Argument Essay Practice (32 page handout) - Sacramento City ...

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Special Note:
The argumentative essay is a very useful test of a student's ability to
think logically.
Argue: v. 1. to persuade someone to do or not do something.
2. to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc.
Argumentative: adj. someone who is argumentative often argues or like
Argument: n. a set of reasons that show that something is true or
untrue, right or wrong etc. When you have an opinion and try to convince your listener or reader
to accept your opinion, you are agreeing with or disagreeing with
something. For example: In an everyday situation, you may try to
convince a friend to go somewhere or in a composition or speech class,
the instructor may make an assignment in which you must support or
oppose the use of nuclear energy to produce electricity. If you agree or
disagree on an issue, you will want your reader or listener to accept
your point of view.
There are a few types of argumentative compositions such as:
1. Advantages and disadvantages
2. Expressing opinions/providing solutions to
3. Expressing arguments for and against a topic
4. Compare and contrast something or somebody
* An argument follows when two groups disagree about something.
* People can have different opinions and can offer reasons in support
of their arguments. However, sometimes it might be difficult to convince
the other group because the argument could be based on a matter of
preference, or religious faith.
* Therefore, arguments of preference, belief or faith are NOT the type
of arguments. The kind of argument that can be argued logically is one
based on an opinion that can be supported by evidence such as facts.
* An argumentative essay is also one that attempts/tries to change the
reader's mind, to convince the reader to agree with the point of view of
the writer.
* For that reason, the argumentative essay attempts to be highly
persuasive and logical. For example, a thesis such as "My first
experiences with Americans were shocking" has a central idea 'shocking'
but it is not really strongly persuasive, and it is certainly not
* When you write an argumentative essay, assume that the reader
disagrees with you. But please remember that your reader is no less
intelligent than you.
* So, write objectively, logically and respectfully. Try to understand
your opponent's point of view. If you do not, you are not likely to
convince the reader.
. An important point to recall is that when writing to an argumentative
essay, your reader may not agree with you.
. Writing to persuade is, therefore, more challenging and more imposing
than many other types of writing.
. Your goal may be to change your readers' minds or move them to action.
. Your goal may be to sell a program, defend an idea, or disprove an
. In all these instances, you should consider writing to persuade as an
important method for shaping your environment toward your vision of
reality. Thesis Statement in Argumentative Essays
. The argumentative thesis takes a side of an issue; frequently it
proposes an approach of action which is often expressed with
the modal should).
. In the argument concerning the nuclear power plant, the thesis
for a paper on this topic might be:
"Governments should ban further construction of nuclear power
. Someone else might argue:
"The U.S should continue building nuclear power plants."
PRACTICE 1: Thesis Statement
Study the following thesis statements. Put "A" in the blank if the
statement is argumentative. Be careful! A statement having "should" as
part of the verb is not automatically argumentative.
1. __The earthquake in Gölcük, Turkey, was one of the most destructive in
2. __ Prospective* parents should be required to get licenses in order to
have children. (Prospective: future, expected
3. __ The building codes in Las Vegas, Nevada, are inadequate*.
(Inadequate: not enough)
4. __ Some of the Americans I have met are quite hospitable.
5. __ Students should have a say in the hiring and firing of teachers.
6. __ Pornographic books ought to be banned from the library.
7. __ State University should not have a football team.
8. __The citizens of this state should be allowed to carry guns.
9. __ The United States ought to allow more immigrants into this country. PRACTICE 2: Choose one opinion (a or b) from each of the following
pairs of thesis statements.
1. a. It is a good idea for students to work part time while they are
going to school.
b. Students should not work while they are going o school.
2. a. Young people should continue to live with their parents after
they finish their education.
b. Young people should not move away from home after they finish
their education.
3. a. Wars are always wrong.
b. Wars are not always wrong.
4. a. Exams are not useful.
b. Exams do not check students' knowledge.
When you are planning the argumentative essay, be aware that the essay
should contain the following characteristics:
1. The argumentative essay should introduce and explain the issue
or case. The reader needs to understand what the issue is going
to being argue.
2. The essay should offer reasons and support for those reasons. In
other words, the essay should prove its point.
3. The essay should refute opposing arguments. (refute: to prove
wrong by argument or to show that something is
1. Introduction. You can first introduce the problem and give
background information necessary for the argument and the thesis
2. Reasons. It is usually a good idea to spend one paragraph for
each reason. Two or three reasons are typical.
3. Refutation. Depending on the points the writer wants to make,
one or two paragraphs are typical.
4. Conclusion.
Introduction: Background about the topic
Thesis statement: .....
I. Pro(for/in support of) argument: (weakest argument that supports
your opinion)
II. Pro(for/in support of) argument: (stronger argument that supports
your opinion)
III. Pro(for/in support of) argument: (strongest argument that
supports your opinion)
IV. Con (against/negative): (Counter/oppose arguments and your
Summary, solution, prediction, or recommendation
To write well developed paragraphs:
> Avoid strong feelings (don't say: nobody does this, or it is
impossible to disagree with me)
> Use generalizations (e.g. people say/believe/consider)
> Do not use generalization (e.g. everybody believes that.....)
> Do not use strong personal expressions (e.g. I think)
> Use linking words (e.g. therefore, although, however etc.)
> Use sequencing (e.g. firstly, secondly, lastly)
> Make reference to other sources (e.g. The government claims that...)
> Give examples - not personal thoughts (e.g. products such as sprayer
can destroy the environment)
> Give up banal introductions. Write something more original (Don't
write: This topic has been important since ancient times. When? Too
vague = unclear) MODEL ESSAY: Read the following essay and pay attention to thesis
statement, transitions and topic sentences.
Why Women Should Not Have an Abortion
Many women in the entire world have abortions. Women believe there
are many reasons to abort such as fear of having or raising a child, rape,
or not having enough money. But whatever the situation, there is never an
acceptable reason to get an abortion. Some important reasons why women
should not abort have to do with human values, religious values, and values
of conscience.
The first reason why women should not have an abortion is related to
basic human values. Women need to think about their unborn babies who are
not responsible for this situation. These unborn babies should have the
privilege to live and grow into a normal person. Women need to be more
humanitarian and less egoistic with these babies. On the other hand, the
baby doesn't know how or why he is here. It is not necessary to kill a
life; there are many other solutions to resolve this problem short of
The second reason why women should not abort has to do with religious
values. In almost all religions, a woman is not permitted to have an
abortion. If they do, their religions will punish them. In some religions,
for example, a woman cannot take communion after having an abortion, and
before taking communion again, she must do many things as a form of
penitence. In whatever religion, abortion is punished and for this reason,
women should not abort.
Finally, the third and most impo