The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin! - Mission Printing

In the second place, man seeks to justify himself in the sins in which he is ......
Some people have such ability to exercise and multiply their talents that they ......
that he resorts to an exaggeration that completely distorts the facts and leads
those ...... Even if it is not manual labor, it is often arduous with strain and stress?
truly a ...

Part of the document

Front Cover

The Exceeding
Sinfulness of Sin

By Guy V. Caskey

With a special chapter on

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

By David Caskey

Cover by Jack Dow


For further study of the Bible,
information about the Scriptures
or a place to worship, please contact the
Church of Christ nearest you.

A free Bible Correspondence Course
is available from:
Department M.P.
P.O. Box 9346
Austin, TX 78766, USA

Mission Printing, Inc.
World Evangelism by the Printed Page
A Work of Churches of Christ
P.O. Box 2029
Arlington, TX 76004, USA

printed: September 2000


|Introduction |ii|
|........................................ |i |
|Preface |iv|
|............................................. | |
|Foreword |v |
|............................................ | |
|Prologue |vi|
|............................................ | |

|Chapte|Title |Page |
|r | | |
| 1 |What Sin Is |1 |
| |.............................. | |
| 2 |The Dominion of Sin |10 |
| |...................... | |
| 3 |The Small Number of the Saved |20 |
| |............ | |
| 4 |The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin |33 |
| |.......... | |
| 5 |We are Idolaters |46 |
| |......................... | |
| 6 |Dangers in the Church |59 |
| |.................... | |
| 7 |God Gave Them Up |78 |
| |......................... | |
| 8 |The Reality of Sin |90 |
| |....................... | |
| 9 |The Sin of Doing Nothing |102 |
| |................. | |
| 10 |Sins of the Flesh and Sins of the |114 |
| |Attitude | |
| 11 |One Born of God Cannot Sin |126 |
| |............... | |
| 12 |Neither Was Guile Found in His Mouth|137 |
| |..... | |
| 13 |Have a Drink, Brother |156 |
| |.................... | |
| 14 |Covetousness is Idolatry |168 |
| |................. | |
| 15 |Three Evil Ways to Travel |179 |
| |................ | |
| 16 |Sins Jesus Hated Most |202 |
| |.................... | |
| 17 |The Removal of Barriers |216 |
| |.................. | |
| 18 |Pride or Self-Esteem. Which? |234 |
| |............. | |
| 19 |The Sin of Gambling |251 |
| |...................... | |
| 20 |And Now They Sin More and More |265 |
| |........... | |
| 21 |Flee Fornication |286 |
| 22 |An Evil and Adulterous Generation |299 |
| |........ | |
| 23 |Licentiousness-A Variety of Sins |314 |
| |......... | |
| 24 |Alcohol and Drug Abuse |343 |
| |................... | |
| 25 |Your Body is God's Temple |358 |
| |................ | |
| 26 |The Lord Will Not Impute Sin |369 |
| |............. | |



Guy Caskey, 82, has been preaching the gospel for the past sixty-six years.
He began his ministry at age 16 and his work has consisted of local work,
gospel meetings, and service as a missionary in Africa and Jamaica. He
spent five years in South Africa, three years in East Africa, and five
years in Jamaica. His experience in the mission field and his love for the
lost made him aware of the need for printed gospel literature to aid in
teaching the truth.
A few years after returning to the United States in 1974 to become the
pulpit minister of the Randol Mill Road Church of Christ in Arlington,
Texas, he was instrumental in establishing Mission Printing. Beginning in
1981, he served as director of Mission Printing or 17 years. His work
consisted of preaching and teaching to congregations throughout the
brotherhood, writing numerous gospel articles and books, and raising funds
for Mission Printing. He is known for his scholarly and studious approach
in his preaching and writing, and strives to always be in harmony with
God's Word.
Although presently hindered by illness, Guy still feels the urgency to
teach and save the lost through is writing and work at Mission Printing.
Through his long years of uninterrupted service, many have been taught the
truth and have obeyed the gospel.


After serving as a missionary in Africa and Jamaica, Guy Caskey saw the
need to provide written material that would bring the lost to Christ. The
culmination of his dream was realized some twenty years ago when Mission
Printing was established. Thus a dream became reality.
Mission Printing has its own facility which provides adequate space for its
volunteers to work. Men and women print and assemble materials which are
used to preach the gospel around the world. All of these materials are sent
free of charge. Letters (about 250 a week from 150 countries) are received
which tell of many conversions and baptisms, and requesting additional
Some one hundred books are printed, consisting of from eight to four
hundred pages on almost 100 Bible subjects. Millions have been printed and
sent and some books have been translated into about forty languages.
Sixteen different books have been translated into the Paite language of
India and 80,000 copies were sent. Last year, Mission Printing sent about
forty-five tons of books all over the world to help spread the pure gospel
of Christ. The postage alone was over $60,000 and these figures are growing
every year.
Many are investing in the future of Mission Printing. Some have left this
work in their wills, some have given paid-up life insurance policies, and
others have given an Endowment Fund so that in the future the interest on
that money will help pay for part of the paper postage, and other necessary
costs. Mission Printing is a non-profit organization and is entirely
dependent on contributions. If you can help in this way, or you know a
friend or brother who is interested in spreading the Good News of Christ,
we would be deeply grateful for that help. After all, the Lord left His
church here in this world that we may see to it that it goes to "the
uttermost part of the earth."
If there are questions you wish to ask, address your letters to
Mission Printing, P.O. Box 2029, Arlington, TX 76004, USA.


The Depravity of Man

"That man is a fallen creature, is evident. If we consider his misery as an
inhabitant of the natural world: the disorders of the globe we inhabit, and
the dreadful scourges with which it is visited; the deplorable and shocking
circumstances of our birth; the painful and dangerous travail of women; our
natural uncleanliness, helplessness, ignorance, and nakedness; the gross
darkness in which we naturally are, both with respect to God and a future
state; the general rebellion of the brute creation against us; the various
poisons that lurk in the animal, vegetable, and mineral world, ready to
destroy us; the heavy curse of toil and sweat to which we are liable; the
innumerable calamities of life, and the pangs of death.
"Again, it is evident, if we consider him as a citizen of the moral world:
his commission sin; his omission of duty; the triumph of sensual appetites
over his intellectual faculties: the corruption of the powers that
constitute a good head, the understanding, the imagination, memory, and
reason; the depravity of the powers which form a good heart, the will,
conscience, and affections; his manifest alienation from God; his amazing
disregard even of his nearest relatives; his unaccountable unconcern about
himself; his detestable tempers; the general outbreaking of human
corruption in all individuals; the universal overflowing o fit in all
"Some striking proofs of this depravity may be seen in the general
propensity of mankind to vain, irrational, or cruel diversions; in the
universality of the most ridiculous, impious, inhuman, and diabolical sins;
in the aggravating circumstances attending th