Regression coefficient - Scripties UMCG

Mar 15, 2005 ... Appellate Body Report, Brazil ? Export Financing Programme for Aircraft, WT/
DS46/AB/R, adopted 20 August 1999, DSR 1999:III, 1161 ...... 6.50 Australia asks
whether the Panel exercises judicial economy on the claims under Article 2(1) of
the Paris Convention (1967), as incorporated by Article 2.1 of the ...

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Is Skin Auto Fluorescence related to Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease? [pic] Student: Y.N. van de Riet Supervisors: Dr. J.D. Lefrandt
Dr. R. Meerwaldt
Dr. A.J. Smit
Dr. C.J.A.M. Zeebregts Departments of Vascular Surgery and Internal Medicine
University Medical Centre Groningen April 2010 until October 2010
Abstract Background and aims: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) has
enormous consequences for the patient and for society. It can reduce the
quality of life of elderly drastically and is strongly associated with an
elevation of cardiovascular and overall mortality. Despite the serious
impact of the disease, the diagnosis is often missed.
In the best scenario, patients are diagnosed shortly after the start of
We want to determine whether skin auto fluorescence (SAF) is elevated in
those affected and whether SAF correlates with the severity of disease. We
hope to find support for a new way for early assessment in PAOD. Materials and methods: In this prospective case control study, we have
measured SAF with the AGE-reader in patients with PAOD. The patients were
randomly recruited from the outpatient department of Vascular surgery of
the University Hospital in Groningen. A total of 135 patients with PAOD
were included as well as a control group of 135 healthy age and gender
matched individuals. Results: SAF is significantly higher in patients (M=1,06 SD=0,24) compared
with controls (M=0,87 SD=0,25) (P