Themes for in-class writing exercises ..... P. P Punctuation Some plants can move
_Most cannot move. Pl. Pl Plural These story are translated. PREP. PREP
Preposition He is very kind ___ children. WPREP. WPREP ... In Japan, it is said
that pumpkins were imported from Cambodia, so the Japanese call them ?

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| | IE AND ACADEMIC WRITING The IE I, II, and III Writing sections are part of the Integrated English
Program, which includes courses (Core and Listening) where freshmen and
sophomore English majors can improve their English reading, listening, and
speaking abilities. Although the IE Core and Listening sections involve some writing-news
summaries, book reports, and journal writing in Core; note taking,
transcript completion, and "reaction essays" in Listening-teachers will
comment on this writing, but rarely correct it. The purpose of the IE
Writing sections is to learn how to write English paragraphs and essays and
to receive error correction from your teacher and through peer
conferencing. You will not only practice writing, but you will also receive
explicit writing instruction from teachers. The following chart shows the
genres taught at each level. The IE Writing courses lead to Academic
Writing, a course that will prepare you to write research papers and a
graduation thesis.
|IE Writing I |IE Writing II |IE Writing III |Academic Writing |
| Paragraph | Introduction to | MLA Style for |The Research Essay: |
|Writing: |the Essay: |references and |1. Creating a |
|1. Description |1. Comparison- |quotations in 2 |bibliography |
|2. Classification|Contrast |essays: |2. Citing references |
| |2. Analysis |1. |in the MLA|
|3. Comparison- | |Classification |style |
|Contrast | |2. Persuasion | |
Your teacher may assign a writing textbook to you in addition to this text.
It is important that you bring this book, and whichever additional text
your teacher assigns, to every class. The IE Core/Writing Guide (i.e., this
text) includes useful examples of student work and will help you to follow
your teacher's lessons.
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|IE Writing I Objectives |
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| |
|By the end of the course, you should be able to... |
| |
|a) use brainstorming techniques-including clustering, free-writing, |
|talk-write, listing, and venn diagramming-to develop ideas for a |
|paragraph, |
| |
|b) identify main ideas, topic sentences, introductions, examples and |
|illustrations, transitions (e.g., another, next, finally, etc.), |
|and conclusions,. |
| |
|c) write paragraphs that describe, classifiy, and employ comparison and|
|contrast, |
| |
|d) write an effective topic sentence, |
| |
|e) use specific examples, including names and numbers, to support the |
|topic sentence, |
| |
|f) write paragraphs from a third person perspective when appropriate, |
| |
|g) use tenses properly, including the past, present, and future perfect|
|tenses, |
| |
|h) combine short sentences into longer, more complex ones with |
|subordinate |
|conjunctions (i.e., since, because, so), coordinate conjunctions and |
|phrases (i.e., and, |
|but, yet), semi-colons, and colons, |
| |
|i) use transitions to move from one point to another, |
| |
|j) revise first drafts, and read and comment upon other students' work.|
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|IE Level I: Themes And Paragraph Genres |
| |
|The same themes are covered in IE Writing I as in IE Core I and IE Listening|
|I. They are... |
| |
|1. Memories & Childhood |
|2. Urban Life |
|3. Food |
|4. Travel |
|[Some suggested topics for paragraphs have been listed below.] | | | |
|Themes for in-class writing |Description |
|exercises | |
|(e.g., talk-write and free-writing) |- a meal at your favorite restaurant |
|- children; childhood |- your old school |
|- parents |- a famous landmark |
|- the generation gap |- a friend, classmate |
|- urban problems |- a family member |
| | |
|Classification |Compare and Contrast |
| | |
|- occupations |- two cities |
|- personalities |- two pictures |
|- pets for city people |- two part-time jobs |
|- healthy foods |- two hobbies |
|- ideal places to live | |
| IE II and IE III Writing Objectives |
|By the end of the course, you should be able to... |
| |
|a) use brainstorming, clustering, free-writing, and talk-write to |
|develop ideas for |
|2 essays, comparison-contrast and analysis, |
| |
|b) develop a clear thesis statement, with a topic and controlling idea |
|suitable for |
|comparison-contrast, analysis, classification, and persuasive essays, |
| |
|c) write effective topic sentences using appropriate transitional words|
|and phrases and |
|a variety of sentence patterns, |
| |
|d) use specific examples, including names and numbers, to support each |
|topicsentence, |
| |
|e) demonstrate the use of an appropriate academic "register"; writing |
|from the third person |
|perspective rather than overusing the pronoun "I," |
| |
|f) combine short sentences into longer, more complex ones using |
|punctuation such as |
|colons and semi-colons, subordinate conjunctions (i.e., since, because,|
|so), |
|coordinate conjunctions and phrases (i.e., and, but, yet), |
|semi-colons, and colons, |
| |
|g) revise the first drafts of 2 essays and read and comment upon other |
|students' essays. |
| Additional IE III Objectives |
|By the end of the course, you should meet all the objectives noted |
|above an