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Step 8 of the exercise reads "Use su - linda". Change .... Chapter 23, Exercise
23.4, Step 7, Add Third Sentence ... Chapter 14, Third Paragraph, Last Sentence.

Part of the document

Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 7 Cert guide
First Edition
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Certification ISBN-10: 0-7897-5405-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-5405-9 Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as
possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided
is on an "as is" basis. The author and the publisher shall have neither
liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any
loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book or from
the use of the CD or programs accompanying it. When reviewing corrections, always check the print number of your book.
Corrections are made to printed books with each subsequent printing. First Printing: August 2015 Corrections for February 3, 2016 |Pg |Error - Second Printing |Correction |
|77 |Chapter 3, Creating Archives with tar, |Should read: |
| |Second Paragraph, Last Sentence | |
| |Reads: |For a complete overview of relevant options used, |
| |For a complete overview of relevant |see Table 3.6. |
| |options used, see Table 3.4. | | Corrections for January 20, 2016 |Pg |Error - Second Printing |Correction |
|139 |3. Type id linda to verify that user linda|3. Type id linda to verify that user linda has |
| |has correctly been added to the group |correctly been added to the group sales. In the |
| |sales. In the results of this command, you|results of this command, you see that linda is |
| |see that linda is assigned to the group |assigned to a group with the name linda. This is her|
| |with gid=100(users). This is her primary |primary group. The groups parameter mentions linda, |
| |group. With the groups parameter, all |as well as, the group that she is currently a member|
| |groups she is a member of as secondary |of: |
| |group are mentioned: | |
|145 |Remove step 3 of the exercise | Delete and renumber steps. |
| | |3. Type scp |
| | |labipa.example.com:/etc/ipa/ca.crt/etc/openldap/cace|
| | |rts. |
|145 |Remove step 3 of the exercise | 5. You now see a message indicating that you need |
| |6. You now see a message indicating that |to copy the certificate of the CA that has signed |
| |you need to copy the certificate of |the public key certificate of the LDAP server to |
| |the CA that has signed the public key |/etc/openldap/cacerts. Open a terminal window and |
| |certificate of the LDAP server to |from this terminal, type |
| |/etc/openldap/cacerts. You have already |scp labipa.example.com:/etc/ipa/ca.crt |
| |done this in step 3 of this exercise, so |/etc/openldap/cacerts. |
| |no action is required here. | |
|308 |Step 4: change "-/var/log/httpd-error.log"|fixed |
| |to "/var/log/httpd-error.log" | |
| |* Step 5: change "systemctl restart | |
| |rsyslogd" to "systemctl restart rsyslog" | |
| |* Step 7: From the firefox browser, go | |
| |to http://localhost. As no index.html page| |
| |exists yet, this will be written to the | |
| |error log. | |
| |* Step 9: change "systemctl restart | |
| |rsyslogd" to "systemctl restart rsyslog" | |
Corrections for January 6, 2016 |Pg |Error - Second Printing |Correction |
|10 |Answer b reads "/home" |Change to "/var" |
|41 |In exercise, at the beginning of step 12 |Add "Type rm -rf ~/.bash_history |
|58 |4c reads "df -T" |Change to "df -hT" |
|72 |Step 11 reads "... cp -a newfiles/* .. |Change to "cp -a ../newfiles/* .. Type ls -al to |
| |Type ls -l ... |see... (NOTE: the cp -a command ends with a dot!) |
|73 |Step 12 reads "... cp -a newfiles/.." |Change to "cp -a ../newfiles/. .."(NOTE: the command|
| | |itself has two dots in the end) |
|95 |In the last paragraph, "... match red as |Replace with "match reed, but not red" |
| |well as reed." | |
|131 |The first bullet ends with " You can |Replace with: "A file /etc/nologin can be created. |
| |create a file with the name ...." From |If this file exists, only root will be able to log |
| |here, until "... shell tries to log in", |in. Other users will see the contents of this file |
| |remove all and replace |and logins will be denied. |
|131 |"Typical for /etc/shadow ... for |Replace with: Only the user root and processes |
| |connecting to a system." |running as root have access to /etc/shadow. |
|165 |Step 8 of the exercise reads "Use su - |Change to "Use su - linda and type cd /data/sales." |
| |linda" | |
|166 |Replace the paragraph "The tar utility ...|Change to: "Previous versions of the tar utility did|
| |settings as well" |not support working with ACLs, which is why the star|
| | |utility was introduced. You won't need this utility |
| | |anymore because current versions of tar do support |
| | |working with ACLs. The star utility however is still|
| | |listed in the exam objectives. |
|192 |Exercise 8.4, step 2 |Change DHCP to DNS |
|193 |Exercise, step 4 reads "" |change to "," |
| | | |
|218 |Step 5 includes "You will see ... |Replace with. "As the dd processes were started as |
| |processes also" |background processes, they are not killed when their|
| | |parent shell was killed. Instead, they have been |
| | |moved upwards and are now a child of the systemd |
| | |process." |
|221 |Question 6 - answer |Change the answer to "Renice -nn -p PID, where nn is|
| | |a negative value between -1 and -20. Notice that you|
| | |need to be root in order to increase process |
| | |priority. |
|253 |THe middle of the page reads "...that ends|Change to "... that ends in .repo in the directory |
| |in .repo" |/etc/yum.repos.d" |
|285 |The last line on the page reads "Every |Replace with "Every hour between 7 AM and 6 PM on |
| |hour on weekdays on the hour." |weekdays on the hour" |
|292 |Review question 3 |The answer should read "*/2 * * * *" |
|303 |reads "SYSLOGD_OTIONS" |Change to "SYSLOGD_OPTIONS" |
|317 |The answer to question 10 reads "killella"|Replace with "killall" |
|355 |The fifth line from below reads "use the |Change to "use the partition type 8e00" |
| |partition type 8300" | |
|439 |The first bullet reads " ... your current |Change to "... your current working environment, |
| |working environment." |using chroot as described before." |
|447 |Question 9 |The answer should read "grub2-mkconfig -o |
| | |/boot/grub2/grub.cfg"