School Development Plan - Paola A

The Big Cat programme will eventually be phased out and in scholastic year
2013/2014 the Read Write Inc programme will be used in Year 3. ..... to be
followed by Guided Reading using the Oxford Reading Scheme: twice weekly for
30 minutes per session - in one of the sessions a handout is given with related

Part of the document

School Development Plan 2012 - 2013 San ?or? Preca College Paola Primary A
Contents Page Definition of the Logos
....................................................... 4 Mission Statement .....................................................
Our School's Credo & Modus Operandi
Words of Wisdom School Aims
6 A Noble and Worthy Profession
.......................................... 7 The School Staff 2012 - 2013 .......................................
8 School Development Plan Procedures ......................... 10 The SDP Audit 2012 - 2013 ..........................................
11 Audit - Kinder 1 (Literacy Policy) ............................
2nd Review - Kindergarten 1 ..................................
Audit - Kinder 2 (Literacy Policy) ............................
2nd Review - Kindergarten 2 ...................................
Audit - Year 1 (Literacy Policy) ..............................
2nd Review - Year 1 .............................................
Audit - Year 2 (Literacy Policy) ..............................
2nd Review - Year 2 .............................................
Audit - Year 3 (Literacy Policy) ..............................
2nd Review - Year 3 ............................................
27 Action Research Result .............................................
30 Feedback from the Director - DQSE ............................ 31 Action Plans 2012 - 2013 ............................................
33 Action Plan 1.1 - (English Literacy Year 1) ............... 36
Action Plan 1.2 - (Pjan t'Azzjoni Malti Year 1) ......... 39
Action Plan 2.1 - (English Literacy Year 2) .............. 41
Action Plan 2.2 - (Maltese Literacy Year 2) ............. 44
Action Plan 3.1 - (English Literacy Year 3) ............... 46
Action Plan 3.2 - (Pjan t'Azzjoni Malti Year 3) ........... 49 i.
Contents Page Action Plan 4 - (Environmental Action Plan and
Environmental Policy) ......................................
Action Plan 5 - (ICT & E-Twinning Report & Policy) ... 54 Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria (Hand-Over Forms - K1) ................. 60
Assessment Criteria (Hand-Over Forms - K2) ................. 61
Identification Of Basic Skills Needs
(From Year 1 to Year 2 - English) ..............................
Identification Of Basic Skills Needs
(From Year 1 to Year 2 - Maltese) ..............................
Identification Of Basic Skills Needs (Year 2) ..................
Identification Of Basic Skills Needs (Year 3 - English) ..... 65
Identification Of Basic Skills Needs (Year 3 - Maltese) ..... 66 School Policies
.................................................................. 67 Absenteeism ...........................................................
68 Behaviour Policy .....................................................
69 Curriculum Policy
.............................................................. 70 Dress Code .............................................................
71 Entrance and Exit Policy
................................................... 72 Homework Policy .....................................................
74 Language Policy ......................................................
The College Logo
The badge represents the coat of arms of Bishop Gargallo (hence the cock),
the red and yellow stripes of Spain (Bishop Gargallo's and the Jesuits'
country of origin). The white cross on a red background represent the flag
of the Knights of St John. The words beneath the badge are the words of
San Gorg Preca and they mean 'Knowledge is the source of all goodness'. San Gorg Preca College (SGPC) has adopted this badge as it is the badge
that San Gorg Preca wore. It is the oldest badge in Malta.
The EkoSkola Logo
On 17th May 2012, Paola 'A' was awarded the Green Flag for the third
consecutive time.
This prestigious international award is a credit to the integrity and
efforts of all the stakeholders at Paola Primary 'A'.
Mission Statement We, the administration, the teaching and non-teaching staff of Paola
Primary A, mindful of our responsibilities towards the children entrusted
to our care, ensure, in collaboration with the parents, to give a holistic
education to all pupils. We aim to develop each student to his full potential in the moral,
spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, social and cultural
To reach these aims we need to: * Work in close collaboration between ourselves * Work in collaboration with parents and the Education Division * Provide quality education for all our pupils
School Aims * To provide for the total well-being of each child: the physical, the
social, the intellectual, the cultural and the personal needs. * To help children learn new skills and techniques and through active
participation, develop leadership skills and independence. * To stimulate children's imagination and creativity, encourage self-esteem
and self-expression. * To instil in our students the values of love, forgiveness, solidarity,
patriotism, honesty, non-violent behaviour and acceptance. * To encourage students by providing adequate teaching strategies for
different levels of attainment after identifying individual strengths and
needs. * To provide Literacy and Numeracy for all pupils, whatever their ability
level. * To encourage children to aim high and lead them towards the achievement
of an ever higher level of attainment. A Noble and Worthy Profession "To teach is to engage in the world's noblest profession, the profession
that makes all other professions possible. To teach in the public schools,
where no child is ever turned away, is to do the people's work, the work
which undergirds our democracy, transmits our values, and, most
importantly, contributes mightily to the development and well-being of
children. This is sacred work."

Vito LaMura, past LEA President

Our School's Credo & Modus Operandi

"Childhood is not a race to see who can read, write and count. Childhood
is a small window of time to learn and develop at a pace that's right for
each individual child."

Busy Moms Parenting.Com
Words of Wisdom

"It is vital that when educating our children's brains, that we do not
neglect to educate their hearts."

Dalai Lama The School Staff 2012 - 2013 Senior Management Team Head of School Ms J Cassar
Assistant Heads Ms M Psaila
Ms P Lombardo
Mr N Pulis Year 1 Teachers and L.S.A.s 1.1 Ms C Cremona
1.2 Ms M Buhagiar Ms C Saliba
1.3 Ms K Mangion Ms R Galea
1.4 Ms S Vassallo Ms C Cassar
Year 2 Teachers and L.S.A.s 2.1 Ms Maria Briffa
D' Agostino Ms Carmen Lia
2.2 Ms N Desira Ms
2.3 Ms I Marmara'
Gafa's Ms M Mizzi
2.4 Ms R Vassallo Ms Kathleen Formosa
Year 3 Teachers and L.S.A.s 3.1 Ms Maria Farrugia Ms L Galea
3.2 Ms R Sicluna
Sultana Ms D Nikolic
3.3 Ms C Marmara' Ms C Scorfna
3.4 Ms C Calleja Ms D Galea
Kindergarten Assistants 1.1 Ms S Abela Craus Ms P Aquilina
KA 2, KA1 and L.S.A. 1.2 Ms D Agius Ms C Ezabe
1.3 Ms AM Sciberras
1.4 Ms T Caruana
1.5 Ms A Darmanin
1.6 Ms R Mattocks
1.7 Ms A Scicluna
1.8 Ms G Schembri Ms D Azzopardi
2.1 Ms S Mamo Ms D Saliba
2.2 Ms MVassallo
2.3 Ms J Cilia
2.4 Ms M Pace Ms M Cilia
2.5 Ms M L Caruana
2.6 Ms M Busuttil Inclusion Co-Ordinator Ms H Sammut Complimentary Teachers Ms L Zammit
Ms R Zammit
Peripatetic Teachers P.E. Mr K Grech
I.T. Ms L Grech
Art Mr C Micallef
Music Mr C Mizzi
Drama Mr D Said
Science Ms N Ellul Clerk Ms R Seychell General Hands Mr E Buhagiar
Mr C Caruana
Mr E Schembri
Mr G Mizzi
Ms R Azzopardi School Council Parents