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7.4 RFC. 7.5 Exercices. 8. Commandes traditionnelles d'administration dans le
monde TCP/IP. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Commandes d'administration du réseau ......
Exercice. 1°) Ecrire les conditions d'accès concurrents avec des sémaphores
binaires. 2°) On considère quatre stratégies de gestion des priorités des
processus ...

Part of the document

Technical Requirements
Supply and Installation of at least 500 Teraflops supercomputer for
the Main Computer Center of the RHM (including modernization of the
engineering infrastructure)
Moscow, 2015
Section VI. Technical Requirements
(Including Implementation Schedule)
Table of Contents List of Drawings 5 List of Tables 5 0. A. GENERAL 6
0.1. Customer 6
0.1.1. Managing Organization of the Project 6
0.1.2. Legal Purchaser 6
0.1.3. Consignee 6
0.2. Main Tasks of the RHM 6
0.3. Expected Results 6
1.1. Current Situation 15
1.2. Architecture of the Existing Information System 17
1.3. System Requirements 22
1.4. Project Sites 23
1.4.1. Categories of Requirements 24 2. C. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 25
2.1. General Requirements 25
2.1.1. Requirements for Goods and Services 25
2.1.2. Language Support 25
2.1.3. Dates 25
2.1.4. Power Consumption 25
2.1.5. Operating Environment 26
2.1.6. Certification Requirements 26
2.1.7. Requirements for Physical Parameters of the Complex 27
2.1.8. Requirements for Security and Technical Compatibility 27
2.1.9. Methodic Support Requirements 28
2.2. Hardware of the Computer Complex and Other Equipment 29
2.2.1. General Requirements 29
2.2.2. Supercomputer #1 29
2.2.3. Supercomputer (R) 34
2.2.4. Data Management System 35
2.2.5. Operational System Servers 38
2.2.6. The Monitoring and Control System Server 40
2.2.7. Resource Access Control Server 40
2.2.8. Virtualization Platform 41
2.2.9. Standard Server Configurations 41
2.3. Local-Area Network 42
2.3.1. General Requirements 42
2.3.2. LAN Architecture 43
2.3.3. General Requirements for Switches 44
2.3.4. Switch #1 - Core Level 44
2.3.5. Switch #2 - Access Level 45
2.3.6. Switch #3 - Access level 45
2.3.7. Information Security System 45
2.3.8. LAN Control and Monitoring System 48
2.3.9. LAN Security Policies Management System 49
2.4. Software 49
2.4.1. General Requirements 49
2.4.2. System Software Tools and System Control Tools of the
Supercomputer 49
2.4.3. Set of Software Tools for Control of Backup Copying and Data
Recovery 50
2.4.4. Set of Software Tools for Control of Hierarchic Data Storage 50
2.4.5. SW of the Monitoring and Control System of the Computer Complex
2.4.6. SW of the Batch Job Processing System 51
2.4.7. Resource Access Control Software 52
2.4.8. Application Development and Debug Tools 52
2.4.9. Optimization and Development Software for Work Stations 53
2.4.10. Virtualization Platform Software 53
2.4.11. Software of Virtual Machines 54
2.4.12. System of Infrastructure Services 55
2.4.13. Workstation Management System 58
2.5. Life-Support System 60
2.5.1. Structured Cable System (SCS) 61
2.5.2. Uninterruptible Power Supply System 61
2.5.3. Conditioning and Ventilation System of Service Rooms (CVSSR) 62
2.5.4. Automatic Gas Fire-Extinguishing System 66
2.5.5. Automatic Fire Alarm System 68
2.6. Service Specifications 69
2.6.1. General Requirements 69
2.6.2. Work Scope 70
2.6.3. Mounting and Installation 71
2.6.4. Training 72
2.6.5. Warranty Services 75
2.6.6. Technical Support 76
2.7. Documentation Requirements 77
2.8. Responsibilities of the Consignee 78 3. D. TESTING AND QUALITY EVALUATION 79
3.1. Preliminary Evaluation of the Technical Solution of the Computer
Complex 79
3.1.1. General Requirements 79
3.1.2. Evaluation of the Maximal Achieved Performance of the
Supercomputer in the Linpack Test 80
3.1.3. Communications Network Testing 80
3.1.4. Total Performance Testing of the Computer System 81
3.1.5. Total Performance Testing of the ODP Server 81
3.1.6. Performance Testing of the File System 81
3.1.7. Performance Evaluation of the Supercomputer in Consignee's Jobs
3.2. Post-Qualification of the Proposed Technical Solution 82
3.3. Preliminary Testing 82
3.3.1. Testing Preparation 82
3.3.2. Testing 82
3.4. Operational Acceptance 83
3.5. Acceptance Testing 84
3.5.1. Testing Preparation 84
3.5.2. Testing 84 4. ?. Requirements for the Bid 85
4.1. General Requirements 85
4.2. Preliminary Contract Plan 85 5. F. Floor Plans for Location of Computer Complexes 91 6. G. Equipment Location Tables 100 List of Drawings FIGURE 1-1. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF COMPUTER COMPLEXES IN THE WMC IN MOSCOW AND IN
Figure 5-1. Plan of Floor 2 with the rooms of the existing computer
