Ordinary differential equations; Laplace transforms. ... Computation on Spheres;
Transformation of coordinate Systems; Introduction to Spherical ... F64150
Surveying Camp (2). Practical exercises. .... Coordinate systems and coordinate
transformation; Interior orientation and the correction of systematic errors; Space

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DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATICS UNDERGRADUATE COURSES F61150 Introduction to Surveying Engineering (2)
Introduction to the practical purposes; commen ways of surveying and
present status and prospect of surveying engineering; introduction of
photogrammetry and remote sensing; introduction of global positioning
system. F61131 Plane Surveying (I) (3)
Introduction; Distance Measurement; Elevation Measurement; Theodolites and
Angular Measurement; Trigonometric Leveling; Optical Distance Measurement. F61132 Plane surveying (II) (3)
Tranvering; The Plane Table Surveying; Trpographic Surveying; Digital
Mapping; Introduction to Route Surveying; Introduction to Cadastral
Surveying; Introduction to Map Projection and Mapping; Introduction to
Error Propogation; Introduction to Triangulation and Trilateration;
Introduction to GPS and GIS? F61021 Map Drawing (I) (1)
Introduction to map drawing; Drawing equipments and their usage; Types of
lines; Types of letters; Legend; Symbols; Representation of map scales. F61022 Map Drawing (II) (1)
Orientation of maps; Map coordinate systems; Map design; Procedures of map
production; Symbols, lettering, colours and relief representation; Edition
of maps. F62071 Engineering Mathematics (I) (3)
Ordinary differential equations; Laplace transforms. F62072 Engineering Mathematics (II) (3)
Vector calculus; Coordinate systems; Matrix and linear algebra;
Fourier transforms; Complex numbers and conformal mapping.
F62050 Engineering Statistics (3)
Probability; Commonly used probability distributions in engineering;
Point and interval estimation; Application of statistics in surveying. F62021 Adjustment of Observations (I) (3)
Theory of errors; Least-squares principle; Propagation of errors;
Concept of weight; Measurement of accuracy; Problem of adjustment. F62022 Adjustment of Observations (II) (3)
Parametric, Condition and Combined adjustment; Adjustment of a leveling
network; Adjustment of triangulation network, Free network adjuotment. F62741 Adjustment Computation (I) (1)
Histogram and polygon of a random variables; Propagation of errors;
Variance-covariance matrix and its propagation; Weight matrix; Variance
factors; Methods of solving a normal equation. F62742 Adjustment Computation (II) (1)
Preanalysis and design of measurements; Parametric, condition and combined
adjustment; Adjustment of a geodetic network. F62770 General Surveying Instrumens (2)
Basic of Optics; Level; Theodolite; Optical Apparatus for Distance
Measurement; Electronic Distance and Theodlite; Instruments for Special
Purposes; Adjustment of Instrumants; Maintenance and Transportation;
Tachymeters. F62020 Computer Graphics (3)
Principle of projections; Introduction to computer graphics technology;
Mathematics of 2-D and 3-D computer graphics; Viewpoint and windows; Hidden-
line removal; PC basic graphic programming; Functions of CAD software
packages. F62031 Geodesy (I) (3)
Computation on Spheres; Transformation of coordinate Systems; Introduction
to Spherical Trigonometry; Introduction to Geometric and Physical Geodesy;
Properties of the Ellipsoid of Revolution; Curves on the Ellipsoid of
Revolution; Deflection of the Vertical; Reduction of Observations; Geodetic
Main Problems; Transformation between(?,?,h) (x,y,z)? F64100 Land Law and Cadastral Statutes (2)
Law of Land: General regulations, cadastre, land use, property taxation,
and expropriation of land.
