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Work: The mission of NNSI is to train federal and contractor ...... Intelligence
Newsletter, Indigo Publications, 10 rue du Sentier, 75002 Paris, .... $48/year (47

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January 22, 2006 | home WACKENHUT CORPORATION http://www.american-buddha.com/wackenhut.htm Wackenhut corporation tied to the PROMIS software scam
Virginia McCullough Interview, by Paul DeRienzo
Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, by Wackenhutcorrections.com
Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com
Wackenhut Corporation -- A Patriot or a Partner in Executive Crime?, by
Armen Victorian
Wackenhut Corporation Namebase Search Results by pir.org
When Osama Bin Laden was Tim Osman, by J. Orlin Grabbe
Whitewater Table of Contents
Fred Alvarez, the deputy tribal chief of the Cabazon Indian tribe, found
out that the monetary proceeds from the Bingo Palace (set up on his tribe's
reservation presumably to reward the tribe for permitting the Wackenhut
Security Corporation to use the reservation for weapons and biochemical
warfare development) were being laundered and used to finance the Contras
in Nicaragua.
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: .... Alvarez realized that the Indians were receiving
no money, and in fact, the money was being fairly evenly split between
[members of] a partnership called the Bingo Palace Inc. As a result of his
investigation, there was anger and outrage by the Nichols family and by
those Indians on the reservation who supported them. Fred experienced death
threats. He experienced sabotage to his motorcycle. He experienced
terrorism, and finally he gave a series of interviews to the Desert Sun
which was a newspaper in the general area. And at the time, he said, "As I
give you these interviews, I'm a dead man."
Shortly thereafter, he and two other men, who just happened to be in his
home at the time, were executed. There was evidence that Fred had been
tortured. And they were shot, execution style.
Now, there was no autopsy done or [investigation] allowed of the scene.
Shortly after that, the house in which the murders took place was razed to
the ground. Linda Streeter Dukic, who is Fred Alvarez's sister, and his
parents, Phyllis and Leroy Alvarez, succeeded in reopening the
investigation briefly. In 1985, Governor Dukemejian of California ordered
the attorney-general's office to look into it.
But something happened at that time that was very strange, because just
shortly after they reopened the investigation, they immediately closed it.
We now know that there was a key suspect in the contract murders of those
three individuals. But no indictment was brought down. In fact, it's my
belief that a cover-up took place at the state level.
PAUL DeRIENZO: Do you know the name of the person who was the suspect?
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: Well, I have a three-page letter, that was written
June 26, 1991, that names the suspect. And I'll quote from the letter. You
can imagine our shock when the investigators from the attorney- general's
office informed us that the boyfriend was, in fact, John Paul Nichols Jr.,
the key suspect.
PAUL DeRIENZO: That's the son of John P. Nichols, who at one time was the
administrator of the Cabazon Indian reservation.
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: Yes, and who still holds tremendous power there. Just
recently- I think, in order to justify the distribution of funds-the senior
Mr. Nichols has been named counselor to the Indians down there on the
Cabazon reservation.
PAUL DeRIENZO: Tell us a little bit about the Cabazon Indians. Where is
this reservation located?
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: The reservation is located near Indio, California,
which is just outside of Palm Springs. And the reservation itself is a
reservation of large acreage. It has some seventeen hundred acres in the
desert. It has the usual water and mineral rights on the reservation. But
the membership of the tribe itself is very low: twenty-four members at the
time that the Nichols took over, around 1978. And there were some changes
in Indian land law that took place at the Congressional level in 1978 that
allowed white managers to come in over the tribes and manage the affairs of
the reservations-to actually broker the assets of the reservations, and to
enter into contracts with other entities.
As part of the senior Mr. Nichols management of the Indian reservation,
numerous joint ventures were entered into between the Nichols family,
operating for the Cabazons, and the Wackenhut Security Corporation out of
Coral Gables, Florida. The Wackenhut Security Corporation has heavy CIA
ties, and also has ties directly to the White House.
PAUL DeRIENZO: Describe some of the projects that were entertained on the
Cabazon reservation. Now, I hear that there was, besides the bingo parlors,
off-track betting, a housing project called Indian Village Housing that was
going to bring in luxury housing for whites on reservation land, and the
construction, also, of a toxic waste dump, a power plant that, because of
the status of the reservation, would not be covered by EPA regulations.
