
The project organization plan is therefore not introduced. However, a highlight of
the selected activities leading to its construction is provided in the table below.

Part of the document

Unit six planning:( No man is an island )


The unit's contents :

I)-Discovering language.
A) Grammar:
< Reported speech with the present perfect and the past simple.
< Present perfect (revision).
< The imperative.
< Had better.
< Link words: for, since ....
< Simple past (revision).
< How long?
B) Pronunciation:
< Intonation in yes/no and WH questions.
< Silent letters: k, n, p....
< Pronunciation of the suffix ed.
C) Vocabulary:
< Vocabulary-related to disasters and human solidarity.
< Reporting verbs.

II)-Developing skills.
A) Functions:
< Asking for and giving advice.
< Asking for and giving information.
< Reporting.
< Quoting someone.
< Making claims.
< Expressing interest and surprise.
< Disagreeing politely.

B) Skills:
< Reading a report.
< Managing through a conversation.
< Writing a news story.
< Writing a report.
< Writing a questionnaire.
< Conducting an interview.

Unit six planning:( No man is an island )


Second years


< The Project outlines. (pages:118)

|Project|Making a survey. |
|outcome|For extra information see page 132. |

< Think it over. (page:119)
< Words to say. (page:119)

Unit six planning:( No man is an island )


Second Years


Note: Due to specific conditions, mainly related to time shortage, the
project is omitted from this unit and the following ones. The project
organization plan is therefore not introduced. However, a highlight of the
selected activities leading to its construction is provided in the table

Unit six planning:( No man is an island )

III) -Table of selected activities.

|Rubrics |Activities' |Pages |Competences |
| |number | | |
| | | |Interacting |Interpreting O&W|Producing |
| | | |orally |msgs |O & W msgs |
|Discovering language |-Before you read. | | | | |
| |-As you read. | | | | |
| |-Grammar desk. | | | | |
|Practice |-Activity one. | | | | |
| |-Activity two. | | | | |
| |-Activity three. | | | | |
|Write it right |-Activity one. | | | | |
|Say it loud and clear |- Activity one. | | | | |
| |- Activity three. | | | | |
| |- Activity four. | | | | |
|Working with words |- Activity one. | | | | |
|Listening and speaking |- Activity one. | | | | |
| |- Activity two. | | | | |
| |- Activity three. | | | | |
|Write it up |- Activity one. | | | | |
| |- Activity two. | | | | |
|Reading and writing |- Activity one. | | | | |
| |- Activity two. | | | | |
| |- Activity three. | | | | |
| |- Activity four. | | | | |
|Write it out |- Activity one. | | | | |
Unit six planning:( No man is an island )

Preview. (Page: 119).
At this stage, the teacher makes students aware of the unit's topic and
its project in addition to the principal objectives of the unit. It is also
likely to provide pupils with the general outlines for building the unit's
project and a discussion about any necessary changes or recommendations.
< Think it over. (Page: 119).
Students are encouraged to observe, analyze and diagnose the map and
the picture on this page. Their reactions to the latter will so much help
them obtain a clearer image about what 'unit six' is all about, i.e. the
interaction about the pictures will serve as an entry into the topic of the
1) To familiarize pupils with the topic of unit six.
2) To introduce the unit implicitly.
3) To recognize the general notes that the project work would include.
< Words to say. (Page 119).
A list of words is provided on the right side of the page. The focus
of this activity is on the pronunciation of the "ed" inflection. Students,
therefore, should repeat the words in the checklist. All the words are
related to the topic of the unit. The teacher reads each word individually
focusing on the stress and intonation with a discussion of the meaning.
* Aims:
1) To familiarize students with specific spoken English sounds.
2) To make pupils aware of stress patterns in spoken English.

Unit six planning:( No man is an island )

< Part One.


Second years


Pre-reading. (page:120)
Post reading "Grammar Desk". (page:121)
Practice. (pages:122/123)
Write it right. (page:123)
Say it loud and clear. (page:124)
Working with words. (page:125)

Discovering language. (Page: 120).
Before you read.
Students take a look at the drawings on the left side of page 120 and
then provide answers to the questions.
The task: Look at the symbols and discuss the questions below.
* Aims:
1) To identify the humane societies that provides help for victims in
hard times; The Red Cross and the Red Crescent and their symbols.
Suggested answers to pre-reading stage:
Students' answers may not be exact. Answers may also vary depending on
pupils' imaginations, cultural backgrounds and even intelligence. Therefore
the teacher has to put both their imaginations and notes on track before
carrying out to the next stage.
a. The first symbol represents a crescent (used by Muslim agencies); the
second is a cross (used by other religious groups). Because of that
difference, the third symbol - a diamond- is introduced. (The International
Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies is still discussing
whether to adopt the diamond as an alternative common symbol). For
additional notes about this point students are told to read the text in the
textbook on page 135.
b. They represent the different organizations which bring relief to people
in need.
c. No, they aren't. People who work for these organizations are volunteers.
d. They operate in situations in which people are in need of help like
those who face natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, etc.
f. They fulfill the following duties:
* fund raising.
* collecting food aids.
* helping with medical care.
* providing assistance in emergency situations.
As you read. (page: 120/121)
Activity one: Read the text and answers the following questions.
Pupils read the text individually or in pairs and answer the questions on
page 121
* Aims of activity one:
1) To train students on reading and look for specific details.

Answers to activity one:
a. The report is about Youth charity
b. The author writes about the findings/results in the second paragraph
(§02). The reporter writes/ gives the interpretation in the third
paragraph (§03).
c. The reporter uses the word "interestingly" in the second paragraph to
show his surprise at the unexpected results of the survey.
d. No, it doesn't. The data gathered by Youth 2010 show that young
People are more thoughtful than they were thought to be by their
After reading. (The grammar desk, p121).
With the guidance of the teacher pupils do all the activities in the
computer screen-shaped square on page 121.
* Aims: