Conversation - Ning

Almendros. José Antonio Carrobles. Michael Langone. Michael Kropveld.
I.S.B.N. : 84-689-3129-2. Depósito legal: M- 30984-2005. Imprime C.E.R.S.A.. c/
Santa Leonor ...

Part of the document

Conversation 1 1. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - Finish it up. or
Finish it all. Drink it all. Eat it all. Finish them off.
2. Stop holding food in your mouth like that. Chew you food. ?????????? Eat
your meal
2.1 ??????????????? It's time to wake up. Get up please. Come and brush you
teeth. Or Come and let mum brush your teeth.
3. wash your mouth ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
??????? Gargle your mouth 1.??? - ??????? ???????? ????????? - Stomach ache (???????) or upset
stomach. Don't run after eating, you might get the stomach ache. or You
might upset your stomach. don't run after eating. don't run after eating
2.???????- ???????????????? ??????(??????) ???????????? - Splash. Move away
from the stove/pan. The oil might splash in to your eyes. Step back
3.??????? - ???????? ??????? ?????????????
?????????????????????????????????????????? Stir fried noodles with gravy
sauce on top.
4.???? - ??????????????? - Plait or Braid. Normally I use "plait". Mum will
plait your hair for you.
5.??????? - ??????????? ???????? - Squat = to sit in a low or crouching
position with the legs drawn up closely beneath or in front of the body;
sit on one's haunches or heels.
6.??????? - ??????????????? ??????????????????????????? - You have
temperature. I have to cool you down with wet towel/cloth.
7.????? - ????????????????? (????????????? ) ?????????????????????????? -
Why isn't it straight? Why is it bend? Because you didn't push it in/hard
8.??????????? - ??????????????? lego ?????????????? ????????????????????? -
Do u want to play lego? Yes.
9. thorn - ?????????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???????????? - Thorn = ???? Torn
= ??? ???? ??????? (Tear, Tore, Torn) That rose has many sharp thorns. The
book was tearing off in two pieces. A country torn by civil war. The wind
tore through the trees. Cars tearing up and down the highway. I was tearing
around all afternoon trying to find sandals for the beach.
10.rust - ???? ???????????? ????????????? - ???????????????????????????? -
This toy is rusty already.
11.??????? - ????????????????????? ????????????????????? - Dry out. The ink
is dry out because you left the whiteboard's pen open.
12.??????? - ??????????????????????? - Tights ??????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? Stocking ?????????????? Mum, Do
you wear stocking/tights too?
13.??????????? (?????? Wonder Pets ???? Superman) ?????????????? - Cape
???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? Cloak ???
14.??? - ???????????????? ?????????? - Do not press the fruit like that.
Don't hammer the fruit or it will bruise.
15.???????? - ???????????????????????????? -Fold the paper in half. Copy
16.???????? - (??????????????????????) - The fire is so strong. But when
cooking they use "High or Low"
17.?????? - ????????????????????? ????????????????????????? - Ache.
Yesterday I carried you too long. My arms are aching now. or my body ache.
Or you can say that "My arms are so tried." too.
18.???????? - ????????????????????????? ??????????? ??????? - You are
wearing your shoes in the wrorng side. Take them off and swop the side.
??????????????????? wrong side, swap it ???? ??????? switch
19.????????????? - Sit around together (in the circle)
20.?????????????? - Book mark ?????????????? Lay down with me plase ???????????????? ????????????? ???
Lay ?????????????? Lie down with me please. ??????????????
??????????????????????????????????????????? sleep - Let Mom feed you? "?????????????"
- ????? ???, ????????? Eat Slowly and chew (??????) well. One at a time.
- Make a snake ??????????? I can show you how to make a snake.
(?????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ??????????????????????)
- ?????????????? Put on your cap
- Are you sleepy? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????
??????????????????????? Do you want to go to bed? or Do you want to have a
nap? ?????????????????????????? ????????????
- ??????????????????? What do you call this in English?
- ???????????? (Would you like some milk? MILK? )
"Could you say that in English please?" or just "Speak English please." 1.???????????? ?????????? (?????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????????? ????????5555) Oh! Wow! So many of them. Lots of it.
2.??????????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????????
??????????? give up ? ??????????????? ????????????????????? never, no
????????????????????????????? yes ??????????? Tickle, tickling. Are you
giving up? Do you give up yet? Answer: No or yes. No, i'm not giving up.
Yes, i'm give up now
3.????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? So good. So exciting. Much
fun, Thrill.
4.?????????? ??????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????? Tag
game ???????????????. Play tag ??????????????
5.????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????
????????????????????555 Finish your dish. "Come on, finish up your dinner.
You almost done."
6.??????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? Calm Down. Speak slowly. Do not
7.??????????????? considerate of another feeling.
8.???????????????????????????? You should respect the elderly
9.??????????? Not polite, Not a good manner. It is not polite 1. Pus ????. Mucous (mucous in throat ??????????) ??????????????????
?????????????????????? ?????? ???????????? Ulcer.
2. After breakfast, I will turn on the Animals discovery (channel) for you.
or You have to finish your breakfast first then I will turn on the Animals
discovery channel ??????????????????? -
3. ??????????????????????? Bozo ??? Crown ????? ??? Joker
4. Your cut (?????????) is heal. Or your wound is heal. ????????????????
5. wound ??????????????????????????? inflict a wound. ?????????????? bruise
?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ????? wound ??? bruise
??????????????????? wound ???????????????????????????????
?????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ??? ??????????????
6. Look at that! They're having an accident. (What's happen mummy?) It's a
car crash dear.??????? -??????????? ???????
7. Slip ?????????? Tip over or tip ??? ????. Tumble
???????????????????????. Slip ?????????????????????
8. Carry. Could you carry your table here please? or Can you pick up the
table and take( or put) it here darling? ??
9. Sticky ??????. Sweat ??????. Sweating ?????????. You are sweating. You
are so sticky. You're so stink/smelly ???????????. ?????????/?????????
-???????????????????????????????? ???????????????! :)
10. Choke. Be careful honey. Don't lie down when you are eating or you
might choke. ????????? -?????????? ???????????????
11. Stick/Stuck Something stuck in you teeth. ?????? -????????????????
12. ???????? Coconut Sticky rice or sweet coconut sticky rice.
????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????
13. Building or Construction. There is a construction site at the back of
our house. It is very loud. The builder is using the hammer/machine.
???????? -??????????? ???????????????? (????????????????) ???????????
14. Snatch. Do not heal the key of mum's hand. .????
Did you take a bath today? ?????????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ????????????????????? ????????????? ?????????????????
??????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hi or
Hello (Sweetie, Honey, Sweet heart, ). How are you? Have you been a good
(little) girl today? What are you doing? Or What have you been doing today?
How was school/Kindy (short for kindergarten)? What have you learned today? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????? Mum got something for you.
Would you like to have a look? or Would you like to see what it is? ??????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? Don't put your finger in
there. If you put your finger in the fan, it will cut your finger off. or
You might get hurt honey. ??????????????????????? ??? ???? ??? ( What would you like to eat today?
Fis or chicken?) ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????
?????????????????? No! Don't do that. It's not very nice, you are doing
this. You can't play with this. It is dangerous. Mom: What is this?
Ans: ????
Mom: Good. What is this call in English?
Ans: Bee (???????????????????????
?????????????????????????????????????????????? Bee ????????????) Peak a boo = ??????
Come on ???????????????????????
Up ????????????????????????? ??????????????? ????????? Up-up-up
Down ?????????????????????????????????? Down we go!
Splash ???????????????????????
Yukky ???? eel ?????????????????????? ???? ???????? ???
Good Morning ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner ????????????
Good girl or Good boy ????????
Good night, sleep tight, Don't let the bedbugs bite.
??????????????????????? ????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????? Pumkin, Honey, Sweet Heart, Honey Pie
or Sweet Pea
1 I wanna go to mommy ??????????"
2 Come on, you're a big boy you can do it!! ?????? ????????????"
3 Can I (mommy) have a look? ??? ??????????????"
1) ????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????? let's compettion who is
the winner? Race to the door....let's see who gonna win. Lets complete.
Or Let's having a completition. Let's have a challenge. or just make it
simple like "Let's see who finished first is the winner."
2) ???????????????????????? ??????????? ????????????????????????? ????????
???? bubble is floating to the sky? ?????????????????????? ??????????????
you have to blow a bubble? it's your turn. ????????? It's your turn mommy
is sooooo tired!!!! ???? please, help mommy blow the bubble. Bubble -
bubble is floating in the air. It's your turn to blow the bubble. Mum too
3) ??????????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????????????????
??????????????????????? Color the picture in the borderline or Do not color
over the borderline. Edge = ??? or Li