Division 2, Subdivision Z, 1910.1027, Cadmium - Oregon OSHA

(G) Urinalysis, in addition to the analysis required under paragraph (l)(2)(ii)(B) of
this section, including the determination of albumin, glucose, and total and ......
over-the-counter medications that may exacerbate kidney symptoms; how to
control diabetes and/or blood pressure; proper hydration, diet, and exercise (Ex.

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437-002-0360 Adoption by Reference. In addition to, and not in lieu of,
any other safety and health codes contained in OAR Chapter 437, the
Department adopts by reference the following federal regulations printed as
part of the Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910, in the Federal
Register: (23) 29 CFR 1910.1027 Cadmium, published 3/26/12, FR vol. 77, no. 58, p.
17574. These standards are available at the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health
Division, Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, and the
United States Government Printing Office. Stat. Auth.: ORS 654.025(2) and 656.726(4).
Stats. Implemented: ORS 654.001 through 654.295.
Hist: APD Admin. Order 13-1988, f. 8/2/88, ef. 8/2/88 (Benzene).
APD Admin. Order 14-1988, f. 9/12/88, ef. 9/12/88 (Formaldehyde).
APD Admin. Order 18-1988, f. 11/17/88, ef. 11/17/88 (Ethylene Oxide).
APD Admin. Order 4-1989, f. 3/31/89, ef. 5/1/89 (Asbestos-Temp).
APD Admin. Order 6-1989, f. 4/20/89, ef. 5/1/89 (Non-Asbestiforms-
APD Admin. Order 9-1989, f. 7/7/89, ef. 7/7/89 (Asbestos & Non-
APD Admin. Order 11-1989, f. 7/14/89, ef. 8/14/89 (Lead).
APD Admin. Order 13-1989, f. 7/17/89, ef. 7/17/89 (Air Contaminants).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-1990, f. 1/11/90, ef. 1/11/90 (Formaldehyde-
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 3-1990, f. 1/19/90, ef. 1/19/90 (Asbestos & Non-
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 6-1990, f. 3/2/90, ef. 3/2/90 (Formaldehyde-
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 7-1990, f. 3/2/90, ef. 3/2/90 (Asbestos & Non-
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 9-1990, f. 5/8/90, ef. 8/8/90 (Labs).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 11-1990, f. 6/7/90, ef. 7/1/90 (Air
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 13-1990, f. 6/28/90, ef. 8/1/90 (Asbestos-Temp).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 14-1990, f. 6/28/90, ef. 8/1/90 (Lead).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 19-1990, f. 8/31/90, ef. 8/31/90 (Asbestos-
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 20-1990, f. 9/18/90, ef. 9/18/90 (Lead).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 21-1990, f. 9/18/90, ef. 9/18/90 (Air
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 7-1991, f. 4/25/91, ef. 4/25/91 (Air
Contaminants, Asbestos, Formaldehyde).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 13-1991, f. 10/10/91, ef. 10/10/91 (Lead,
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 15-1991, f. 12/13/91, ef. 12/13/91 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-1992, f. 1/22/92, ef. 1/22/92 (Formaldehyde).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-1992, f. 4/16/92, ef. 4/16/92 (Formaldehyde).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 5-1992, f. 4/24/92, ef. 7/1/92 (Bloodborne
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 6-1992, f. 5/18/92, ef. 5/18/92 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 10-1992, f. 9/24/92, ef. 9/24/92 (Lead-temp).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 11-1992, f. 10/9/92, ef. 10/9/92 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 12-1992, f. 10/13/92, ef. 10/13/92
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 15-1992, f. 12/30/92, ef. 12/30/92 (Air
Contaminants, BBP, Labs).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-1993, f. 1/22/93, ef. 1/22/93 (Cadmium, MDA).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 6-1993, f. 5/17/93, ef. 5/17/93 (Air
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 12-1993, f. 8/20/93, ef. 11/1/93 (remainder of
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 17-1993, f. 11/15/93, ef. 11/15/93 (Air
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-1995, f. 3/29/95, ef. 3/29/95 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 8-1995, f. 8/25/95, ef. 8/25/95 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-1996, f. 9/13/96, ef. 9/13/96 (Lead).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 6-1996, f. 11/29/96, ef. 11/29/96 (Asbestos).
