6 Structure and solutions of External Flooding PSA - ASAMPSA_E

You also configure various switch protection measures, including access port
security, switch storm control, and Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) features such as

Part of the document

Safety of Existing Nuclear Installations Contract 605001 Report 2: Guidance document on practices
to model and implement external FLOODING hazards in extended PSA
. This version of the report will be submitted to a peer review
. The conclusions of the review will be discussed during the
ASAMPSA_E workshop with PSA End-Users (12-14th Sept. 2016)
. The report will then be improved before the end of the project
(31st Dec. 2016) Reference ASAMPSA_E
Technical report ASAMPSA_E / WP21&22 / D21.3&D22.2 report2/ 2016-20
Reference IRSN PSN/RES/SAG/2016-00263 V. Rebour (IRSN), G. Georgescu (IRSN), D. Leteinturier (IRSN), E. Raimond
(IRSN), S. La Rovere (NIER), P. Bernadara (EDF), D. Vasseur (EDF), H.
Brinkman (NRG), P. Groudev (INRNE), I. Ivanov (TUS), M. Turschmann (GRS),
S. Sperbeck (GRS), S. Potempski (NCBJ), K. Hirata (JANSI), M. Kumar (LRC) |Period covered: from |Actual submission date: 13/07/2016 |
|01/07/2013 to 31/12/2016 | |
|Start date of ASAMPSA_E: |Duration: 42 months |
|01/07/2013 | |
|WP No: 21/22 |Lead topical coordinator : V. |His organization name : IRSN, |
| |Rebour, S. La Rovere |NIER |
|Project co-funded by the European Commission Within the Seventh Framework |
|Programme (2013-2016) |
|Dissemination Level |
|PU |Public |No |
|RE |Restricted to a group specified by the partners|Yes |
| |of the ASAMPSA_E project | |
|CO |Confidential, only for partners of the |No |
| |ASAMPSA_E project | | ASAMPSA_E Quality Assurance page |Partners responsible of the document : IRSN, NIER, LRC |
|Nature of document |Technical report |
|Reference(s) |Technical report ASAMPSA_E/ WP21&22 / D21.3&D22.2|
| |report2/ 2016-20 |
| |Rapport IRSN PSN/RES/SAG/2016-00263 |
|Title |Report 2: Guidance document on practices to model|
| |and implement external FLOODING hazards in |
| |extended PSA |
|Author(s) |V. Rebour (IRSN), G. Georgescu (IRSN), D. |
| |Leteinturier (IRSN), E. Raimond (IRSN), S. La |
| |Rovere (NIER), P. Bernadara (EDF), D. Vasseur |
| |(EDF), H. Brinkman (NRG), P. Groudev (INRNE), I. |
| |Ivanov (TUS), M. Turschmann (GRS), S. Sperbeck |
| |(GRS), S. Potempski (NCBJ), K. Hirata (JANSI), M.|
| |Kumar (LRC) |
|Delivery date |13 July 2016 |
|Topical area |Probabilistic safety assessment, external |
| |hazards, external flooding |
|For Journal & Conf. |No |
|papers | |
|Summary : |
|The goal of this report is to provide guidance on practices to model |
|EXTERNAL FLOODING hazards and its implementation in extended level 1 PSA. |
|This report is a joint deliverable of work package 21 (WP21) and 22 (WP22)|
|of the ASAMPSA_E project. |
|The report addresses mainly external flooding events, but other |
|correlated/associated hazards are considered. The report refers to |
