Course Information

You will develop an interest not only in the Italian language but also an
understanding for ... rules, listening to your audio CD repeatedly, doing the
exercises in the workbook, and the readings. ... Lab: You should keep your
Workbook/Lab Manual up-to-date. ... Accommodation for Student with Disabilities
: I will do my best to ...

Part of the document

Course Information Elementary Italian I FLI 101 Instructor: Michèle Darrah
Office: Wither 423
Ph: 515-9284
OFFICE HOURS: M/W/F 11:25 to 12:105am and by appointment.

- CIAO!, Carla Federici -Carla Riga, Boston: Thomas/Heinle, 8th Ed
- CIAO! WORKBOOK and LAB MANUAL, Carla Federici -Carla Riga, Boston:
Heinle, 8th Ed Objectives: The course will give particular attention to developing skills
of listening, speaking, writing and reading. All the skills will be
supported by listening to CD's, watching Videos, active speaking in class,
grammar exercises, games, reading about every day situations, using the
lab. You will be able to present yourself to others, to understand and use
familiar everyday expression, to ask simple questions and make elementary
conversation. Italian Art History and Italian History lectures, appropriate
to this level, will be presented in class. You will develop an interest not only in the Italian language but also an
understanding for the Italian culture. Please remember: Be on time; bring your book; do not bring food into the
classroom; turn off your cell phone. During class go out only if absolutely
necessary - and not during grammar explanation or correction! Participation: Attendance and active participation in class are of primary
importance in order to learn a foreign language. You are required to do all
the assigned homework such as: learning the vocabulary and grammar rules,
listening to your audio CD repeatedly, doing the exercises in the
workbook, and the readings. Attendance in the language lab is also required
-an average of one hour per week. In addition there will be: some mini
quizzes, a grammar -vocabulary test at the end of each chapter, a mid term
exam, an oral exam, and a final exam. **Please obtain any missing assignment from a fellow student.
Lab: You should keep your Workbook/Lab Manual up-to-date. This work should
be finished by the end of each chapter, but it is to be done it as we
progress through the chapter. The audio files are available with your book
In order to use the lab you must have 'Ciao! Workbook and Lab Manual' 8th
How to access to the Audio part of the Workbook/Lab Manual:
- You can access online through the access code you will find in your
package. This should give you access to all of the audio parts in the
Workbook and Textbook.
- You may go to the NCSU Language Technology Center. Once in the Lab please
request CDs for 'Ciao! 8th Ed' .The Lab personal will assist you. Lab:
Language Technology Center 214 Laundry Building, Tel #515 - 2463. Please
The work in the Workbook for each chapter has to be completed before the
test for that chapter.
Attendance, assignments, class participation, improvement, lab
Tests 35%
Mini quizzes 10%
Final Exam 25%
Oral Exam 10% Grading Scale: +/- grading scale. Ex: A+/- 100-97; B+/- 89-80; C+/- 79-70;
D+/-69-60; F