complex in the WMC in Moscow 92
Figure 5-2. Plan of Floor 4 with the rooms of the Computer Complex in the
WMC in Moscow 93
Figure 5-3. Floor plan with the rooms of engineering equipment of the
Computer Complex in the WMC in Moscow 94
Figure 5-4. Plan of the administrative and production floor in the WMC in
Moscow 95
Figure 5-5. Floor plan with the rooms of the computer complex in the RSMC
in Khabarovsk 96
Figure 5-6. Equipment layout scheme in the rooms of the computer complex in
the RSMC in Khabarovsk 97
Figure 5-7. Floor plan with the rooms of the computer complex in the RSMC
in Novosibirsk 98
Figure 5-8. Equipment layout scheme in the rooms of the computer complex in
the RSMC in Novosibirsk 99 List of Tables TABLE 1-1. INFORMATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 19
Table 1-2. List of Project Sites 23
Table 4-1. Preliminary Contract Plan 88
Table 6-1. Equipment Location for the WMC in Moscow (the MCC of the RHM)
Table 6-2. Equipment Location for the RSMC in Novosibirsk 128
Table 6-3. Equipment Location for the RSMC in Khabarovsk 129 A. GENERAL
1 Customer
The Customer shall comprise three constituent legal entities who
determine their relations by agreements, departmental acts and any other
documents as described below: the Legal Purchaser, the managing
organization of the Project, and the Consignees of equipment. 1 Managing Organization of the Project
The managing organization of the project shall be the Federal Service
for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (RHM) whose interests are
rendered in these Technical Requirements that is the main superintendent of
the budgetary funds and the Beneficiary of the NHMP-2. 2 Legal Purchaser
The Legal Purchaser (hereinafter, "Purchaser") shall be the Foundation
"Bureau of Economic Analysis" (BEA). 3 Consignee
The Consignee shall be the RHM institutions appointed by the RHM order
on the acceptance procedures of Goods under the Contract on whose balance-
sheets property acquired under the Project shall be registered after it is
transferred from the RHM in the established order, as listed in paragraph
1.4. 2 Main Tasks of the RHM
The main objectives of the activities of the Federal Service for
Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring are to ensure protection of
vital interests of individuals, the society and the state against dangerous
hydrometeorological events, climate change (hydrometeorological security)
and to satisfy the needs of the population, government authorities and
economic sectors for hydrometeorological information. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the RHM shall ensure
operation of hydrometeorological observation points, a collection and
distribution system of primary hydrometeorological data, development
and provision of information about actual and forecasted environmental
conditions to government authorities, industries of the economy and the
general public, including emergency information about dangerous weather
events in the territory of the Russian Federation;
3 Expected Results
The purpose of the works is to build up computer capacities
significantly for developing scientific-methodical support of calculations
and achieving spatial, time and quality characteristics of
hydrometeorological products in line with advanced global achievements, and
for solving evaluation tasks of climate changes as established by the
Strategy in Hydrometeorology and Related Areas. The following activities are planned under this Bidding:
Supply the Supercomputer with the performance of at least 1 PFlops to the
Main Computer Center of the RHM, with related activities for modernization
of the engineering infrastructure, required works for developing the
scientific and mathematical capacities, and staff training;
Replace computer clusters in Centers for Hydrometeorology and Environmental
Monitoring in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk that perform the functions of
Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers of the WMO (FSBI "West-Siberian
UGMS", FSBI "Far-East UGMS") to support operational task solving;
Build a monitoring and diagnostic system of the technical condition of the
supercomputer and computer clusters in Centers for Hydrometeorology and
Environmental Monitoring in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk;
Organize remote access to the computer resources for RHM organizations,
including the FSBI "GGO named after Voeikov". The procurement "Supply and installation of at least 500 Teraflops
supercomputer for the Main Computer Center of the RHM (including
modernization of the engineering infrastructure)" shall be implemented as