Copy Cataloging Using RDA - Library of Congress

Unit 7: Exercises. Mandatory Online Test. Authentic LC Copy-Catalog Records.
COIN 1 May 2013. Copy Cataloging Using RDA Instructor's Guide .... The ?PCC
adapt? procedure (use of records created by participants in the Program for
Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)) is also a form of copy cataloging but is treated
distinctly ...

Part of the document

Library of Congress Training for
RDA: Resource Description & Access [Instructor's Edition] Copy Cataloging Using RDA
Developed by Tim Carlton With the assistance of Les Hawkins and Hien Nguyen, COIN
Margaret Wayne (ALAWE)
Kay Guiles and Dave Reser (PSD) Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress May 2013
Library of Congress Training for RDA: Resource Description & Access
Copy Cataloging Using RDA Course Summary This course is one element in a comprehensive suite of training prepared
for the Library of Congress implementation of "RDA: Resource Description &
Access". It is intended for any person who needs to apply RDA in
performing copy cataloging. Trainees have already completed the full LC RDA training for bibliographic
description and access points, so they are familiar with RDA instructions
and LC-PCC Policy Statements. This course focuses on helping trainees develop the 'cataloger judgment'
necessary to evaluate copied records to determine which elements are
acceptable according to the provisions of the Copy Cataloging Manual (DCM
B13), and which elements should be edited or adjusted. Learning Objectives At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
. Process the three types of records eligible for Copy Cataloging at the
Library of Congress
o AACR2 records that may be kept as AACR2 records
o AACR2 records that should be converted to RDA Records
o RDA Records
. Consider the FRBR User Tasks which are essential in applying cataloger
. Explain the key changes from AACR2 to RDA
. Apply the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging
Policy Statements
. Evaluate specific descriptive elements in imported records for
conformity to LC policy for copied records, in both monographs and (as
appropriate) serials
. Evaluate specific access points in imported records for conformity to
LC policy for copied records, in both monographs and (as appropriate)
serials Training Methods: Lecture, discussion, in-class exercises, and online exercises Duration: 4 hours
Table of Contents Instructor's Guide to Teaching This Course i
Unit 1: Introduction and Background 1
The Scope of this Course 1
Learning RDA 1
Applying B13 1
Copy Cataloging at the Library of Congress 1
Workflows and Levels of Copy Cataloging 1
Sources of Copy Cataloging Records 2
Eligibility for Copy Cataloging Importing 2
AACR2 Records that May be Kept as AACR2 3
Z-Processor Tip 3
AACR2 Records that Should be Converted to RDA 4
Z-Processor Tip 4
RDA Records 5
Unit 2: FRBR, RDA, and Cataloger Judgment 7
International Cataloguing Principles and RDA 7
Cataloger Judgment 7
FRBR User Tasks 7
Cataloger Judgment as a Component of Copy Cataloging 8
RDA + Copy Cataloging = Double Importance of "Cataloger Judgment" 8
Copy Cataloging Records are, Ultimately, LC Records 8
Unit 3: RDA -- Key Changes from AACR2 9
Changes in Terminology 9
How RDA is Structured Differently from AACR2 9
Mandatory Elements and Policy Statements 10
LC "Core-ness" 10
From LC Rule Interpretations to LC-PCC PS 10
Identifying RDA Records 10
Sources 11
Transcription 11
No More "Rule of Three" 11
"Access Points" Instead of "Entries" 12
Cataloger Judgment 12
Specific Descriptive Data Elements 12
Title 12
Statement of Responsibility 12
Edition 12
Publication, Distribution, and Manufacture Statements 13
MARC Coding 13
Core Elements 13
Transcription 13
Supplying Place and Date of Publication 13
Copyright Date 13
Series Statement 14
Identifier for the Manifestation 14
New Elements that Replace the General Material Designator 14
Content Type 14
Media Type 14
Carrier Type 14
Extent 14
Illustrative Content 14
The Treatment of Compilations and Collaborations -- "Naming the Work" 14
Languages in Uniform Titles 15
Number of 7XX Fields 15
Relationship Designators 15
Unit 4: Applying B13 to Specific Data Elements 17
General Principles of Copy Cataloging -- Accept or Change? 17
Guidelines Governing all Aspects of the Record 17
Order of Variable Fields 17
Punctuation and Spacing 17