|existing guidance as far as possible. |
| |
| |
|Visa grid |
| |Main author(s) : |Verification |Approval |
| | | |(Coordinator) |
|Name (s) |V. Rebour (IRSN), S. La |M. Kumar (LRC) |E. Raimond |
| |Rovere (NIER) | | |
|Date |22.06.2016 |11.07.2016 |12.07.2016 |
|Signature | | | |
Modifications of the document
|Version |Date |Authors |Pages or |Description or |
| | | |paragraphs |comments |
| | | |modified | |
|V1 |03.07. |V. Rebour, G. |All |The initial |
| |2015 |Georgescu, D. | |structure of the |
| | |Leteinturier, E. | |document takes into|
| | |Raimond (IRSN) | |account the LRC and|
| | | | |UNIVIE preliminary |
| | | | |proposals, the |
| | | | |ASAMPSA_E phone |
| | | | |meeting 2015-04-28 |
| | | | |and the IRSN views.|
|V2 |18.11.2015|V. Rebour, S. La |All |Draft version |
| | |Rovere | |discussed during |
| | | | |ASAMPSA_E workshop |
| | | | |in Paris in |
| | | | |November 2015. |
|V3 |22.06.2016|V. Rebour |All |Incorporated review|
| | | | |comments and input |
| | | | |from LRC, NRG, EDF,|
| | | | |IRSN, INRNE and |
| | | | |NIER. |
|V4 |11.07.2016|M. Kumar |Section 6 |Technical review of|
| | | | |the report with |
| | | | |additional |
| | | | |contribution in |
| | | | |section 6. |
|V5 |12-07-2016|E. Raimond |All |Editorial |
| | | | |improvement during |
| | | | |"approval review". |
| | | | |Ch. 3.7.2 to be |
| | | | |checked later. | List of diffusion European Commission (scientific officer) |Name |First name |Organization |
|Passalacqua |Roberto |EC |
ASAMPSA_E Project management group (PMG) |Name |First |Organiza| |
| |name |tion | |
|Raimon|Emmanu|IRSN |Project coordinator |
|d |el | | |
|Guigue|Yves |IRSN |WP10 coordinator |
|no | | | |
|Decker|Kurt |UNIVIE |WP21 coordinator |
|Klug |Joakim|LRC |WP22 coordinator |
| | | |until 2015-10-31 |
|Kumar |Manorm|LRC |WP22 coordinator |
| |a | |from 2015-11-01 |
|Wielen|Andrea|GRS |WP30 coordinator |
|berg |s | |until 2016-03-31 |
|Löffle|Horst |GRS |WP40 coordinator |
|r | | |WP30 coordinator |
| | | |from 2016-04-01 |
|Name |First name |Organizat|
| | |ion |
|Mustoe |Julian |AMEC NNC |
|Grindon |Liz |AMEC NNC |
|Pierre |Cecile |AREVA |
|Godefroy|Florian |AREVA |
|Dirksen |Gerben |AREVA |
|Kollasko|Heiko |AREVA |
|Pellisse|Manuel |AREVA |
|ti | | |
|Brunelie|Hervé |AREVA |
|re | | |
|Hasnaoui|Chiheb |AREXIS |
|Hurel |François |AREXIS |
|Schirrer|Raphael |AREXIS |
|Gryffroy|Dries |Bel V |
|De |Pieter |Bel V |
|Gelder | | |
|Van |Thibaut |Bel V |
|Rompuy | | |
|Jacques |Véronique |Bel V |
|Cazzoli |Errico |CCA |
|Vitázkov|Jirina |CCA |
|á | | |
|Passalac|Roberto |EC |
|qua | | |
|Bonnevia|Anne-Marie |EDF |
|lle | | |
|Bordes |Dominique |EDF |
|Vasseur |Dominique |EDF |
|Panato |Eddy |EDF |
|Romanet |François |EDF |
|Lopez |Julien |EDF |
|Gallois |Marie |EDF |
|Hibti |Mohamed |EDF |
|Brac |Pascal |EDF |
|Jan |Philippe |EDF |
|Nonclerc|Philippe |EDF |
|q | | |
|Bernadar|Pietro |EDF |
|a | | |
|Benzoni |Stéphane |EDF |
|Parey |Sylvie |EDF |
|Rychkov |Valentin |EDF |
|Coulon |Vincent