To undo this harm and improve sanskaras it is easy in our present state to take
the quantum jump (unless for the third type of who have been ceaselessly
working for the last more than ..... We have not taken in to consideration
emotional and mental re-action factors which would require many times more
than 10 seconds.

Part of the document

OM SATYAM PARAM DHIMAHI ! DISCOURSES 7 *SCRIBE* Yogi Shri S. N. Tavaria I N D E X DISCOURSES---Volume:-7 |Sr. No. |Date of Lecture |Page No. |Remarks. |
|1 |27-01-1991 |2 |---- |
|2 |27-02-1991 |8 |---- |
|3 |28-3-1991 |13 |---- |
|4 |27-06-1991 |19 |---- |
|5 |25-07-1991 |28 |---- |
|6 |29-07-1991 |33 |---- |
|7 |12-1991 |38 |---- |
|8 |26-03-1992 |55 |---- |
|9 |30-04-1992 |64 |---- |
|10 |02-05-1992 |71 |---- |
|11 |25-06-1992 |72 |---- |
|12 |27-8-1992 |87 |---- |
|13 |01-07-1993 |98 |---- |
|14 |4-11-1993 |114 |---- |
|15 |16-12-1993 |121 |----- |
27-01-1991 DISCOURSES- 7 In our last meeting we have repeated all the thoughts of the earlier three
meetings. The bases of our study is: A) Structure of the physical body/brain system. B) Structure of the primary i.e. astral body / manas system, which is
not same will not coincide with the physical body / brain system. C) There is no conscious communication between these two systems. Till
such conscious communication is established no real progress is
possible. D) Because the physical body / brain system is not systematically and
regularly and preciously refined, nor awareness methodically up
graded. E) What is meant by structure is what means in shastras as sanskaras. F) Both structure and sanskaras have flexibility i.e. have maximum and
minimum possibilities and we call that as spectrum, this allows for
a person's extreme bad or good conduct. G) This structure or sanskaras are built up over a long period, by the
thinking instrument and the thinking principle. H) The shastras and yoga sutra says that same thinking instrument and the
thinking principle can be the means of changing the structure and
sanskaras eventually help in liberation of the individual. I) So there is no need to rush away an ashram or to the Himalayas, but
all the more it is necessary to stay here in this world and experience
sansara and live a householder's normal life This brings us to the
point of our firm decision.: J) a) I know and accept, but it is not easy but I will try my best.
Actually it means nothing and such persons go from one teacher to
another and from one school to another. b) Since these are self imposed created limitations, only with my own
efforts they can be removed and so I will be firm and carry out all the
practices as shown. I also know that these practices will only remove the obstacles and
hindrances which my earlier lives have created , but if I do not remove
them I shall not be my real Self for I am that self. c) I am my real Self. If one can take a quantum jump, nothing else is
needed. We have seen the diagram of the Bubble and so it is clear to us that all
this pertaining to the outer coverings of the body/ brain systems of the
Nirmankays, Sambhogkayas, Dharmkayas. The purpose of birth and death is to be free from all these three body /
brain systems consciously and systematically, beginning with the physical
body / brain systems. But this action on our part must be as stated in yoga sutra book II 1 " The yoga of action leading to the union with the Soul is fiery
aspiration, spiritual reading and devotion to Ishvara". Union with the Soul may be read as contact with and then guidance from Soul
within to the external body / brain system. This calls for proper methodical practices. Please remember this very
pleasing thought that after involution i.e. once the Soul has entered
the Bubble willingly to experience and has gone down twenty-one eternities
to reach nadir, the soul has one purpose only i.e. to reach It's Celestial
Home. For this It has to be free from all the three body /brain systems of the
three Universes viz. BHUH, BHUVAH, and SWAHA. Till sub-stage IV in Bhuh on the upward arc of evolution the body / brain
system is not aware of this purpose even in this life. Some persons become dimly conscious in this life, some have become
conscious for a life or two earlier, some have been far advanced over some
hundreds of lives and so the yoga sutras are speaking about such three or
four different types of persons. So once the body/brain system becomes aware of this purpose and make
sincere ceaseless efforts, the Soul within is ready to help that body /
brain system and guide, but one must not only reach to a high standard of
awareness, but one must have diligently removed all the obstacles and
hindrances by following certain practices, for then only communication
and contact can be from the inner Soul who is the Gurudeva. Once contact and communication is established the progress is rapid for the
individual. But the primary body / manas system is linked to the secondary
body / brain system at first conscious contact and communication has to be
established between these two body / brain and body /manas systems. Kindly also note that whilst coming down during involution and on the three
and half rounds of evolution we have suffered a lot of harm and damaged
all the three body / brain systems and collected certain sanskaras. To undo this harm and improve sanskaras it is easy in our present state to
take the quantum jump (unless for the third type of who have been
ceaselessly working for the last more than hundred lives) So do not be anxious and also do not be depressed- for we have to sincerely
work to establish contact and communication with the Soul within and before
that to establish contact and communication with primary body /manas system. This calls for work on one's self , hard , sincere and ceaselessly and that
too on proper lines and never to be side tracked by any short cut or use
of psychic powers. If we do, then our progress will be enormously delayed
and we shall be guilty of keeping the Soul bound within a certain body /
brain system. I repeat again, no external God, no external temple no external religion
(whatever it may be) will help because these are good for those who have
not been aware (from within) of the purpose life and birth up to this
moment in time and will continue thus till they become aware in some future
life. I am not against any worship or religion but the purpose is not served by
any such worship, religion or rituals. It needs conscious and sincere work on one's self. Read carefully 3rd and
4th pages of the notes of the last meeting. Book 1 (4) This sutra says that up till now i.e. till this birth, some
persons have not been aware of their primary body /manas system and have
thought that the physical body /brain System is everything and no efforts have been made by them to establish
communication and contact between the two systems. Book 1 (6) This sutra tells us about the functions of the physical body /
brain system, without the help of mind as a catalyst , but mind as a mind -
stuff totally involved with the brain processes. Book 1 (31) This sutra speaks of the consequences of the brain and mind-
stuff and remaining misguided and so can not differentiate between right
and wrong. Book 1 (4) Ignorance - this ignorance is not of a primitive man or of pre
historic man. This ignorance is of a person of today whose awareness is
still at a low ebb even though he may be the president of America. Civilisation is the product of a few advanced persons in various different
fields and this when pooled together, the society reap the benefits. Such
civilisation does not however mean that each individual or for that matter
the whole society is aware of purpose of birth and death - not being aware
of this purpose is ignorance - Avidya and this Avidya is the primary cause
of all the other obstructions and hindrances as are enumerated in the yoga
sutra. Book II (12) This sutra clearly states that till such time in a particular
life, a person is not aware of the purpose i.e. so long as the roots of
ignorance-avidya exists or such time that no longer conscious efforts are
being made to remove such roots of ignorance avidya, their ultimate result
will be repeated births, experience and death unending. Please also note that so long as a person does not awake to this purpose
(it is immaterial if that person be good or religious) call it nature, call
it GOD, call it inner Soul- brings about deliberately painful events in a
person's life (seemingly undeserved) so that the fruitlessness of a normal
life be seen and the brain be directed in a proper direction. This shock
treatment is very essential to one who would not come out of his or her