?????? - ccbiblestudy

III Bidez). Obiettivo del presente contributo è l'analisi del secondo panegirico di ...
School Exercises in Rhetoric as a Weapon in the Religious Controversies in the
.... EEMEREN, GROOTENDORST: 1996; MEYER: 2008, 2013; PLANTIN: 2011;
..... which was divided into three genera whose the second is the digression.

Part of the document

?Simeon 's Horae Homileticae - 2 Corinthians?(Charles Simeon) Commentator
Charles Simeon (September 24, 1759 - November 13, 1836), was an English
evangelical clergyman.
He was born at Reading, Berkshire and educated at Eton College and King's
College, Cambridge. In 1782 he became fellow of King's College, and took
orders, receiving the living of Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge, in the
following year. He was at first so unpopular that services were frequently
interrupted, and he was often insulted in the streets. Having overcome
public prejudice, he subsequently gained a remarkable and lasting influence
among the undergraduates of the university.
He became a leader among evangelical churchmen, was one of the founders of
the Church Missionary Society in 1799, the London Society for Promoting
Christianity Amongst the Jews (now known as the Church's Ministry Among
Jewish People or CMJ) in 1809, and acted as adviser to the British East
India Company in the choice of chaplains for India.
In 1792 he read An Essay on the Composition of a Sermon by the French
Reformed minister Jean Claude. Simeon found that their principles were
identical and used the essay as the basis for his lectures on sermon
composition. Claude's essay also inspired Simeon to make clear his own
theological position, the result being Horae Homileticae, his chief work.
He published hundreds of sermons and outlines of sermons (called "sermon
skeletons"), still in print, that to some were an invitation to clerical
plagiarism. His chief work is a commentary on the whole Bible, entitled
Horae homileticae (London). The Simeon Trust was established by him for the
purpose of acquiring church patronage to perpetuate evangelical clergy in
Church of England parishes. It continues to operate to this day.
Charles Simeon is often hailed as something of an ancestor of the
evangelical movement in the Church of England.
According to the historian Thomas Macaulay, Simeon's "authority and
influence...extended from Cambridge to the most remote corners of England,
...his real sway in the Church was far greater than that of any primate."
He is remembered in the Episcopal Church of the United States with a Lesser
Feast and in the Anglican Church of Canada with a Commemoration on 12
November. In the Church of England he is remembered with a Lesser Festival
on 13 November. His memorial by the monumental mason Hopper in Holy Trinity
Church (Cambridge), was described by architectural critic Nikolaus Pevsner
as an "epitaph in Gothic forms." 00 Introduction CONTENTS TO VOL. XVI
|Discourse |Text |Subject |
| |2 Corinthians | |
|1998. |2 Corinthians 1:3-4. |The Trials and |
| | |Consolations of |
| | |Ministers useful to |
| | |their People |
|1999. |2 Corinthians 1:12. |The Testimony of a |
| | |good Conscience. |
|2000. |2 Corinthians 1:13. |The Churchman's |
| | |Confession, or an |
| | |Appeal to the Liturgy|
|2001. |2 Corinthians 1:20. |The Stability of the |
| | |Promises |
|2002. |2 Corinthians |Different Operations |
| |1:21-22. |of the Holy Spirit |
|2003. |2 Corinthians 2:11. |The Devices of Satan |
| | |exposed |
|2004. |2 Corinthians |The Importance of the|
| |2:15-16. |Ministry |
|2005. |2 Corinthians 3:2-3. |Christians are |
| | |Epistles of Christ |
|2006. |2 Corinthians 3:5. |The Extent of Man's |
| | |Impotency |
|2007. |2 Corinthians 3:6. |The Letter that |
| | |killeth, and the |
| | |Spirit that giveth |
| | |Life |
|2008. |2 Corinthians 3:6. |The Law and the |
| | |Gospel compared |
|2009. |2 Corinthians 3:7-11.|The Glory of the |
| | |Gospel above that of |
| | |the Law |
|2010. |2 Corinthians |The future Conversion|
| |3:15-16. |of the Jews |
|2011. |2 Corinthians 3:17. |Christ the Soul of |
| | |the entire Scriptures|
|2012. |2 Corinthians 3:18. |Excellency and |
| | |Efficacy of the |
| | |Gospel |
|2013. |2 Corinthians 4:4-6. |The Contest between |
| | |God and Satan |
|2014. |2 Corinthians 4:7. |Ministers, Bearers of|
| | |a rich Treasure |
|2015. |2 Corinthians 4:11. |The Trials of |
| | |Christians the Means |
| | |of magnifying their |
| | |Lord |
|2016. |2 Corinthians |The Christian's |
| |4:17-18. |Experience in |
| | |Affliction |
|2017. |2 Corinthians 5:1-5. |The Christian's |
| | |assured Prospect of |
| | |Glory |
|2018. |2 Corinthians 5:7. |The Christian walking|
| | |by Faith |
|2019. |2 Corinthians |The improvement to be|
| |5:10-11. |made of the Doctrine |
| | |of a future Judgment |
|2020. |2 Corinthians |The Constraining |
| |5:14-15. |Power of Christ's |
| | |Love |
|2021. |2 Corinthians 5:17. |The Christian a new |
| | |Creature |
|2022. |2 Corinthians |The Ministry of |
| |5:19-20. |Reconciliation |
|2023. |2 Corinthians 5:21. |The Way of |
| | |Reconciliation with |
| | |God |
|2024. |2 Corinthians 6:1-2. |The Grace of God not |
| | |to be received in |
| | |vain |
|2025. |2 Corinthians 6:4-10.|The Character of a |
| | |Christian Minister |
|2026. |2 Corinthians 6:10. |Paradoxical |
| | |Experience |
|2027. |2 Corinthians |Effects of the Gospel|
| |6:11-13. |in enlarging the |
| | |Heart |
|2028. |2 Corinthians |Separation from the |
| |6:14-18. |World enjoined |
|2029. |2 Corinthians 7:1. |Sanctification |
| | |wrought by the |
| | |Promises |
|2030. |2 Corinthians 7:3. |The Grounds of a |
| | |Minister's Regard for|
| | |his People |
|2031. |2 Corinthians |Repentance |
| |7:10-11. |exemplified in the |
| | |Corinthian Church |
|2032. |2 Corinthians 8:1-5. |Liberality to the |
| | |Poor |
|2033. |2 Corinthians 8:7-8. |Liberality to the |
| | |Pour recommended |
|2034. |2 Corinthians 8:9. |The Grace of Christ |
|2035. |2 Corinthians |Liberality encouraged|
| |8:13-15. | |
|2036. |2 Corinthians |The Benefit arising |
| |9:12-15. |from Attention to the|
| | |Poor |
|2037. |2 Corinthians 10:3-5.|Efficacy of the |
| | |Gospel |
|2038. |2 Corinthians |The faithful |
| |10:15-16. |Minister's Desires |
|2039. |2 Corinthians 10:18. |The Folly of Pride |
| | |and Boasting |
|2040. |2 Corinthians 11:2-3.|Godly Jealousy the |
| | |Duty of Ministers |
|2041. |2 Cori