Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2 - Aix - Marseille

LV.2 ? Série S - Article adapted from Newsweek. .... Guide pour l'évaluation de l'
expression personnelle en anglais ... Réalisation de l'exercice ... présentation
inacceptable; écriture illisible; consignes non respectées; hors sujet; contresens.

Part of the document

I - COMPRÉHENSION 100 points
1. Tick the right answer: (5pts) The main topic is... o mass tourism.
o the protection of the environment.
o a new type of tourism.
o humanitarian aid. Réponse : a new type of tourism.
2. In paragraphs 1 and 2, find the equivalents of...
12pts (2 ( 6 pts) |similar |l. 1 look-alike |
|poor |l. 5 down-and-out |
|impatient |l. 5 eager |
|rich |l. 6 affluent |
|people born just after World|l. 6 baby-boomers |
|War II | |
|doctors, lawyers, architects|l. 7 professionals |
|etc. | | 3. Infer the meaning of the following words. Underline the equivalent.
15pts (3 pts ( 5) l. 9 : 'insane' dangerous logical crazy l.13 : 'run by' organized by paid by
criticised by l. 21 : 'assignment' test place mission l. 24 : 'accommodations' host families lodgings
destinations l.30 : 'oversaw' despised
supervised met 4. Among the following activities, which are carried out by the volunteers?
Tick the right boxes and justify your answers with precise quotations. 2
pts. par bonne réponse, 2 points par justification. N'exiger qu'une
justification par réponse. (2pts + 2 pts) ( 3 = 12pts. |protecting the environment|( |l. 3 plant trees. |
|caring for the sick | | |
|providing food and | | |
|supplies | | |
|doing social work |( |l. 3 "care for orphans", l. 25 "cared |
| | |for elderly Japanese at a nursing home" |
|building infrastructure |( |l. 3/4 "rebuild monasteries, repair |
|and equipment | |schools", l. 11 "install a solar panel" |
|providing education for | | |
|people in the Third World | | | 5. What would the ordinary tourist find unacceptable in these volunteer
vacations? Quote three elements from the text:
(4 pts ( 3 = 12 pts) l.8 "...paying money for a vacation that involves physical labour"
l. 8-9 "...shared rooms and no running water..."
l. 14-15 "...volunteers are expected to donate..." 6. In your own words, give four reasons to explain why tourists choose
volunteer vacations rather than traditional holidays.
(5 pts ( 4 =20 pts) They are bored with traditional, uninteresting holidays. They are looking
for more exciting vacations.
They are willing to help, to give people in need a hand.
It makes them feel less guilty, less selfish, more generous.
They learn more about local people. 7. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Circle the appropriate
answer and justify with one quotation. (24pts, 3pts par item
( 8 ou 0 pour absence de justification) a) More and more people have had enough of traditional holidays.
l. 1 "Bored with beach-bumming, tired of look-alike hotels and droning
tour guides, a growing number of tourists are turning to volunteer
vacations..." b) Volunteer vacations are always very expensive.
l. 2 " ...moderately-priced trips..." l. 5 "...see the world on the
cheap" c) This type of holiday is aimed at students only.
l. 6 "... targeting affluent baby-boomers and young professionals..."
d) Those travellers use their professional skills to give a hand.
l. 11 "...a New-York- based financial analyst, helped install a solar
e) According to participants, volunteer holidays are more enriching than
package tours.
l. 17 "Volunteers also note that they learn much more staying and
working with local families than they would from an air-conditioned
tour bus." f) Developing countries are the only possible destinations.
l. 24 "Japan...Israel" l. 25 "in Hiroshima". g) The work done by volunteers changes the lives of local people
l. 28 "Individual tourists have a limited impact on the
communities..." h) Local people object to foreign assistance.
l. 29 "...residents say they welcome any help..."
II - EXPRESSION 100 pts Choose one of the following subjects. (250 words) 1. Would you personally choose this type of holiday? Why ? Why not?
2. Imagine the letter sent home by Noah Janssen about his experience in
Nepal. Guide pour l'évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2 Suggestions du groupe d'anglais de L'Inspection Générale des Langues
Vivantes Candidat : copie N° _________________ |Réalisation de l'exercice |Recevabilité linguistique |Total |
|et traitement du sujet |6 points |des |
|4 points | |points |
| | | |
|0.5 point |0.5 - 1 - 1.5 point | |
| | | |
|présentation inacceptable |inintelligible | |
|écriture illisible |lexique indigent | |
|consignes non respectées |erreurs récurrentes de | |
|hors sujet |grammaire élémentaire | |
|contresens | | |
| | | |
|1 - 1.5 - 2 points |2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points | |
| | | |
|recopiage du support |compréhension possible malgré| |
|hors sujet partiel |des erreurs fréquentes | |
|sujet compris mais traitement |lexique limité | |
|plat et superficiel |syntaxe peu élaborée | |
|construction vague | | |
| | | |
|2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points |4 - 4.5 - 5 points | |
| | | |
|existence d'une problématique |erreurs occasionnelles | |
|effort de construction |vocabulaire adapté | |
| |syntaxe adéquate | |
| | | |
|4 points |5.5 - 6 points | |
| | | |
|enchaînement des idées |erreurs rares | |
|développement organisé |vocabulaire riche | |
|références culturelles |syntaxe élaborée | |
|conviction, humour |capacité à nuancer | |
|Dans un esprit d'évaluation positive, on n'hésitera pas à bonifier - en|
|seconde lecture et selon une échelle + 0.5 / + 1 / +1.5 - les copies |
|qui se lisent relativement facilement, avec intérêt, voire avec |
|plaisir. |
|On tiendra compte du soin apporté à la présentation et à la rédaction. |
|On valorisera tout particulièrement les copies dont les auteurs ont |
|réagi au sujet proposé en s'engageant et en exprimant un point de vue |
|personnel. | Barème
|Questions |Points |
| |5 |
| |12 |
| |15 |
| |12 |
| |12 |
| |20 |
| |24 |
|Total compréhension |100 |
|Expression |100 |
|Total général |200 |