
Corrigés des exercices relatifs à l'objectif 1 .... surtout dans les terrains
granitiques et sédimentaires, à des teneurs d'environ 3 g par tonne. Ainsi, le sous
-sol ...

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«Sports medicine. Complex medical inspection during employment by physical
exercises. Investigation and an estimation of physical development of the
V-1 1. Sports medicine is a science which studies:
A. Influence of going in for sports on a sportsman's body,
B. Positive and negative influence of exercise stress with different
intensity on a body of a healthy and ill person,
C. Influence of going in for physical education on a human body,
D. Influence of hypodynamia on a healthy human body,
E. Influence of hyperdynamia on a healthy human body. 2. The main purpose of sports medicine is:
A. Optimization of human locomotor activity for health saving and health
B. Optimization of regime of work and rest.
C. Proper organization of trainings and competitions,
D. Prophylactic medical examination of population,
E. Improve of sportsmen's performance capability. 3. Main tasks of medical supervision are:
A. Study of processes of adaptation to exercise stress,
B. Estimation of conditions for carrying out trainings and competitions,
C. Estimation of fatigue level while the sporting activity,
D. Study of psycho-physiological condition during the process of trainings
and competitions,
E. Estimation of physical development, functional abilities and health
conditions in people, who go in for different types of bodily exercises 4. Functional systolic murmur after changing the position of the body (in
the position left lateral decubitus position):
A. Weakenees,
B. Increases,
C. Does not change,
D. Cannot be auscultated,
E. Changes the timbre. 5. In case of complaints of precordialgia what must be carried out in the
first place?
A. Phonocardiography,
B. Polycardiography,
C. Electrocardiography,
D. Reovasography,
E. Echocardiography. 6. Organic systolic murmur after exercise tolerance test
A. Cannot be auscultated,
B. Weakens,
C. Does not change,
D. Increases,
E. Changes the timbre.
7. Complex methodology of medical examination of people who deal with
different types of bodily exercises, includes the following parts:
A. General and sports anamnesis, somatoscopy, anthropometry, functional
B. Medical- pedagogical control during trainings and competitions.
C. External examination, spirometry, veloergometry,
D. Sanitary and hygienic examination of places of training and
E. Medical provision of sports competitions. 8. Main signs of long-term adaptation to systematic exercise stress are:
A. Insignificant bradycardia and hypotension, moderate hypertrophy of
mainly right heart Insignificant bradycardia and hypotension, moderate
hypertrophy of mainly right heart,
B. Full-blown bradycardia and hypotension, significant myocardial
C. Moderate bradycardia and hypotension, insignificant myocardial
D. Insignificant bradycardia and hypotension, moderate hypertrophy of
mainly left heart,
E. Physiological bradycardia, physiological hypotension, moderate
myocardial hypertrophy, conjugated with adequate development of capillary
network. 9. Functional systolic murmur after exercise tolerance test:
A. Weakens,
B. Increases,
C. Does not change,
D. Cannot be auscultated,
E. Changes the timbre. 10. Organical systolic murmur changing the position of the body (in the
position left lateral decubitus position):
A. Weakens,
B. Increases,
C. Does not change,
D. Cannot be auscultated,
E. Changes the timbre. 11. Expressed ventricular heart hypertrophy is a sign of:
A. Adaptation to optimal exercise stress,
B. Influence of inadequate (extreme) exercise stress,
C. Organic heart pathology,
D. Physiological cardiac enlargement,
E. Adaptation to training and competition loads. 12. Bradycardia lower than 40 beats per minute in highly-trained sportsmen
A. A change which requires additional examination for excluding hear block,
B. A severe pathological life-threatening change,
C. A physiological criterion of being trained,
D. A Pre-pathological shift,
E. A sign which always gives evidence of, impaired conductivity function.
«Sports medicine. Complex medical inspection during employment by physical
exercises. Investigation and an estimation of physical development of the
1. Main indicators of a physical development of a person:
A. Length of a body, body weight, chest circumference at inhaling and
exhaling, lung vital capacity, muscular strength, sizes of extremities and
trunk, thickness of subcutaneous fat, form of a back,
B. Height, weight, chest circumference, lung vital capacity, muscular
strength, transversal and longitudinal sizes of extremities and trunk,
somatotype, body weight structure.