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: There was all of that and much more. There were arms
produced and manufactured and proposed through a company called the Cabazon
Arms Corporation which, again, was Wackenhut and the Cabazon Security
Corporation. And that arms corporation had demonstrations of night-vision
goggles, and chemical warfare weapons, and machine guns during the time
that these items would be necessary to supply to the Contras.
Many of the people who were instrumental in, and operatives in, the
Iran/Contra [conspiracy] appeared on a range just outside of the
reservation to view the weapons, in the early 1980's. They also had a
Cabazon Trading Company which dealt largely with tobacco and coffee
imports. They had a Cabazon Gas & Oil Corporation that dealt with research
connected directly to Hercules Research Corporation in Hercules,
California, which was partially owned by Michael Riconosciuto. Michael
Riconosciuto is a CIA operative who was trying to leave "the company" [the
CIA's nickname], and who has given a declaration [affidavit] in the Inslaw
PAUL DeRIENZO: We played a tape of an interview, that was done at a
Pacifica station in Los Angeles, with Michael Riconosciuto who is now in
jail. And we spoke with Harry Martin earlier a bit about Michael
Riconosciuto. He was involved with the Inslaw case in that he gave
testimony shortly before he was arrested that he was involved in rewriting
this software for intelligence purposes on the Cabazon reservation, and
that he was also involved in selling this software to various intelligence
agencies around the world-this software that belongs to the Inslaw Company
which Inslaw and bankruptcy judges maintain was taken illegally from Inslaw
by the Justice Department.
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: Yes. In fact, I think the words were, "stolen by
trickery, fraud and deceit" from Inslaw Corporation. That's the PROMIS
software. And it's ostensibly in use, as we speak, within the United States
Justice Department, but also in the intelligence communities of Canada,
Austria, Australia, India, Iraq, Iran and parts of Saudi Arabia.
PAUL DeRIENZO: Now, what is the connection between the Inslaw case, the
Cabazon tribe, and Mr. Riconosciuto?
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: The declaration that Michael Riconosciuto presented,
in the Inslaw case on March 21, 1991, was absolutely devastating because he
alleged that Dr. Earl Brian, who owns UPI [United Press International] and
FNN [Financial News Network], actually took the software through an
operative by the name of Peter Videnieks, who was the Government auditor
for the Inslaw contract with the Justice Department. Mr. Videnieks obtained
the software, gave it to Dr. Earl Brian, and Dr. Earl Brian presented it to
Michael Riconosciuto with instructions that it be altered or adapted for
use by the Canadian and other intelligence communities. Michael complied
and did as he was told, and he did, in fact, alter that software. And he
named the locations where the work took place in the declaration of March
But in addition to that, he also went into great detail about the threats
that had been made against him by Peter Videnieks who was the Justice
Department employee. And, in effect, what Mr. Videnieks told Michael
Riconosciuto, according to the declaration, was that he would be subject to
prosecution in a case that had yet to be announced by the Justice
Department-a case involving a Mr. Robert Ferrante and Consolidated Savings
& Loan of Southern California-if he continued to cooperate with the Inslaw
people in testifying before Congressman Jack Brooks's House Judiciary
PAUL DeRIENZO: And he was, in fact, arrested.
VIRGINIA McCULLOUGH: Eight days later. He was arrested and he was held on
one count of conspiracy to distribute methamphetamines. He is being held at
Pearce County Jail in the state of Washington.
Earl Brian was detailed at length by a reporter for the Financial Post by
the name of Eric Reguly on August 19, 1991. Now, Mr. Reguly had received
the same death threats as the slain reporter Danny Casolaro when he started
looking into Mr. Earl Brian. And anyone who has researched Earl Brian's
early life is left with many, many questions about everything from whether
the man is truly a doctor (he did not finish his internship at Stanford; he
left a quarter short of [finishing] his internship at Stanford University)
to exactly what role he played in the Vietnam War that would result in all
of the many medals which the United States Government claims he received in
the two years he served there as a physician.
Mr. Reguly's article was entitled: "Questions Grow as Big Daddy Watches His
Empire Crumble". Big Daddy is the nickname for Dr. Earl Brian. And he had
an extensive financial network, from a company called Biotech Capital
Corporation-where Mrs. Edwin Meese had invested-to the Financial News
Network, where he was accused of cooking the books by his own auditors. In
addition to that, this article goes into great detail about Dr. Earl
Brian's links to the US and Israeli intelligence communiti