TuÇn 1 :

What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it? 4. What would you
say if you are the caller? II New Lesson: 1. Presentation: - Ask Ss to do exercise 1
on page 20. - Ss have to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to
make a complete dialogue. *Answers: 1.b 2.f 3.j 4.a 5.i 6.c 7.e 8.k 9.g 10.h 11.d.

Part of the document

Date of preparing: 20 / 8/ 2010. Date
of teaching:
Period 1: REVIEW Th× cña ®éng tõ.
Simple present
S + V(-s/es) Eg: He plays
tennis everyday.
S + don't/ doesn't + V Eg: I don't drink milk.
Do/ does + S + V? Eg: Do you go to school by
Adv: always, often, sometimes, never
Present progressive
S + am/is/are + V-ing Eg: I am reading a
S + am/is/are + Not + V-ing Eg: He isn't watching T.V.
(Wh) am/ is/ are + S + V-ing? Eg: Are you playing soccer?
Simple past
S + V-ed Eg: They went to school
S + didn't + V Eg: I didn't play
games yesterday.
(Wh) did + S + V? Eg: Did he drink beer
Adv: yesterday, ago, last day
Simple future
S + will + V Eg: I will visit
you tomorrow
S + will not + V Eg: He will not
play soccer
(Wh) + will + S + V? Eg: Will you come here?
Adv: tomorrow, next
Near future
S + am /is/ are + going to + V
Eg: I am going to buy a new school bag
S + am/ is/ are + not+ going to + V
Eg: He isn't going to visit Hanoi next week.
(Wh) + am/ is/ are + S + going to + V
Eg: Where is Mai going to spend her holiday?
* Exercise: ( Test) Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc.
We (visit) that city last year.
He usually (stay) in bed late on Sunday morning.
The children (talk) now.
They (build) a new school here next year.
My sister always (wash) her hands before meals.
What you (buy) yesterday?
Ha Noi capital (be) larger than Dong Hoi city.
My mother has a lot of money. She (buy) a new car.
Nam (not go) to school on foot every morning.
You always (play) soccer in the street?
*Key: 1. visited 4. will build 7. is
2. stays 5. washes 8. is
going to buy
3. are talking 6. did you .play 9. doesn't go 10. Doyou
II. H­íng dÉn c¸ch häc vµ ®å dïng:
. Mçi häc sinh cã ®ñ:
-2 vë ( 1 vë ghi, 1 vë bµi tËp)
S¸ch gi¸o khoa, s¸ch bµi tËp.
- Bót, th­íc, bót ch×, giÊy nh¸p. Date of preparing: 20 / 8/ 2010. Date of teaching:
Period: 2
My friends
Unit1 . LESSON 1
Listen and Read + LF1
A. Aims of lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa -
Lan - Nien and to review simple present and simple past tenses.
| Teacher |Students |
|I. Warm up: *pelmanism: | |
|Meet, come, live, think, send, receive. | |
|Met, , came, lived, thought, sent, received. |group work |
|- After the game, ask students to read these words. | |
|II. New lesson. | |
|1. Pre-reading | |
|a.Pre-teach vocabulary |Teacher - class |
|- (to) seem :(translation): cã vÎ nh­, d­êng nh­. | |
|- a next door neighbor :( explanation- a person who | |
|lives next to your house): ng­êi hµng xãm. |Repeat in chorus |
|- (to) look like :(translation) : tr«ng gièng nh­. |and individually |
|- enough (translation) : ®ñ. | |
|- (to) smile (mime) : c­êi mØm. | |
|* Checking: Rub out and remember | |
|b. Pre-questions | |
|1. How old is Nien? | |
|2. Where does Nien live? | |
|3. Is she a beautiful girl? |Pair work |
|4. Is Nien Lan's friend or Hoa's friend? | |
|- Ask students to think about these questions then ask | |
|them to guess the answer | |
|2.While-reading | |
|- Ask students to read the dialogue on page 10 and check|Pair work |
|of their answers are correct or not. | |
|* Answers: | |
|1. She is 12 years old. | |
|2. She lives in Hue. | |
|3. Yes, she is. | |
|4. She is Hoa's friend. | |
|*. Comprehension questions | |
|- Ask students to read the dialogue again and answer the| |
|questions in exercise 2 on page 11. | |
|* Keys: a. Nien lives in Hue. | |
|b. No, she doesn't. | |
|c. The sentence is she wasn't old enough to be in my | |
|class. | |
|d. At Christmas. | |
|- Call some students to ask and answer the questions. | |
|- Correct their mistakes or pronunciation. |Pair work |
|- Ask them to work in closed pairs. | |
|*. Gap-filling ( language focus 1(a) on page 16) | |
|- Ask students to use the simple present and simple past| |
|tense to complete the paragraph 1a / P16. | |
|* Keys: 1. lives 2. sent | |
| | |
|3. was 4.is | |
|3 . Post-reading. * Writing | |
|- Ask students to write a paragraph about Hoa and Lan, | |
|give them some cues and ask them to use simple present | |
|or simple past to write individually. |Individual work |
|* Cues: 1. Lan / Hoa's best friend. | |
|2. They / same class/ Quang Trung school. | |
|3. Last year/ Hoa/ to school / first time. | |
|4. Lan / show/ around/ introduce/ to/ new friends. | |
|*AnswerKeys: | |
|1. Lan is Hoa's best friend. | |
|2. They are in the same class at Quang Trung school. | |
|3. Last year, Hoa came to school for the first time. | |
|4. Hoa showed her around and introduced her to many new | |
|friends. | |
|*. Homework: - Exercises 1(a) and 1(b). | |
---------------------------------------------------- Date of preparing: 20 / 8/ 2010. Date of teaching:
Period 3
A.Aims and objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ba's
|Teacher |Students |
|I. Warm-up | |
|* Chatting: Ask students to look at four pictures on page | |
|10 and talk about the activities they want to do after | |
|school in their free time. |Teacher-whole class|
|- Teacher gives some questions. | |
|1. What are these students doing? | |
|- They are playing soccer, chess, volley ball and reading | |
|books. | |
|2. Do you like reading books? | |
|3. Whom do you like playing with? | |
|4. What time of the day do you think it is? | |
|+ in the morning/ in the evening/ after school. | |
|- Ask students to answer these questions. | |
|II.New lesson: | |
|1. Pre-reading: | |
|a. Pre-teach vocabulary: | |
|An orphanage: traÞ trÎ må c«i (explanation) |Teacher-students |
|A character : tÝnh c¸ch (explanation)| |