C. Height, weight, chest circumference, strength of back muscles, breath
holding time, somatotype, length of lower extremities, width of pelvis,
D. Height, weight, chest circumference, lung vital capacity, muscular
strength, sizes of extremities and trunk, thickness of subcutaneous fat,
E. Height, body weight, thickness of subcutaneous fat, form of a back and
chest, lung vital capacity. 2. Main methods of estimating physical development are:
A. Methods of somatoscopy and anthropometry,
B. Methods of correlation and standardization.
C. Methods of sigma deviations and anthropometrical standards,
D. Methods of standards, anthropometric profile, indices and correlation,
E. External examination, percussion, auscultation, palpation. 3. Name human somatotype (according to Chernorutskiy):
A. Normosthenic, asthenic, hypersthenic,
B. Normotonic, asthenic, hypersthenic,
C. Normotonic, hypotonic, hypertensive,
D. Normosthenic, hypotonic, hypertensive,
E. Normosthenic, hyposthenic, hypertensive. 4. Normal size of physiological spinal curvatures are:
A. 3-4 cm,
B. 5-6 cm,
C. 1-2 cm,
D. Over 6 cm,
E. Up to 1 cm. 5. Normal thickness of subcutaneous fat is:
A. In males 0.5 cm, in females 1 cm,
B. In males 0.8-1 cm, in females 1.5-1.8 cm,
C. In males 2-2.5 cm, in females 3.5-4 cm,
D. In males 1.5 cm, in females 2.5 cm,
E. In males 1.5-2 cm, in females 2-3 cm. 6. Methods of physical development studies are:
A. Somatoscopy and anthropometry,
B. Anamnesis and medical examination of organs and systems.
C. Functional testing,
D. Methods of standards, anthropometric profile, indices and correlation,
E. External examination, percussion, auscultation palpation. 7. Normal forms of a chest:
A. Cone-shaped, barrel-shaped, hollow,
B. Cone-shaped, circular, flat,
C. Cone-shaped, cylinder-shaped,
D. Conic, cylindrical, circular,
E. Conic, cylindrical, flattened. 8. Chest excursion on average in a not trained person is:
A. In males 4-5 cm, in females 1.5-2.5 cm,
B. In males 6-8 cm, in females 3-6 cm,
C. In males 15-20 cm, in females 12-15 cm,
D. In males 10-15 cm, in females 8-10 cm,
E. In males 2-3 cm, in females 1-2 cm. 9. Carrying out anthropometry requires observance of certain conditions:
A. Investigation is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning,
B. Sleep before the investigation should be not less than 7 hours,
C. Investigation is carried out on an empty stomach at any time of the day,
D. Investigation is carried out after a 30-minute rest,
E. It is not allowed to take alcohol and smoke before the investigation. 10. While carrying out somatoscopy the following parameters are estimated:
A. Form and motility of backbone and joints,
B. Cardiac and lung borders, cardiac impulse, chest excursion,
C. Form of a chest and back, posture, level of muscular development,
D. Form of a chest and back, lung vital capacity, muscular strength and
tone, chest circumference,
E. Muscular strength, body mass and length, muscle shape. 11. While measuring chest circumference tape measure is applied:
A. On the upper shoulder-blade edge, in males above a nipple, in females -
above a mammary gland,
B. On the lower shoulder-blade edge, in males under a nipple, in females -
under a mammary gland,
C. Under shoulder-blade angle, in males on the lower edge of areolas, in
females - in places of IV rib attachment to chest or above a mammary gland, D. On the lower edge of shoulder-blade and on the V intercostal space,
E. Through the middle of shoulder-blade and on the III intercostal space. 12. Lung vital capacity is measured using the following method:
A. Spirometry,
B. Spiroergometry,
C. Sphygmography,
D. Electic spirography,
E. Spirotonometry.
«Investigation and an estimation of functional condition of an organism.
The medical conclusion»
1. In sportsmen within physiological appropriateness at rest the following
things can be auscultated:
A. Increased or mitigated heart sounds,
B. Arrhythmic heart sounds,
C. Organic systolic murmurs,
D. Accent of ?? tone on aorta,
E. Intensification of ? tone above apex of heart. 2. During combined functional test of Letunov the following exercise stress
are applied:
A. 20 squats for 30 seconds, running on the spot with a maximal pace with
high hips for 15 seconds, running on the spot for 3 minutes with a pace of
180 steps per 1 minute,
B. Running on the spot for 15 seconds with high hips, 20 squats for 30
seconds, running on the spot for 3 minutes with a pace of 180 steps per 1
C. Running on the spot for 3 minutes with a pace of 180 steps per 1 minute,
20 squats for 30 seconds, running on the spot for 15 seconds with high
D. 20 squats for 30 seconds, 60 jumps for 30 seconds, running on the spot
for 3 minutes with a pace of 180 steps per 1 minute,
E. 60 jumps for 30 seconds, running on the spot for 3 minutes with a pace
of 120 steps per 1 minute. 3. Typical dystonic reaction of a cardiovascular system on exercise stress
A. Against the background of insignificant pulse acceleration and increae