
versions of APLs and ATBs. It was compiled using the help compiler
HelpBreeze produced by SolutionSoft. The compiled help file will work on
Windows 95 as a 32 bit program. Please report any errors in the operation of the program or in the actual
text to Director, Aeromedical Activity, ATTN: MCXY-AER, Fort Rucker, AL,
36362-5333, DSM 558-7430 pr COMM (334)-255-7430. 2. Authority. The Commander, USAAMC, is authorized to issue aeromedical
technical bulletins and policy letters to provide flight surgeons guidance
in regards to examinations and procedures to determine the fitness for
flying duties, and the interim aeromedical disposition of disqualifying
conditions, IAW para 6-5 b, AR 40-501. 3. Implementation. Policy letters and technical bulletins remain in
effect from the date of publication until rescinded or superseded by the
Commander, USAAMC, or a higher authority. 4. Purpose. a. Policy letters recommend Army-wide standardization of aeromedical
evaluation, treatment, and disposition for a variety of common
clinical problems. They provide continuity of aeromedical care for
flight surgeons and aircrew members world-wide and ensure the optimum
quality of care. They ensure the safe return of countless aviators
to flying duties once effective treatment has been achieved.
b. Technical bulletins recommend Army-wide standardization of
aeromedical testing and administration. They ensure the proper use
of testing equipment and testing procedures throughout the Army
Medical System.
c. Policy letters and technical bulletins, while not regulations or
orders, are a statement of policy by the Commander, USAAMC, as
derived from the recommendation of the Aeromedical Consultant
Advisory Panel's (ACAP) review of data from the Aeromedical
Epidemiology Data Register, consultation with numerous specialists,
and review of medical literature. The policy letters also recommend
medical evaluations which are required to make a final recommendation
for flying duties, thus avoiding the delays resulting from incomplete
aeromedical summaries.
d. Policy letters and technical bulletins are designed to be updated as
the standards of aeromedical care and knowledge change. Flight
surgeons are encouraged to submit recommendations for changes to DSN
558-7430 or COMM (334) 255-7430. INSTRUCTIONS Navigating through this document should not be very difficult for you,
since it works exactly the same as a Windows Help file. The buttons at the
top of the screen labeled ATBs, AR 40-501, APLs, Instruction, or Contents
will jump you to the appropriate section of the help file. The Contents
button will take you to the Table of Contents. These buttons stay active
anywhere within the help file so you may return to or jump to these areas
at anytime. Any word or string of words that is underlined, green, and
turns the mouse cursor to a hand will take you to another topic when you
place the pointer on the word or string and click with the left mouse
button. Once within the main contents the arrow keys will be active
(indicated by turning black). This will allow you to browse through the
files much like turning the pages of a book. Finally, you will also find
similar jump spots located throughout the text of a help topic. This jump
spot will also be underlined and if clicked upon will automatically jump to
the reference being referred. The greatest advantage of this help files is its search capability. Type in
a keyword for the topic you are looking. This should take you to your topic
without having to work your way through the Table of Contents. Once you
are finished with a topic all you have to do is to click on the Back button
at the top of the screen or press the letter B on your keyboard and you
will be returned to the opening Table of Contents. This version of the
help files also has the ability to do word searches just click on Search
and the Find Tab or click on the Find button. Occasionally you will come
upon a graphic symbol, e.g., within the text which will jump you to a topic
or bring up another window with additional information. You can print any topic you need to have hard-copy reference to simply by
clicking on the print button or by clicking on the File and Print commands
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portion of the topic file and print only that selected portion. The Option
button quickly accesses many of the commands from the menu bar. You can also copy the full topic by selecting the Copy button and then
later paste it to another windows file. This is great for extracting
information you may need in another document. Note: This may not appear
to work since it gives no indication it has worked. Just wait, exit or
minimize the help file and paste it into your active Window's program. You
can perform the same actions by selecting Edit then Copy commands Other functions exist which are common to all help files.
1. You may select Edit then Annotate selected help topics with your own
notes. This is helpful in adding your own personal comments, thoughts
on further investigation or clarification, additional research, and
questions which need to be addressed in the future.
2. You may select Bookmark when you are in a selected file and
automatically recall this location at some later time, even after
exiting the help program.
3. Selecting History will show you the last 40 topics you have visited
within the help file. You may jump back to any of these topics by
simply double clicking on the selected topic. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECTS PAGE 1.
....... 6
WAIVERS...................................................... 41
WAIVERS......................................................... 109
WAIVERS...................................................... 117
5. GASTROENTEROLOGY WAIVERS...............................................
WAIVERS........................................................... 147
WAIVERS.................................................. 157
8. MALIGNANCY AND TUMOR WAIVERS........................................ 171
WAIVERS....................................................... 228
12. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY WAIVERS................................ 281
WAIVERS.................................................... 294
WAIVERS............................................................ 331
15. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY WAIVERS........................................ 350
WAIVERS............................................................ 366
WAIVERS............................................................. 400
.......... 416 INTRODUCTION > Commander's
Forward.......................................................... 7
... 9
> The Waiver
Process............................................................. 10
> Waiver
> Waiver
> Aeromedical Summary - Template..........................................
> Aeromedical Summary - Guide to Completion........................... 18
> Abbreviated Aeromedical Summary
...... 21
> Regional Flight Surgeon
Program........................................... 26
> Directory of Regional Flight Surgeons
..................................... 28
> Aeromedical Consultants Advisory Panel .................................
> Aeromedical Consultation
Service.......................................... 31
> Magic List of Aeromedical
Consultants.................................... 33 COMMANDER'S FORWARD There are times when it is difficult to see that we have come far since the
times of Dr. Theodore Lyster and his colleagues when they first set up
criteria for selection and retention of military aviators. Dealing with
the disappointment of sincere and dedicated men and women who have been
found disqualified from entering or continuing in aviation careers is a
painful task for most of us. The foundation of our inner strength in
dealing with them is a solid, well-considered rationale and process for
determining their suitability for flying status. This collection of policy
letters is a positive force in that ar