item 2 of the agenda - Intangible Cultural Heritage - Unesco
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UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
3 to 7 December 2012 Item 5 of the Provisional Agenda:
Adoption of the summary records of the sixth session of the Committee and
the fourth extraordinary session of the Committee
|Summary |
|At its sixth session, the Committee |
|requested the Secretariat by Decision 6.COM|
|24 'to take the necessary actions to |
|convene an extraordinary session of the |
|Committee during the General Assembly of |
|the States Parties in order to elect a new |
|member of the Bureau'. The Committee |
|therefore met on its fourth extraordinary |
|session on 8 June 2012. The summary records|
|of both Committee sessions are included in |
|this document. |
|Decision required: paragraph 2 |
1. This document contains the summary records of the sixth session
of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Bali, Indonesia, from 22 to 29
November 2011 and of the fourth extraordinary session of the Committee
held on 8 June 2012 in the UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. 2. The Committee may wish to adopt the following decision:
DRAFT DECISION 7.COM 5 The Committee, 1. Having examined document ITH/12/7.COM/5, 2. Adopts the summary records of the Committee's sixth session and
fourth extraordinary session contained in this document.
SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE SIXTH SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE 1. The sixth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was held from 22 to
29 November 2011 in Bali, Indonesia, at the invitation of the
Indonesian authorities following their offer made at the fifth session
of the Committee held in Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2010. 2. Delegations from 23 States Members of the Committee attended the
session: Albania, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, China, Croatia, Cyprus,
Cuba, Czech Republic, Grenada, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Oman,
Paraguay, Republic of Korea, Spain and Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela. 3. The following attendees were as follows: a) Delegations from 50 States Parties not Members of the Committee:
Armenia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Plurinational
State of Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chad, Colombia, Democratic
People's Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji,
France, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Lao People's Democratic
Republic, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia,
Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines,
Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia,
Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and
Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Viet Nam,
and Zimbabwe. b) Delegations from 3 States non party to the Convention, Associate
Members, Permanent Observer Missions: Kuwait, The Netherlands, and
the Russian Federation. c) Intergovernmental organization: International Centre for the Study
and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM). d) Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO: CRESPIAL (Centro
Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
de América Latina), International Training Center for Intangible
Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region, International
Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage
in the Asia-Pacific Region, International Research Centre for
Intangible Cultural Heritage Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region
(IRCI), and Regional Research Centre for Safeguarding Intangible
Cultural Heritage in West and Central Asia. e) Accredited non-governmental organizations: African Cultural
Regeneration Institute (ACRI), Association Cont'Act pour
l'éducation et les cultures, Association du théatre folklorique de
Roumanie, Association nationale cultures et traditions (ANCT),
Centro UNESCO Melilla, Centro de Estudios Borjanos, ?eská
národopisná spole?nost (Czech Ethnographical Society), CIOFF
Bulgaria, Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana,
Contact Base, Craft Revival Trust, Folkland International Centre
for Folklore, FARO - Flemish Interface for Cultural Heritage,
Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage,
Foundation INATEL, Fundación Erigaie, Instituut voor Vlaamse
Volkskunst vzw (IVV), International Council for Traditional Music,
International Organization of Folk Arts (IOV), Korea Cultural
Heritage Foundation, Maison des cultures du monde, Norwegian
Crafts Development NHU, PROMETRA International, SIL International,
SIMBDEA, Stiftelsen Râdet for folkemusikk og folkedans, Tamil Nadu
Rural Arts Development Centre, Traditions pour demain, and World
Martial Arts Union. f) Non-governmental organizations recommended for accreditation: Amis
du patrimoine de Madagascar, Association pour la sauvegarde des
masques - ASAMA, Centre for Research in Anthropology - CRIA, ICCN
(Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network), Kanuri
Development Association, and West Africa Coalition for Indigenous
People's Rights (WACIPR). g) Eleven invited examiners: Ms Claudine-Augée Angoue, Mr Abderrahman
Ayoub, Mr Pablo Carpintero, Ms Adi Meretui Ratunabuabua, Ms
Rusudan Tsurtsumia, Ms Ritu Sethi (Craft Revival Trust), Ms Monika
Therrien (Fundacíon Erigaie), Mr Pierre Bois (Maison des cultures
du monde), Mr Francis Gichuru (ACRI), Ms Eva Romankova (Czech
Ethnographical Society), and Ms Najima Thay Thay Rhozali
(Association Cont'Act pour l'éducation et les cultures). h) The full list of participants is available in document
ITH/11/6.COM/CONF.206/INF.27. 4. The session was conducted in four languages: English and French, the
two working languages of the Committee, and Arabic and Spanish. 5. The Intangible Cultural Heritage Section of UNESCO provided the
secretariat for the meeting. 6. The elected Members of the Bureau of the sixth session of the
Committee were as follows:
Chairperson: Prof. Aman Wirakartakusumah (Indonesia)
Vice-Chairpersons: Albania, Nicaragua, Niger, Morocco and Spain
Rapporteur: Mr Ion de la Riva (Spain)
[Tuesday 22 November, evening session] ITEM 1 OF THE AGENDA:
OPENING OF THE SESSION 7. The sixth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was opened in an official ceremony
presided over by His Excellency Mr Mohammad Nuh, Minister of Education
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency Mr Agung
Laksono, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare of the Republic of
Indonesia, and Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, in the
presence of Mr Toshiyuki Kono, Chairperson of the third General
Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention, and Mr Francesco
Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture. 8. The representative of the Governor of Bali welcomed the Director-
General of UNESCO, the Minister of People's Welfare, the Minister of
Education and Culture, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy
and all the distinguished delegates to Bali, expressing gratitude that
Bali had been chosen to host the event, an island known for its beauty
and spiritual atmosphere, which would contribute to the success of the
meeting. He spoke of Bali as being distinguished for its cultural
tourism, representing wide and diverse elements of both tangible and
intangible cultural heritage that made up the Balinese cultural
identity. He spoke of the Balinese philosophy, which advocated
peaceful co-existence among religions, nature and the environment. He
extended his thanks to UNESCO for the development and preservation of
Balinese culture, inviting the delegates to enjoy its unique culture
during their stay. 9. The President of the third General Assembly of the States Parties to
the Convention, Mr Toshiyuki Kono began by recalling that when he was
ten years old, his father bought him a geography book containing many
beautiful pictures of Bali, which from that day became synonymous with
paradise. Much later, he recalled a performance of Balinese dance from
Ubud village and the power of its rhythms and dance. Having been
introduced to a Balinese family, he would often return to visit the
island. Mr Kono spoke of his delight in returning to Bali where so
much intangible cultural heritage was alive and well. He stressed the
importance of collaboration with researchers in the various domains of
intangible cultural heritage, noting that the World Heritage
Convention had institutionalized a mechanism to integrate such
collaboration. He distinguished two forms: vertical and horizontal
collaboration. He described vertical collabor