Cadastral Regulations: Practical regulations of cadastral surveying; Land
registration codes. F62110 Introduction to Cartography (3)
Introduction to Cartograhpy; Map Classification; Elements of maps; Source
of Data; Computer-Aided Cartography; Data Collection; Map Layout Design;
Symbol Manipulation; Map Production and Reproduction; Computer- Aided
Cartography. F62220 Technical Fundamentals for GIS (3)
Introduction to Data Structures; Elementary Computer Graphics; Fundamental
Spatial Concepts; Basic Computational Geometry; Coordinate Systems and Geo-
coding; Vector Data Structures and Algorithms; Raster Data Structures and
Algorithms; Data Structures and Algorithms for Surfaces and Volumes? F63013 Photogrammetry (III) (3)
Coordinate systems and coordinate transformation; interior orientation and
the resection; bundle block adjustment; block adjustment with additional
paraments and constrains; relative orientation; absolute orientation; block
adjustment with independent models; mapping with satellite imagery;
introduction to the image processing. F63170 Data Modeling and Databases in GIS (3)
Fundamental Database Concepts; Models of Spatial Information;
Representation and Algorithms; Spatial Data Structures ; Spatial Access
Methods; GIS Architectures and Interfaces; Next-Generation Systems? F63220 Geodetic Computations (1)
Properties of the Ellipsoid; Astro-geodetic deflections of the vertical
reduction of observations; Computations of geodetic position; Adjustment of
triangle-trilateration net by the variation of (N, E) coordinates;
Adjustment of traverse net by the variation of (N, E) coordinates;
Adjustment of vertical control network. F63021 Photogrammetry (I) (2)
Introduction to photogrammetry; Optics for photogrammetry; Principles of
photography; Aerial camera; Photographic measurement and refinement;
Vertical- photographs; Stereoscopic viewing; Stereoscopic parallax;
Relative orientation; Absolute orientation; Stereoplotters and maps
compilation. F63022 Photogrammetry (II) (2)
Planning aerial photography; Control for aerial photography; Radial-line
triangulation and planimetric map revision; Aerial mosics;
Orthophotography; Oblique and panoramic photographs; Terrestrial and close-
range photogrammetry; Photographic interpretation; Remote sensing;
Aerotriangulation. F63850 Digital Mapping (3)
Hardware and Software of Digital Mapping Systems; Digital Data
Acquisition; File Structures of Digital Maps; Data Editing and
Symbolization of Digital Maps; Map Production and Quality Control; Digital
Map Revision; Exchange of Digital Maps? F64150 Surveying Camp (2)
Practical exercises. F63020 Map Projections (2)
Introduction to map projections; Analysis of distortion in map
projections; Equal-area projections; Simple conic projection; conformal
projections; Mercator's projections; Projection of geographic features; the
choice of projection. F64010 Photogrammetric Computation (1)
Flight planning; numerical and analytical computation of relative and
absolute orientation; Space intersection and resection; Aerotriangulation;
Strip and block adjustment; Camera calibration. F64050 Map Reproduction (2)
Introduction; Original map; Map reprography; Plate making; Lithographic
Press; Printing inks; Printing materials. F61630 Computer Programming (3)
Introduction to Programming Language; Data defines and Processes;
Expressions; Flow of Control; Array and Pointer; Function; The operating
of Input and Output; The property of object orientation; Introduction to
analyze and design of object orientation programming; The operating of
class; The inheritance of object? F61590 General Chemistry (3)
Chemical thermodynamics; Electrochemistry; Chemical kinetics; inorganic
chemistry; Transition metals; Structure and properties of organic
compounds. F61600 General Chemistry Lab (1)
Manipulation of glass tubing; Empirical formula of a compound; Preparation
of salts; Production of colloids; A study of solutions; acids and bases;
Titration of a base by an acid; Titration of oxidizing and reducing agents;
Nitrogen compounds; A study of Halogens and Halides. F63860 Data Structures (2)
Basic Concepts; Arrays and Structures; Linked List; Stacks and Queues;
Graph; Trees; Sorting; Search. F62140 Applied Mechanics (3)
Particle Kinematics; Particle kinetics; Particle systems; Kinematics of
rigid bodies; Kinetics of rigid bodies; Impulse and momentum; Work and
energy; Vibrations. F62032 Geodesy(2) (3)
Introduction; The gravity field of the Earth; Geodetic reference systems
and Earth's gravity models; Stokes' geodetic boundary value problems;
Gravity reductions and temporal variations of the gravity field; Height
systems; Global Positioning System; Direct and inverse geodetic problems;
The concept of map projections? F62050 Engineering Statistics (3)
This is a three lecture hours basic course in engineering statistics,
comprising following topics: Review of fundamentals of probability. Random
variables and their probability distributions. Statistical estimation.
Basics of hypothesis testing. Analysis of Variance. F62090 Engineering Electronics (2)
The characteristics of diodes, rectifiers and filters of diodes, voltage
multipliers, configurations and characteristics of bipolar junction
transistors, characteristics and equivalent circuit models of JFT and
MOSFET, the Zener diode SCR, TRIAC operation, the BJT amplifier, the FET
amplifier, frequency response and feedback of amplifiers, operational
amplifiers, power amplifiers, power control circuits, introduction to
electronic units and instruments in surveying. F62110 Introduction to Cartography (3)
Introduction to Maps; Earth-Map Relationships; Topographic maps in Taiwan;
Data sources for Maps; Cartographic Design; Map Symbolization; Statistical
Surface; Map Abstraction and Related Issues? F62170 Sanitary Engineering (2)
Evaluation of water requirements and sewage; Source of water; Intakes
conduits and aqueducts; Pumping stations; Analysis of water supply and