abstrak - Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang

Skor rata-rata meningkat dari 59,26 menjadi 77,88, dengan nilai t sebesar 5,386
... Akhirnya, setelah , dua pertemuan untuk latihan internalisasi lesan, criteria ....
the students' motivation (3) giving questions or exercises to make students more

Part of the document

Kumpulan Abstrak Tesis Semester Genap 2009/2010 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (ING) Improving Subconscious Grammar Competence using Semantico-
syntacticTranslation Practice for Students of Accounting Department, State
Polytechnic of Malang Futuh Handoyo Handoyo, Futuh. 2010. Improving Subconscious Grammar Competence using
Semantico-syntactic Translation Practice for Students of Accounting
Department, State Polytechnic of Malang. Thesis, English Education,
Graduate Program of State University of Malang. Advisors: (1). Prof.
Ali Saukah, MA., Ph.D. (2). Prof. M. Adnan Latief, M.A., Ph.D Abstract The present study was conducted to respond to the students' low
ability to process English language syntactically. This was likely due to
their lack of grammatical competence, particularly subconscious grammar
competence. Therefore, the study was aimed at improving the competence. The
research question, then, was formulated as: How can the studennts'
subconscious grammar competence be improved using semantico-syntactic
Subconscious grammatical competence refers to grammar knowledge that
has undergone an internalization process to a degree that the learners are
able to string words into sentences in a relatively good speed. It is also
often referred to as implicit or procedural knowledge of grammar. Semantico-
syntactic translation practice refers to the activity of converting various
kinds of Indonesian expressions they are likely to use for everyday
communication, not necessarily grammatical Indonesian, into grammatical
English. It is a sort of L1sense-to-L2 form translation.
The research design used was classroom action research. The subjects
were one class out of six classes of the first year students of Accounting
Department. The class consisted of 26 students. The initial procedure of
the treatment was planned to consist of the following stages: First, a
grammar topic was presented using contrastive linguistic explanation and
then followed with the subjects translating Indonesian propositions into
grammatical English slowly to reinforce their conscious understanding. The
step was repeated until all the topics under study were covered. Second,
some sentences and/ or short dialogues covering all the topics under study
were dictated to the students to translate by writing the English version
on a piece of paper. Along this process the speed was gradually increased
with the purpose of internalizing their conscious grammar knowledge and to
see whether or not the technique worked. Finally, the subjects were to
orally translate sentences, short dialogue, and short text and their
performance was scored to judge whether the criteria of success established
in advance was met.
Since subconscious grammar competence has something to do with the
speed of stringing words into sentences correctly, the indicator of
improvement was measured in terms of the students' ability to translate
various styles of Indonesian sentences into grammatical English quickly and
correctly. The research would be said to succeed when the oral performance
of 60 % of the subjects', or 15.6 students ( rounded 16 students) reached
70 % accuracy, with the speed of 70% of the average speed of the three
English teachers' performance used as a parameter. When the goal was not
yet achieved at this point, some extra internalization practices were given
until the end of the semester. However, when the goal was still not
achieved by then, the first cycle would have to stop and reflection would
be made to design a new plan for a new cycle.
The result of the implementation showed that the goal was finally
reached in fifteen meetings within one cycle with some extra meetings for
oral internalization practice. The first seven meetings were used for
upgrading the subjects' conscious grammar. The next four meetings were used
to internalize the knowledge. The goal of this stage was to ensure that the
technique worked. For this purpose, their performance of the first out of
the four meetings were measured and used as the baseline, and their
performance of the last day was also measured and used as the target line.
The two groups of the scores were compared to see whether their performance
significantly increased. The resulted scores indicated there was
statistically significant increase. The average scores increased from 59.26
to 77.88, with the t value of 5.386 significant at the level of .0005(one
