Project Document - Deliverable Description - UNDP

A major factor contributing to this high ranking is that more than 80% of Lao .....
There are two government entities responsible for rural water supply and ..... New
water supply and sanitation of Pho Beui village ...... This output supports the
annual planning exercise carried out by the District Development Support

Part of the document

| |United Nations |[pic] |
| |Development Programme | |
| |Country: Lao PDR | |
| | |
|Project Title: Effective Governance for small-scale rural infrastructure | |
|and disaster preparedness in a changing climate | |
|UNDAF Outcome(s): By 2015, the Government and communities better adapt to | |
|and mitigate climate change and reduce natural disaster vulnerabilities in| |
|priority sectors (Outcome 8). | |
|UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and Sustainable Development Primary Outcome: Strengthened |
|capacities of developing countries to mainstream climate change adaptation policies into development plans. |
|UNDP Strategic Plan Secondary Outcome: National, regional and local levels of governance expand |
|their capacities to manage the equitable delivery of public services and support conflict resolution. |
|Expected CP Outcome(s): |
|By 2015, better climate change adaptation and mitigation implemented by government and communities |
|and natural disaster vulnerabilities reduced in priority sectors. |
|Expected CPAP Output (s) |
|Those that will result from the project and extracted from the CPAP) |
|Executing Entity/Implementing Partner: | |
|Government of Lao PDR, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | |
|Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: | |
|United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) | | Agreed by (Government):
Date/Month/Year Agreed by (Executing Entity/Implementing Partner): Date/Month/Year
Agreed by (UNDP):
Table of Contents
1 Situation analysis 7
1.1 Climate Change induced problem 7
1.2 Underlying Causes 21
1.3 Long term solution and barriers to achieving the solution 24
1.4 Stakeholder analysis 28
2 Strategy 33
2.1 Project rational and policy conformity 33
2.2 Country ownership: country eligibility and country driven-ness
2.3 Design principles and strategic considerations 37
2.4 Gender and ethnic group considerations 43
2.5 Project objective, outcomes and outputs/activities 45
2.6 Key indicators, risks and assumptions 58
2.7 Cost-effectiveness 59
2.8 Sustainability 60
2.9 Replicability 62
2.10 Stakeholder Involvement Plan 62
3 Project Results Framework: 64
4 Total budget and workplan 68
5 Management Arrangements 73
5.1 Project Executive and Implementing Partner 73
5.2 Project Organogram 74
5.3 Audit arrangements 82
5.4 UNDP support services 82
5.5 Intellectual property rights 83
5.6 Communications and visibility requirements: 83
6 M&E workplan and budget 84
7 Legal Context 88
8 Signature Page 90 ANNEXES (separate document)
Annex 1: Risk Analysis
Annex 2: Agreements
Annex 3: Terms of Reference
Annex 4: Capacity Assessment
Annex 5: Maps
Annex 6: Tables
Annex 7: Graphs and figures
Annex 8: V&A analysis
Annex 9: Role of Women and Ethnic Minorities in Sekong and Saravane
Annex 10: Climate Change Adaptation Training Modules
Annex 11: Macro and Micro level climate risk assessment tools
Annex 12: Annual workplan for year 1
Annex 13: Economic Analysis
Annex 14: References
List of Acronyms |ADB |Asian Development Bank |
|AMAT |Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool |
|APAN |Asian Pacific Adaptation Network |
|APR |Annual Project Review |
|BTOR |Back to Office Report |
|CBO |Community-based Organization |
|CC |Climate Change |
|CCA |Climate Change Adaptation |
|CFCCA |Community Forest Cover and Change Analysis |
|COP |Conference of Parties |
|CPAP |Country Program Action Plan |
|CPD |Country Program Document |
|CRVA |Community Risk and Vulnerability Analysis |
|DDF |District Development Fund |
|DDSC |District Development Support Committee |
|DONRE |Department of Natural Resources and Environment |
|DPH |Department of Public Health |
|DPWT |Department of Public Works and Transport |
|DRM |Disaster Risk Management |
|DRR |Disaster Risk Reduction |
|EbA |Ecosystem-based Adaptation |
|EIRR |Economic Internal Rate of Return |
|ELAN |Ecosystem and Livelihoods Adaptation Network |
|ESCO |Energy Service Company |
|EWS |Early Warning System |
|GDP |Gross Domestic Product |
|GEF |Global Environmental Facility |
|GOL |Gift of Life International |
|GPAR |Governance and Public Administration Reform |
|HDI |Human Development Index |
|IISD |International Institute for Sustainable |
| |Development |
|INGO |International Non-governmental Organization |
|IUCN |International Union for Conservation of Nature |
|IWRM |Integrated Water Resources Management |
|KFW |Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau/German Development |
| |Bank |
|Lao PDR |Lao Peoples Democratic Republic |
|LDC |Least Developed Countries |
|LDCF |Least Developed Countries Fund |
|LuxDEV |Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation |
|M&E |Monitoring and Evaluation |
|MAF |Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
|MCTPC |Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post and |
| |Construction |
|MDG |Millennium Development Goal |
|MOE |Ministry of Education |
|MOH |Ministry of Health |
|MOHA |Ministry of Home Affairs |
|MONRE |Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
|MPWT |Ministry of Public Works and Transport |
|MRC |Mekong River Commission |
|MWD |Mekong Water Dialogue |
|NAFRI |National Agriculture and Forestry Research |
| |Institute |
|NAMA |National Appropriate Mitigation Action |
|NAPA |National Adaptation Program for Action |
|NBSAP |National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan |
|NCSA |National Capacity Self Assessment |
|NDMC |National Disaster Management Committee |
|NDMO |National Disaster Management Office |
|NGO |Non-governmental Organization |
|NPA |National Protected Area |
|NSEDP |National Socio Economic Development Plan |
|NTFP |Non-timber Forest Product |
|NTPC |Nam Theun II Power Company |
|PAFO |Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office |
|PBSAP |Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan |
|PIF |Project Information File |
|PIMS |Project Information Management System |
|PIR |Project Implementation Reports |
|PMU |Project Management Unit |
|POHA |Provincial Office of Home Affairs |
|PONRE |Provincial Office of Natural Resources and |
| |Environment