Project Document - Deliverable Description - UNDP

BCC. Benguela Current Commission. BCLME. Benguela Current Large Marine
Ecosystem. CDCF. Centre for Development Cooperation in Fisheries. CITES ......
an emphasis on the UNDP Strategic Plan 2014-17, Regional Programme
Document for Africa, 2014-2017 and the UNDP Gender Equality Strategy, 2014-

Part of the document

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| |United Nations Development Programme | |
| |Country: Regional - Governments of Angola, Namibia | |
| |and South Africa | | |Project Title: |"Realizing the inclusive and sustainable development |
| |in the BCLME region through the improved ocean |
| |governance and the integrated management of ocean use |
| |and marine resources" Short Title - Improving Ocean |
| |Governance and Integrated Management in the BCLME. |
|UNDAF Outcome(s): |n/a |
|UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and Sustainable Development Primary |
|Outcome: 2.5. Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions|
|enabled to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and access and |
|benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, in line|
|with international conventions and national legislation |
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|UNDP Strategic Plan Secondary Outcome: 1.3. Solutions developed at |
|national and sub-national levels for sustainable management of natural |
|resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and waste |
|Executing Agency/Implementing Partner: Benguela Current Commission |
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|Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: | |
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|Agreed by (Government of Angola): | |
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|Signature Title Date/Month/Year | |
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|Agreed by (Government of Namibia): | |
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|Signature Title Date/Month/Year | |
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|Agreed by (Government of South Africa): | |
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|Signature Title Date/Month/Year | |
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|Agreed by the Benguela Current Commission (Implementing Partner): | |
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|Signature Title Date/Month/Year | |
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|Agreed by UNDP: | |
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|Signature Title Date/Month/Year | |
Table of Contents
1. SITUATION ANALYSIS 6 1. Description of BCLME 6
2. GEF Support and Country Commitment to date 9
3. Review of Current Baseline Analysis 12
4. The Benguela Current Commission 13
1.5 The Convention and the Strategic Action Programme 14
1.6 Stress Reduction and Strategic Action Programme Priorities 15
1.7 Project Evaluations and the Preliminary Governance 18
Baseline Analysis 2. PROJECT STRATEGY 23
2.1 Main Objectives and Deliverables 24
2.2 End-of-Project Landscape 69 2.3 Regional, Global and Societal Benefits of the Project and
consistency with GEF and UNDP Objectives 2.4 Incremental Reasoning for GEF Support 75 2.5 Innovation and Sustainability - Potential for transfer 77
of lessons and best practices 2.6 Primary Stakeholders, their Involvement and Collaboration
2.7 Partnerships with related Projects and Initiatives
7. LEGAL CONTEXT 145 ANNEXES: Annex 1: Synthesis and consolidation of Governance Baseline Reports for
the BCLME Region Annex 2: National demonstrations of integrated management mechanisms and
strategies at a pilot scales in each country Annex 3: Organigram of the Benguela Current Commission structure as
approved by the Management Board Annex 4: Regional and International Organisations for closer
collaboration with the BCC Annex 5: Terms of References for PSC and Key Project Staff Annex 6: Risk Log TABLES: Table 1: List of Thematic Areas, EQOs and requisite management and
stress reduction activities needed in order to deliver effective
SAP implementation and management of LME Goods and Services
(taken from the Convention, the SAP and the BCC Implementation
Plan) Table 2: Review of Recommendations and Actions Arising from the
Evaluations of the previous two UNDP GEF BCLME Projects as well
as the preliminary Governance Baseline Analysis Table 3: Possible Investment Potential to address Key Problems and
achieve Stress Reduction in the BCLME Table 4: Structure of the Benguela Current Commission Table 5: Monitoring and Evaluation Work-Plan and Budget
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations |BCC |Benguela Current Commission |
|BCLME |Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem |
|CDCF |Centre for Development Cooperation in Fisheries |
|CITES |Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild |
| |Fauna and Flora |
|EAF |Ecosystem Approach to fisheries |
|EEZ |Exclusive Economic Zone |
|EQO |Ecosystem Quality objective |
|FAO |Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
|GCLME |Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem |
|GEF |Global Environment Facility |
|GIZ |Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit |
|HAB |Harmful Algal Bloom |
|ICCAT |International Convention on the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas |
|IMO |International Maritime Organization |
|IP |Implementation Plan |
|IUU |Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (fishing) |
|LME |Large Marine Ecosystem |
|MARPOL |International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from |
| |Ships |
|MCS |Monitoring, control and surveillance |
|MPA |Marine Protected Area |
|NIC |National Intersectoral Committee |
|MSC |Marine Stewardship Council |
|NFI |National Focal Institution (for BCC and BCLME) |
|NOAA |National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (of the United |
| |States) |
|ODINAfrica |Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa |
|SADC |Southern African Development Community |
|SADCO |Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography |
|SAP |Strategic Action Programme |
|SEAFO |South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation |
|SEIS |State