tailed). Convinced with the result, the researcher moved on to the next
stage, namely, measuring the subjects' oral performance. However, the
result indicated that they still could not reach the goal. Only eleven of
them could get 70 or more. Finally, after they had additional oral
internalization practice for two meetings, the goal was reached. Sixteen
subjects managed to get 70 or more, with the slowest speed of 35.63 w.p.m,
which was slightly above the calculated speed used as a parameter, which
was as much as 35.40 w.p.m.
The discussion on the finding, then, generated the following
conclusions :(1) Subconscious grammar competence can be developed
deductively using semantic-syntactic translation practice through the
following procedure. First, the learners' conscious knowledge of grammar is
upgraded by the teacher's explaining about the grammar rules and then
followed with the students' practicing translating messages expressed in
different styles of L1 into grammatical L2 to reinforce the knowledge.
Second, the conscious knowledge, then, is internalized through further
practice of the same task with gradually increased speed and task
difficulty-from written increased to oral task.(2). However, as indicated
in some related literatures, the developed subconscious grammar competence
is not automatically activated in authentic communicative performance, but
needs activating in a transitional process of 'noticing gap'. To this
point, the subconscious grammar competence performs two crucial functions.
First, it can reduce the students' tendency to forget previous grammar
lessons when learning new ones, but help them accumulate the lessons and
use them for the act of noticing gap. Second, it can help the students to
optimize the input exposed to them by their noticing act, because the input
being noticed will be more likely to turn into intake and to be processed
to enhance further acquisition process. Key words: subconscious grammar competence, Semantico-Syntactic Translation
Meningkatkan Kompetensi Subconscious Grammar dengan Menggunakan Latihan-
Latihan Semantico-Syntactic Translation bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi,
Politeknik Negeri Malang Futuh Handoyo Handoyo, Futuh. 2010. Meningkatkan Kompetensi Subconscious Grammar dengan
Menggunakan Latihan-Latihan Semantico-Syntactic Translation bagi
Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi, Politeknik Negeri Malang. Tesis. Program
Studi Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Negeri Malang.
Pembimbing: (1). Prof. Ali Saukah, MA., Ph.D. (2). Prof. M. Adnan
Latief, MA., Ph.D Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merespon rendahnya kemampuan mahasiswa
dalam memroses bahasa Enggris secara sintaktis. Hal ini mungkin sekali
disebabkan oleh lemahnya kemampuan grammar mereka, terutama subconscious
grammar. Untuk itu, penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
tersebut. Masalah penelitian ini, kemudian, dirumuskan sebagai: Bagaimana
latihan-latihan semantico-syntactic translation bisa digunakan untuk
meningkatkan kompetensi subconscious grammar mahasiswa ?
Kompetensi subconscious grammar mengacu pada pengetahuan grammar yang
sudah mengalami proses internalisasi pada tingkat tertentu sehingga
memungkinkan pembelajar mengaktifkannya untuk menyusun kalimat dengan cukup
cepat. Kompetensi tersebut juga sering disebut sebagai pengetahuan grammar
implisit atau prosedural. Latihan penterjemahan semantico-syntactic mengacu
pada kegiatan menerjemahkan suatu pesan yang diungkapkan dalam berbagai
gaya kalimat bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Inggris baku. Ini merupakan
jenis penterjemahan makna dalam bahasa 1 ke bentuk dalam bahasa 2.
Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas
(PTK). Subjek penelitiannya adalah satu kelas dari enam kelas mahasiswa
tingkat satu jurusan akuntansi. Kelas tersebut berisi 26 mahasiswa.
Strategi awal yang digunakan direncanakan terdiri dari tahapan-tahapan
sebagai berikut: Pertama, satu topic grammar diterangkan dengan menggunakan
contrastive linguistic, kemudian mahasiswa dilatih menerjemahkan kalimat-
kalimat bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris guna memperkuat pemahaman
mereka. Langkah ini diulang sehingga mencakup semua topic grammar yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kedua, sejumlah kalimat dan atau dialog
pendek yang tata bahasanya sudah meliputi seluruh topic grammar yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini didiktekan untuk mereka terjemahkan ke dalam
bahasa Inggris yang benar dengan menuliskannya di kertas. Proses ini
diulang-ulang dan kecepatannya secara bertahap terus ditingkatkan guna
menginternalisasikan pengetahuan grammar me