everglades high school field trip checklist - Broward County Public ...

»[4]. Elle n'est pas seulement sensible à sa mort mais également à celle des
autres. Ainsi dit-elle de Bourla un ami juif de dix-neuf ans mort en déportation (
elle est âgée ...... Le lecteur attentif comprend vite d'où lui vient son goût pour les
mathématiques, en luttant contre les nombres l'adolescente a l'impression de
pouvoir ...

Part of the document

| | Patricia Good, Chair
Donna Korn, Vice Chair
Robin Bartleman
Heather Brinkworth
Abby M. Freedman
Donna P. Korn
Ann Murray
Dr. Rosalind Osgood
Nora Rupert Robert W. Runcie
Superintendent of Schools | |
Mrs. Haleh Darbar Principal
Ms. Laura Cohen Assistant Principal
Mr. David Gonzalez Intern Principal
Mr. Daniel Most Assistant Principal
Mr. Anthony Smith Assistant Principal
Mr. Fred Azrak Athletic Director
Mrs. Gina Alvarez Guidance Director
Ms. Sasha Davila ESOL Coordinator
Mrs. Yehlin Colon ESE Specialist
Mrs. Keetha Moore Reading Coach
Mr. Leartis Brown Building Supervisor
Mrs. Gloria Gonzaelz Office Manager
Transforming Education: One Student At A Time
Broward County Public Schools Is An Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer
|2015-2016 Faculty Handbook | Mr. Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Haleh Darbar, Principal Academic Achievement 4
Accident Procedures 4
Administration 4
Announcements 4
Assemblies 5
Athletic Organizations 5
Attendance/Code 5
Attendance/Absences 6
Attendance Procedures - online 6
Auditorium Use 6-8
Behavioral Emergency 8
Bell Schedule 9
Black Out Procedures 9
BTU Stewards 9
Calendar 10
Certification 11
Child Abuse 11
Citizenship 11
Clubs and
Communication 13
Copy Machine & Fax Machine 13
Curriculum Practices 13
Department Chairpersons 14
Discipline Policy 14
Donations 14
Dress Code 14
Drug Free Workplace 14
Employee/Student Records 15
................................. 15-16
Emergency Procedures 16-17
Emergency Codes (District Standard codes) 17-18
Emergency Procedures for Offices' 18
Evaluations 20
Excusing Students from Class 21
Faculty Council 21
Faculty Lunch 21
Faculty Meetings 21
Food & Beverages 28
Grades 30
Guest Speakers 31
Homework 31
Information - Student Activities 32
Instructional Focus Calendar 32
Interim Reports 32
Key Distribution 33
Leaving School Grounds 33
............................ 33-35
Medical Emergency 38
Newsletter 38
Obligations 38
Parent Contact 39
Parking Lot 39
Parties In the Classroom 39
Principles of Professional
...... 40-43
Professional Development Calendar 43
Purchases 44
SAC (School Advisory Council) 43
School Security 43-44
Smoking 45
Sterling Criteria 44
Student Illness 45
Student Records 45
Substitute Information 45
Temporary Duty Assignments 46
Textbook Accounting 46
Textbook Procedures 46
United States Mail 46
Visitors on Campus 47
Volunteers 47
EHS Mission
EHS Bell
.................. 50-53
EHS Lunch
Vacation/Leave Request
.. 56
Direct Deposit
.............. 57
Fire Drill
...............58-60 |ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT | Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to take part in any
interscholastic extracurricular school or district activity during the
grading period preceding the competition or activity and must pass at
least seven classes during the school year. The cumulative 2.0
averages are also required for graduation. |ACCIDENT PROCEDURES | In the event of a serious or extensive injury, the teacher to whom the
student is assigned or the first teacher upon the scene shall adhere
to the following procedures: . DO NOT MOVE THE INJURED STUDENT.
. Give the student's name and grade to the AP and provide the
possible extent of injury. An accident form must be filed with the student's Administrator's
Secretary for all accidents whether the student has school insurance
or not. This form should be completed ASAP by the teacher who
witnessed the accident or was first on the scene. The insurance
company will not honor claims unless this form has been completed.
|ADMINISTRATION 2015-2016 | Principal Mrs. Haleh Darbar Assistant Principal Ms. Laura Cohen
Intern Principal Mr. David Gonzalez
Assistant Principal Mr. Daniel Most
Assistant Principal Mr. Anthony Smith |ANNOUNCEMENTS PROCEDURES | Staff members can submit announcements to be read over the morning
announcement broadcast.
1. Email the announcements to both Kathy Moyna and Fred Azrak by 3:00 p.m.
the day BEFORE the announcement is to be broadcast.
2. Include the days that the announcement is to be broadcast, with a
maximum of three days.
3. Announcements need to be written in complete sentences, with clear
phrasing for the students to read.
4. All activities must be approved by Fred Azrak before any
information about it is broadcast.
|ASSEMBLIES | Everglades High School will be having assemblies throughout the year
in the auditorium and gymnasium. Teachers are required to stay with
their students and are responsible for the enforcement of the
following rules of conduct for all assembly programs.
1. Students from your room must stay together as a group and return to
your room as a group.
2. All students are to be directed not to walk on the gymnasium floor.
3. Teachers should instruct their students thoroughly in proper
behavior and courtesy during assembly programs. Whenever
necessary, more specific instructions will be given. |ATHLETICS AND OTHER PERFORMING ORGANIZATIONS | Everglades High School participates in a myriad of athletic
competitions under the jurisdiction of the Florida High School
Athletics Association. The Athletic Program is an extra curricular
activity and as such will be given its proper emphasis. Performing
Arts and music organizations are under the same jurisdiction as
athletics. (Please refer to the athletic and performing arts
organization's handbooks for further information). |ATTENDANCE/CODES | Any absence from school is considered unexcused until the parents of
the student provide the school with information to the contrary.
. Attendance for ALL periods will be entered on Pinnacle.
. Students arriving late to school must report to the Room 320 prior
to entering their classroom. It is the teacher's responsibility to
check for a tardy pass.
Standard Attendance Codes
E1 1st day Present AE Absence Excused AH Half Day Excused ES External Suspension UA Unexcused Absence UH Half Day Unexcused TE Tardy Excused TU Tardy Unexcused IS Internal Suspension