PART 3 - Contract - World Bank

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Part of the document

Procurement of Textbooks and Reading Materials The World Bank
May 2004
This Bidding Document and its companion Technical Note are to assist
borrowers and Bank staff working on education projects in understanding and
avoiding the problems inherent in textbooks procurement. Borrowers are
strongly encouraged to use these documents on World Bank projects and to
provide feedback about any problems they encounter. Comments should be
directed to Yolanda Tayler of the Procurement Policy and Services Group, at
Notes on the Revisions March 2003: The Bank's Forms of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee), Performance
Security and Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment have been revised to
incorporate the ICC's Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee (URDG). We believe
that use of these new forms will benefit both our clients and the business
community. May 2004: inclusion of the features of the May 2004 Guidelines: Procurement
under IBRD Loans and IDA credits. The following are the main changes that
have been made to the March 2003 edition of these Bidding Documents for the
procurement of Textbooks. These changes were incorporated to accommodate
the features of the May 2004 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and
IDA Credits. They are: 1. The clause on Fraud and Corruption (ITB 3.1) has been expanded to
include "collusive" and "coercive" practices; and reinforces the sanctions
that the Bank is prepared to take in cases of Fraud and Corruption; 2. The concept of eligibility of bidders and goods has been expanded.
Bidders, and goods manufactured in any country other than those banned by a
UN Security Council Decision or officially boycotted by the Purchaser's
Country, are eligible (ITB Clause 4); 3. The Purchaser and bidders are given the opportunity to use the
national language of or a language widely used commercially in the
Purchaser's Country'; to prepare bidding documents, bids, and contracts.
(ITB 10.1); 4. The Bid Price includes inland transportation systematically it is
included in the price schedules (ITC 14.6); 5. Bids of local bidders that are offering already imported goods are
evaluated at par with importers' bids; such bids are evaluated on the basis
of their CIP prices (ITC 14.6(c)); 6. The requirement to submit a bid Security is optional; 7. A Bid Securing Declaration has been introduced to be used in lieu of
a Bid Security, whenever appropriate (ITC 21.1); 8. Electronic bidding is allowed, subject to agreement with the Bank on
the electronic procedures to be used. The documents refer to the
possibility to issue bidding documents, submit bids, and open bids
electronically; in addition to regular electronic communications (ITC 23.1,
27.1); 9. Application of the domestic preference for goods has been simplified.
The EXW prices of the national bids whose goods are eligible for the
domestic preference are compared with the CIF prices of already imported
and imported goods, to which a flat rate of 15% is added (ITB 35.1); 10. The Purchaser is expected to publish detailed information on the
procurement process in UNDB on-line and in DG Market within two weeks of
receiving the Bank's no objection to the recommendation of the contract
award (ITB 42.4); 11. A Section on Eligibility for the Provision of Goods, Works, and
Services in Bank-Financed Procurement (Section V) has been added;
These Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Textbooks and Reading
Materials (referred to as Textbooks in the remaining of this document) has
been prepared by the World Bank and its use is mandatory for the
procurement of textbooks through International Competitive Bidding in
projects that are financed in whole or in part by the World Bank, in
accordance with the latest edition of the Guidelines for Procurement under
IBRD Loans and IDA Credits. This Standard Bidding Document is based on the Master Bidding Document for
Procurement of Goods and User's Guide, version of October 2001, prepared by
the Multilateral Development Banks and International Financing
Institutions. The document reflects "best practices" by these institutions.
Those wishing to submit comments or questions on this document or to obtain
additional information on procurement under World Bank-financed projects
are encouraged to contact: Procurement Policy and Services Group
Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A.
Summary Description
The use of this Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Textbooks
applies when a prequalification process has not taken place before bidding.
A brief description of these documents is given below. SBD for Procurement of Textbooks
PART 1 - BIDDING PROCEDURES Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB) This Section provides relevant information to help Bidders
prepare their bids. Information is also provided on the
submission, opening, and evaluation of bids and on the award of
Contracts. Section I contains provisions that are to be used
without modification. Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) This Section consists of provisions that are specific to each
procurement and that supplement the information or requirements
included in Section I, Instructions to Bidders. Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria This Section contains the criteria to determine the lowest
evaluated bid and the qualifications of the Bidder to perform
the contract. Section IV: Bidding Forms This Section contains the forms for the Bid Submission Sheet,
Price Schedules, Bid Security, and the Copyright to be submitted
with the Bid. Section V. Eligible Countries This Section contains information regarding eligible countries.
PART 2 - SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Section VI. Schedule of Requirements This Section contains the List of Textbooks and Related
Services, the Delivery and Completion Schedules, the Technical
Specifications that describe the Textbooks and Related Services
to be procured. PART 3 - CONTRACT Section VII. General Conditions of Contract (GCC) This Section contains the general clauses to be applied in all
contracts. The text of the clauses in this Section shall not be
modified. Section VIII. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) This Section contains clauses specific to each contract that
modify or supplement Section VII, General Conditions of
Contract. Section IX: Contract Forms This Section contains the form for the Agreement, which, once
completed, incorporates any corrections or modifications to the
accepted bid relating to amendments permitted by the
Instructions to Bidders, the General Conditions of Contract, and
the Special Conditions of Contract.
The forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Security,
when required, shall only be completed by the successful Bidder
after contract award.
Attachment: Invitation for Bids
An "Invitation for Bids" form is provided at the end of the
Bidding Documents for information. BIDDING DOCUMENT
Issued on: for Procurement of
_______________________________ Invitation for Bids No: ____________
ICB No: ________________________ Purchaser: __________________________________ Country: _________________ Preface
This Bidding Document has been prepared by ________________________________
and is based on the Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Textbooks
issued by the World Bank, dated ________________________. This World Bank Standard Bidding Document reflect the structure and the
provisions of the Master Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods
issued by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), except where specific
considerations of the procurement policies of the World Bank have required
a change.
Table of Contents PART 1 - Bidding Procedures 7
Section I. Instructions to Bidders 9
Section II. Bid Data Sheet 33
Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 39
Section IV. Bidding Forms 51
Section V. Eligible Countries 67 PART 2 - Supply Requirements 69
Section VI. Schedule of Requirements 71 PART 3 - Contract 77
Section VII. General Conditions of Contract 79
Section VIII. Special Conditions of Contract 99
Section IX. Contract Forms 105
Invitation for Bids (IFB) 111 PART 1 - Bidding Procedures
|Section I. Instructions to Bidders | Table of Clauses
A. General 11
1. Scope of Bid 11
2. Source of Funds 11
3. Fraud and Corruption 12
4. Eligible Bidders 13
5. Eligible Textbooks and Related Servi