Capitalization 18
Abbreviations 18
Numerals 18
Typographical Errors 19
Factual Errors 19
Data from Prescribed Sources of Information 19
Headings 19
Initial Articles 20
Pass-Through Data Elements that Contain Errors 20
Obsolete Practices 20
Descriptive Data Elements 20
Descriptive Cataloging Form -- Leader/18 20
Identifier for the Manifestation -- 020 field 20
Identifier for the Manifestation -- 022 field 21
Language of cataloging -- 040 $b 21
Descriptive Conventions -- 040 $e 21
Authentication Code -- 042 $a 21
Preferred Title -- e.g., 240 field 21
Title and Statement of Responsibility -- 245 field 21
Variant Title -- 246 field 22
Edition Statement -- 250 field 22
Publication Information -- 264 field 22
Place (264 $a) 22
Publisher, etc. (264 $b) 23
Date (264 $c) 24
Supplying Place and Date of Publication -- Implications for Copy
Cataloging 25
Physical Description -- 300 field 25
Content Type -- 336 field 25
Media Type -- 337 field 25
Carrier Type -- 338 field 26
Series Statement -- 490 field 26
Bibliography and Index Note -- 504 field 26
Formatted Contents Note -- 505 field 26
Summary Note -- 520 field 27
Target Audience Note -- 521 field 27
Other Notes -- 5XX fields 27
Access Points 27
Creator (formerly, "Main Entry") -- 1XX field 27
Other Creators or Contributors, and Other Entities -- 7XX field 27
Analytical Access Points -- 7XX X2 field 28
Related Manifestation Access Points -- 775 field 28
Relationship Designators 28
Unit 5: Serials 29
How to Identify RDA Records in OCLC 29
MARC Coding and Clues 29
CONSER RDA Documentation 29
CONSER RDA Core Elements 29
OCLC Guidelines 29
PCC Guidelines 29
Specific Data Elements -- Serials 30
Title Area 30
Title Proper 30
Parallel Titles and Variant Titles 30
Other Title Information 31
Statement of Responsibility 31
Edition Statement 31
Publication Statement 31
Place 31
Publisher 31
Date 31
Copyright Date 31
Extent 32
Ceased Serials 32
Content Type 32
Media Type 32
Carrier Type 32
Frequency 32
Numbering 32
Special Situations 33
Reproductions 33
Provider-Neutral Online Serials 33
Works and Expressions 33
Authorized Access Point for a Work 33
Authorized Access Point for an Expression 34
Related Works, Expressions, and Manifestations 34
Common Serial Relationships 34
Working with Copy -- Changes Over Time 35
What Kinds of Serial Changes Can be Accommodated by RDA? 35
Manifestation-Level Changes 35
Modifying Legacy pre-RDA Records 35
AACR2/CSR Records 35
Pre-AACR2 Records 36
Creating a New Record 36
Examples: 36
Unit 6: Checklists 37
Checklist 1: Converting an AACR2 Record to RDA 37
Checklist 2: Using an Imported RDA Record 41
Unit 7: Exercises 45
Mandatory Online Test 45
Authentic LC Copy-Catalog Records 45
Instructor's Guide to Teaching This Course General operating principle:
Much of this is NOT new material. You can cover it very briefly, assuming
they have heard it before. The emphasis is on looking at examples and
exercises to develop cataloger judgment. Day 1 (2 hours): Unit 1: Introduction and Background (15 minutes)
. Briefly explain scope; reiterate that much of the content was covered
in the 36-hour classroom training, and that this course concentrates
on developing cataloger judgment
. Refer to checklists (Unit 6) but do not cover
. Concentrate on Eligibility for Copy Cataloging (p. 2-5) Unit 2: FRBR, RDA, and Cataloger Judgment (10 minutes)
. p. 1: for reference; do not discuss
. p. 2: emphasize 'cataloger judgment' Unit 3: RDA -- Key Changes from AACR2 (20 minutes)
. Primarily for reference; this is review of 36-hour training, NOT new
. Hit the highlights of each section; DO NOT belabor the details Unit 4: Applying B13 to Specific Data Elements (45 minutes)
. Concentrate on the examples
. Suggested answers to the "Whys" are provided in the following pages
Hit the highlights in each sub-section; do NOT belabor the details; this is
NOT new content Unit 5: Serials (30 minutes)
. Non-serials staff need not stay (with supervisor's approval), but are
welcome to do so
. Hit the highlights; you are not teaching them to be 'serials
catalogers' Unit 6: Checklists
. Do not cover. Use as reference as needed Day 2 (2 hours): Q&A; unfinished business from Day 1 (30 minutes) Unit 7: Exercises (1 hour: 30 minutes -- as needed):
. Online Test (LC staff: log into Online Learning Center; others: access
from CLW page)
o Trainees do in class -- on their own or with their partner (30
o Instructor-led discussion