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-1997, f. 4/2/97, ef. 4/2/97.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 6-1997, f. 5/2/97, ef. 5/2/97.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 8-1997, f. 11/14/97, ef. 11/14/97 (Methylene
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-1998, f. 2/13/98, ef. 2/13/98 (Methylene
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 3-1998, f. 7/7/98, ef. 7/7/98.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-1999, f. 3/22/99, ef. 3/22/99.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-1999, f. 4/30/99, ef. 4/30/99.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-2005, f. 4/12/05, ef. 4/12/05.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-2006, f. 7/24/06, ef. 7/24/06.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 10-2006, f. 11/30/06, ef. 11/30/06.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 5-2009, f. 5/29/09, ef. 5/29/09.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 4-2011, f. 12/8/11, ef. 12/8/11.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 5-2011, f. 12/8/11, ef. 7/1/12.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 1-2012, f. 4/10/12, ef. 4/10/12.
OR-OSHA Admin. Order 5-2012, f. 9/25/12, ef. 9/25/12.
§1910.1027 Cadmium. Scope. This standard applies to all occupational exposures to cadmium and
cadmium compounds, in all forms, and in all industries covered by the
Occupational Safety and Health Act, except the construction-related
industries, which are covered under 29 CFR 1926.63. Definitions. Action level (AL) is defined as an airborne concentration of cadmium of 2.5
micrograms per cubic meter of air (2.5 µg/m3), calculated as an 8-hour time-
weighted average (TWA). Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor, or designee. Authorized person means any person authorized by the employer and required
by work duties to be present in regulated areas or any person authorized by
the OSH Act or regulations issued under it to be in regulated areas. Director means the Director of the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or
designee. Employee exposure and similar language referring to the air cadmium level
to which an employee is exposed means the exposure to airborne cadmium that
would occur if the employee were not using respiratory protective
equipment. Final medical determination is the written medical opinion of the
employee's health status by the examining physician under paragraphs (l)(3)-
(12) of this section or, if multiple physician review under paragraph
(l)(13) of this section or the alternative physician determination under
paragraph (l)(14) of this section is invoked, it is the final, written
medical finding, recommendation or determination that emerges from that
process. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter means a filter capable of
trapping and retaining at least 99.97 percent of monodispersed particles of
0.3 micrometers in diameter. Regulated area means an area demarcated by the employer where an employee's
exposure to airborne concentrations of cadmium exceeds, or can reasonably
be expected to exceed the permissible exposure limit (PEL). This section means this cadmium standard. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). The employer shall assure that no
employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of cadmium in excess of
five micrograms per cubic meter of air (5 µg/m3), calculated as an eight-
hour time-weighted average exposure (TWA).
Exposure monitoring. 1) General. i) Each employer who has a workplace or work operation covered by this
section shall determine if any employee may be exposed to cadmium at
or above the action level. ii) Determinations of employee exposure shall be made from breathing zone
air samples that reflect the monitored employee's regular, daily 8-
hour TWA exposure to cadmium. iii) Eight-hour TWA exposures shall be determined for each employee on the
basis of one or more personal breathing zone air samples reflecting
full shift exposure on each shift, for each job classification, in
each work area. Where several employees perform the same job tasks,
in the same job classification, on the same shift, in the same work
area, and the length, duration, and level of cadmium exposures are
similar, an employer may sample a representative fraction of the
employees instead of all employees in order to meet this requirement.
In representative sampling, the employer shall sample the employee(s)
expected to have the highest cadmium exposures. 2) Specific. i) Initial monitoring. Except as provided for in paragraphs (d)(2)(ii)
and (d)(2)(iii) of this section, the employer shall monitor employee
exposures and shall base initial determinations on the monitoring
results. ii) Where the employer has monitored after September 14, 1991, under
conditions that in all important aspects closely resemble those
currently prevailing and where that monitoring satisfies all other
requirements of this section, including the accuracy and confidence
levels of paragraph (d)(6) of this section, the employer may rely on
such earlier monitoring results to satisfy the requirements of
paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section. iii) Where the employer has objective data, as defined in paragraph (n)(2)
of this section, demonstrating that employee exposure to cadmium will
not exceed the action level under the expected conditions of
processing, use, or handling, the employer may rely upon such data
instead of implementing initial monitoring. 3) Monitoring Frequency (periodic monitoring). i) If the initial monitoring or periodic monitoring reveals employee
exposures to be at or above the action level, the employer shall
monitor at a frequency and pattern needed to represent the levels of
exposure of employees and where exposures are above the PEL to assure
the adequacy of respiratory selection and the effectiveness of
engineering and work practice controls. However, such exposure