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Exercises for Class and Home Translation 244 ... Elswick-Hopper Cycle & Motor Co. 9. ... baobab ??????, zebra ?????; Australian aboriginal: dingo ?????, kiwi ????, etc. ... sentence ??????????????/??????????????? ???????; involution (?math.) ...

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ISBN 966-95804-0^
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????????? 8
I. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of
Translation 10
Translation as a Notion and Subject 10
Significance of Translating/Interpreting 13
Translation in Teaching of Foreign Languages 15
Ways of Translating 17
Machine Translation 26
Kinds of Translating/Interpreting 28
Suggested Topics for Self-Control and Class Discussion 32
II. A Short Historical Outline of European and
Ukrainian Translation 34
Translation and Interpretation during the Middle Ages 38
Translation during the Renaissance Period 41
Translation during the Period of Classicism and
Enlightenment 42
The Epoch of Romanticism and Establishment of the
Principles of Faithful Translation in Europe 44
Translation in Kyivan Rus' during the 10th -13th Centuries
and in Ukraine during the 14th-16th Centuries 47
The Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Revival of Translation
Activities in Ukraine 52
Kotlyarevskyi's Free Adaptation of Virgil's Aeneid and the
Beginning of a New Era in Ukrainian Translation 54
Translation and Translators during the Late
19th-Early 20th Centuries 57
Translation during the Years of Ukraine's Independence
(1917-1921) and Soviet Rule 63
Translation and Translators in Post-War Ukraine. The
Development of the Principles of Faithful Translation 72
Translation in Ukraine during the Last Decade of the 20th
Century and the Role of the Vsesvit Journal 86
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 89

III. Lexicological Aspects of Translation 91
Methods and Ways of Translating Various Proper Names 92
Conveying the Names of Companies, Corporations, Firms 104
Topics for Self-Control and Class/Home Reviewing 113
Texts for Independent Oral and Written Translation 126
Units of International Lexicon and Ways of Rendering
Their Meaning and Lingual Form 128
Ways of Conveying the Lexical Meaning of Genuine
Internationalisms 135
Translating of Loan Internationalisms 140
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 141
Exercises for Class and Homework 142
Texts for Independent Class and Home Translation 146
News Items for Class Translation at Sight (in Viva Voce) 148
Units of Nationally Biased Lexicon and Ways of
Their Translation 151
Ways of Rendering the Meaning of Nationally
Biased Units of Lexicon 157
Exercises for Class and Homework 169
Texts for Independent Class and Home Translation 177
Translating of Idiomatic/Phraseological and Stable
Expressions 182
Transformations of Some Idioms in the Process of
Translating 196
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 198
Exercises for Class and Homework 198
IV. Lexico-Grammatical Aspects of Translation 208
Rendering of the Contextual Meanings of the Definite and
Indefinite Articles 208
Realization of Contextual Meanings of the Definite Article 210
Realization of Contextual Meanings of the Indefinite Article 215
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 221
Exercises for Class and Homework 221
Asyndetic Noun Clusters and Rendering Their
Meaning into Ukrainian 225
Approaches to Translating Asyndetic Substantival Clusters 226


Translation of Two-Componental Asyndetic Substantival
Clusters 227
Translation of Three-Componental Asyndetic Substantival
Clusters 232
Translation of Four-Componental Asyndetic Substantival
Clusters 237
Translation of Five-, Six- and Seven-Componental Asyndetic
Substantival Clusters 240
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 243
Exercises for Class and Home Translation 244
Translating of English Verbals and Verbal
Constructions/Complexes 252
Ways of Rendering the Lexico-Grammatical Meanings
and Function of the English Infinitive 253
Ways of Translating Infinitival Complexes 256
Ways of Translating the Objective with the Infinitive
Constructions/Predicative Complexes 259
Ways of Rendering the Meaning of the Subjective with the
Infinitive Constructions 263
Ways of Translating the Participles and Participial
Constructions 269
Ways of Translating Participial Constructions/Complexes 273
A. Ways of Translating the Objective with the Participle
Constructions/Complexes 274
B. Ways of Translating the Subjective with the Participle
Constructions/Complexes 276
C. Ways of Translating the Nominative Absolute Participial
Constructions/Complexes 280
D. Ways of Identification of Implicit Meanings in the Nominative
Absolute Participial Constructions 283
Structural Types of Ukrainian Language Units Conveying the Meanings of the
Nominative Absolute Participial Constructions ... 285
Translation of the Gerund and Gerundial Complexes 295
Ways of Translating Gerundial Complexes/Constructions 299
Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 302
Ways and Means of Expressing Modality in English and
Ukrainian 308
The Lexico-Grammatical Expression of Modality
through Modal Verbs 310
English Modal Verbs Having not Always Modal Verbs
Equivalents in Ukrainian 334
Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 343
Exercises for Class and Homework '. 343
Transformations in the Process of Translation 361
Grammatically and Stylistically Prearranged
Transformations 367
Stylistically/Subjectively Predetermined Transformations 369
Ways of Conveying the Passive Voice Constructions 370
Objectively Required and Subjectively Introduced/Contextual
Transformations of Language Units 376
Objectively and Subjectively Conditioned Transformations
of Lexical Units in the Process of Translation 382
Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 387
Exercises for Class and Homework 387
V. Semantic Aspects of Translation 391
Language Units and Levels of Their Faithful Translation 391
Ways of Conveying the Meanings of Polysemantic
Language Units 394
Conveying the Meanings of Language Units at
Passage/Text Level 398
Lexico-Semantic, Stylistic and Structural Analysis of
Language Units/Sense Units of the Excerpt 405
Suggested Topics for Self-Testing and Class Discussion 419
Exercises for Class and Homework 420
Publicistic and Newspaper Style Texts and Ways of
Their Translation 423
New Items for Class and Home Written or Oral Translation 436
A List of Literature Used and Recommended 444


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