Computer Networks

if credits are awarded for separate components of the course, e.g. lectures,
laboratory exercises, etc. If the credits are awarded for the .... 6. Local area
networks. 7.The Ethernet. 8. Token Ring paradigms,. 9. Interconnecting LANs,
Bridges and switches,. 10. Fast and Gigabit Ethernet. 11. VLAns and WLANs are
provided next.

Part of the document

|COURSE CODE |2201604 |SEMESTER |4 |
|if credits are awarded for separate |TEACHING | |
|components of the course, e.g. lectures, |HOURS | |
|laboratory exercises, etc. If the credits | | |
|are awarded for the whole of the course, | | |
|give the weekly teaching hours and the | | |
|total credits | | |
|Lectures |3 | |
|Laboratory Exercises |2 | |
| |5 |5 |
|Add rows if necessary. The organisation of | | |
|teaching and the teaching methods used are | | |
|described in detail at (d). | | |
|COURSE TYPE |Special background |
|general background, |Specialized Knowledge |
|special background, | |
|specialised general | |
|knowledge, skills | |
|development | |
| |ter-networks/78 |
2) LEARNING OUTCOMES |Learning outcomes |
|The course learning outcomes, specific knowledge, skills and |
|competences of an appropriate level, which the students will |
|acquire with the successful completion of the course are |
|described. |
|Consult Appendix A |
|Description of the level of learning outcomes for each |
|qualifications cycle, according to the Qualifications Framework |
|of the European Higher Education Area |
|Descriptors for Levels 6, 7 & 8 of the European Qualifications |
|Framework for Lifelong Learning and Appendix B |
|Guidelines for writing Learning Outcomes |
|The aim of this course is to impart to the student a basic |
|understanding of how data networks work and learn what |
|architectures and protocols are used. Also, help the student |
|understand how network elements are realized on the basis of |
|digital circuits and software. A basic target of the lesson is |
|the methodology of designing LANs, learning how to use network |
|applications and the quantitative study of network traffic by |
|simulating the operation of computer networks. |
|Description / Outline: |
|The course presents the OSI architecture and then focuses on the |
|three lower layers. After briefly outlining the physical layer, |
|the operation of the Data Link Layer (Data Link Layer) and its |
|error correction function are detailed by means of the protocols |
|HDLC/LAPB. The sliding-window, and its use for flow control and |
|frame retransmission are explained. Local area networks are then |
|elaborated by means of the Ethernet and Token Ring paradigms, |
|Interconnecting LANs, Bridges and switches, are then presented. |
|Fast and Gigabit Ethernet are also included. VLAns and WLANs are |
|provided next. The network layer is presented and the protocol |
|X.25 is given as an example. |
|Upon completion of the course, students will have the necessary |
|skills expected by the graduate profile and is aligned with the |
|mission of the automation department. The student at the end |
|knows how computer networks work and how can be used in |
|automation. More specifically, students will have; |
|1. In-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the theory |
|and principles of the use of new technologies and information |
|systems in the design of networks. |
|2. Knowledge and skills in modeling and simulation, optimization |
|and design of networking components, products, processes and |
|systems, planning and control of production by exploioting |
|computer networks. |
|In detail, students will be able to: |
|1. To describe and identify the parts, to choose the functions |
|and operations of a computer network and draw up specifications.|
| |
|2. To explain the operation of usual computer networks, to assess|
|performance and to calculate the operating parameters. |
|3. Implement certification and quality improvement techniques |
|and support networks of Industrial Control Systems. |
|5. To know and apply the rules and recommendations related to |
|environmental protection. |
|General Competences |
|Taking into consideration the general competences that the |
|degree-holder must acquire (as these appear in the Diploma |
|Supplement and appear below), at which of the following does the |
|course aim? |
|Search for, analysis and |Project planning and management |
|synthesis of data and |Respect for difference and |
|information, with the use of |multiculturalism |
|the necessary technology |Respect for the natural |
|Adapting to new situations |environment |
|Decision-making |Showing social, professional and |
|Working independently |ethical responsibility and |
|Team work |sensitivity to gender issues |
|Working in an international |Criticism and self-criticism |
|environment |Production of free, creative and |
|Working in an |inductive thinking |
|interdisciplinary environment |...... |
| |Others... |
|Production of new research |....... |
|ideas | |
| |
|Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the|
|necessary networkingtechnologies. i.e. design, development, |
|installation, support and supervisionof the local or wider area |
|network. |
|Adapting to new situations: evaluation, debugging and improving |
|the operation of networks. |
|Autonomous work: Knowledge of regulations, protocols and ethical |
|issues when developing innovation. |
|Teamwork: Ability for dialog, self- esteem and commitment to |
|reach an agreement. |
|Working in an international environment: Communicative ability in|
|international languages, respecting diversity, multiculturalism, |
|the environment and the demonstration of professional and ethical|
|responsibility. |
|Work in a multidisciplinary environment: Ability perception |
|problems and use of networks for industry or consumers. |
|Generate new research ideas: Promoting free, creative and |
|inductive thinking to develop new strategic approaches. |
3) SYLLABUS |1.The OSI architecture with focus on the three lower layers. |
|2.The physical layer, |
|3.The operation of the Data Link Layer (Data Link Layer) and its |
|error correction function |
|4 The protocols HDLC/LAPB. |
|5.The sliding-window, and its use for flow control and frame |
|retransmission |
|6. Local area networks |
|7.The Ethernet |
|8. Token Ring paradigms, |
|9. Interconnecting LANs, Bridges and switches, |
|10. Fast and Gigabit Ethernet |
|11. VLAns and WLANs are provided next. |
4) TEACHING and LEARNING METHODS - EVALUATION |DELIVERY |Lectures, laboratories , distance |
|Face-to-face, Distance |learning methods |
|learning, etc. | |
|USE OF INFORMATION AND |Teaching using ICT, Laboratory |
|COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY|Education using ICT, Communication and |
| |Electronic Submission |
|Use of ICT in teaching, | |
|laboratory education, |