how to get started in alchemy - The Gnostic Church of LVX

Let us take advantage of the teachings and exercises as they advance our
understanding of the actual duality of our being and our real relation to the
cosmos. ...... by the Hierarchy, and are trained to become leaders to perform the
tasks outlined to them that they should accomplish in this life as their mission
among mankind.

Part of the document

Paracelsus Research Society
Lab Bulletin Extracts
Table of Contents That Alchemy Both Sides of Alchemy About Alchemical Literature Alchemy in Our Times The Distant Drummer How to Get Started in Alchemy Notes on Plant Alchemy The Dangers of Distilled Water Simple Vacuum Extractions On Tinctures Alchemy and Astrology Formula for Metals Procedure for Making Oil of Iron The Sulphur Notes from the Laboratory The Philosophers Stone Pyramid Replica About the Magnet and its Healing Power Signals from Outer Space Antimony Morality Essays Qestions and Answers
Appendix Thelema Roll Away the Stone
That "ALCHEMY" Again and again we are asked about the various procedures to be followed
when it comes to the manifold laboratory manipulations. It all seems so
contradictory when we emphasize that the so-called spiritual alchemy must
go hand in hand with the practical laboratory application. We say contrary
because during the instruction here at the P.R.S. we stress the fact that
spiritual alchemy is over-emphasized in the various esoteric and
metaphysical schools. The reason for this statement is the predominant
emphasis that is placed upon the latter and the almost entire absence of
laboratory technique. For this reason and for this reason only we make such
statements. This does not preclude the theoretical knowledge which is not
only necessary but absolutely essential to the tangible manifestation to
follow. When premature attempts in the laboratory fail it is undoubtedly due to a
lack of thorough understanding of the underlying laws. Never' should the so-
called spiritual alchemy that gives us the knowledge and understanding of
the entire alchemical structure be taken lightly. This is the foundation
upon which the laboratory structure is erected. Without thorough mastery of
the fundamental laws of alchemical procedure any laboratory work attempted
will be merely a dabbling around that may even prove harmful, if not
outright dangerous, to the misinformed or insufficiently instructed novice.
They expose themselves to grave hazards that may endanger their lives and
those of others. Even psuedo adepts are liable to mishaps if careless or
they pay insufficient attention to the minute details that must be
meticulously followed for success. It has been observed that not withstanding the patient explanations given
to the students, while the practical work involved was demonstrated so that
the entire procedure could be observed and closely followed, that even as
the process involved took place, questions contrary to visible evidence,
were asked. If such occasions occur during class instructions one can
easily imagine what will take place in the private laboratories when
individuals are dependent on their notes and previously observed class
conducted experiments. The old refrain: "If I had only taken more notes and
been more thorough with my notations," is truly a refrain, for it can be
heard over and over again. This is where the term spiritual alchemy, or
theoretical alchemy if you prefer, shows its importance. An old axiom of the European Rosicrucian brethern stated: "Know the theory
first before attempting the practice." This advice cannot be
overemphasized. It is of the utmost importance to know the theory first
before attempting the practice, because the outcome depends upon the
mastering of the theoretical aspect that needs thereupon to be proven.
Guess work must be eliminated as much as possible. This does not exclude
contemplation and observation of natural phenomena. But it should not be a
"guess" just because no other code of revelation is presently to be had. Experiments conducted in practical demonstrations at the P.R.S.
laboratories will produce identical results elsewhere under identical
conditions. Failure to produce like manifestations is due to a change in
procedure. Here is proof of the importance of laboratory and class notes.
With complete notes the students have evidence of procedure and results of
the same or similar experiments. It is truly amazing to read or listen to statements made by students when a
little contemplation and meticulous following of the fundamental laws would
give the answers to the questions. Over and over again we stress the
importance of the fundamental laws involved. At times students take this
advice far too lightly and can hardly wait to see the manifestations take
place that are first discussed in theory. In their over-zealousness
important theoretical aspects are overlooked and the result is a
malfunctioning already taking place while the experiment is still in the
developmental stage. If only the "would be alchemist" would spend a little
more time in contemplation much time and lost labor could be saved, not to
mention financial outlay, that in some cases proves a hardship when it need
not be so. Whether one works at the herbal, animal, or metallic-mineral alchemy, the
fundament laws are the same in principle. When constant failure in the
laboratory results there is but one alternative and that is to return to
the spiritual alchemy and make sure that the laws involved are known and
undersood. The first wrong turn is made when personal opinions are
substituted because one does not clearly understand the outline given.
Personal opinions and further improvements of already existing
alchemistical formulas in books, manuscripts and other sources are possible
only after the fundamental laws have been followed and can, at will, be
repeated with identical results. As long as these primal requirements
cannot be met it is generally useless to attempt to improve, with personal
opinions, upon something that is not even understood. Sheer luck, as it is
called, may produce something of worth, but even here little benefit will
be derived since it may not, and probably will not, have anything to do
with the intended outcome. Many alchemical students have found that before any actual laboratory work
is commenced a moment or two of contemplation is of great help. Fortunately
when such an attempt is made the thought pattern which evolves out of the
quiet moment gives rise to much more profound investigation such as the
rechecking of former notes. When thereafter the student or "would be
alchemist" goes through the entire process in his mind, preferably with his
eyes closed, and follows step by step what he is later to do by manual
operation, he will find his work will go much more smoothly than if he has
to stop frequently to ask himself: "Now, how was this again." Or "What was
it he did next?," etc. Actually the alchemist is then following a blue
print of the mind, where every detail has been worked out in advance. The adept, having his blue print in mind, knows what he should do and what
the result should be. Should a mistake occur, should the result be
different than expected then he will immediately recognize the possibility
of error and in retracing his steps discover what has been done
incorrectly. However, had he not first had a blue print and known what the
result should be he could not find his mistake, let alone correct it. Research, alchemical or otherwise, is not guess work--it may sometimes be
trial and error but it is not guess work. By working with the basic laws
and learning the fundamental facts first then the more experienced
alchemist may try other means or methods to produce the same result. Here,
however, it is imperative that very careful notes be kept or it is doubtful
if the same results can be duplicated. Therefore, an important piece of
information and research might be lost. If for the adept careful planning for an experimental project is necessary,
then how much more important this admonition is to the novice-- blue print
your work and keep accurate notes.
The alchemist or "would be alchemist" does not produce alchemical
manifestations in the laboratory only to prove something in the form of
material manifestation. His objective is to produce something of value,
especially in therapeutics. Alchemical products contain three essentials,
known as sulphur, salt, and mercury in the purest obtainable form. When
used medicinally they represent the highest and most potent form of any
medication known, provided the alchemistical axiom has been followed, by
separation, purification and proper conjunction of the substance in
question. Even here the key to this work is of no value to the one in
possession thereof, if he does not have the lock wherein it will fit, as
the ancients have phrased it. Medicinal alchemy is not for the curiosity
seeker who just wants to dabble in this kind of work to see if there is
anything to it. The alchemical key is only of value to the physician. A
quack has no business coming up with so-called alchemical products and
indiscriminately using them as he sees fit "because the books say so" or
because he "feels it might work." To be an alchemist requires more than just reading what former alchemists
have said and following their instructions, which in most cases are
extremely hard to understand, especially for those who have had no previous
instructions in the spagyric art. A