
Sep 9, 2014 ... The situation of young people on the islands in 2009 567?568 109. III. ..... The
focal points are promoting a healthy lifestyle and more exercise for children and
young people. ..... See Chapter V.I. for the action plan on child abuse and neglect
. ...... The purpose of the declaration is to help parents and girls to ...

Part of the document

| |United Nations |CRC/C/NLD/4 |
|[pic] |Convention on the |Distr.: General |
| |Rights of the Child |19 September 2014 |
| | | |
| | |Original: English |
Committee on the Rights of the Child Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article
44 of the Convention
Fourth periodic reports of States parties due in 2012
The Netherlands* [Date received: 22 November 2013]
Contents Paragraphs Page Introduction 1-13 7
Part one: The European part of the Netherlands 14-542 9
Executive summary 14-24 9
I. General measures of implementation 25-55 12
Article 4: Changes in Dutch legislation 25-48 12
Article 42: Publicizing the Convention 49-54 18
Article 44, paragraph 6: Availability of reports 55 19
II. Definition of the word "child" 56 19
Article 1 56 19
III. General principles 57-100 19
Article 2: Non-discrimination 57-58 19
Article 3: Interests of the child 59-71 19
Article 6: Right to life and development 72-78 21
Article 12: Respect for the child's opinion 79-100 22
IV. Civil rights and freedoms 101-144 25
Article 7: Name and nationality 101-108 25
Article 8: Right of the child to preserve/re-establish its
identity 109 27
Article 13: Freedom of expression 110-111 27
Article 17c: Access to information 112-125 27
Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
126-129 29
Article 15: Freedom of association 130 30
Article 16: Privacy; right to a private life 131-133
Article 37a: Torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment of children 134-144 30
V. Family environment and alternative forms of care 145-255 33
Introduction 145 33
Article 5: Parental guidance of children 146-152 33
Article 18, paragraph 1: Parents' responsibility for the
and development of the child 153-166 34
Article 9: Separation from parents and the right of access
167-172 36
Article 10: Family reunification 173-174 39
Article 27, paragraph 4: Recovery of child maintenance
175-181 39
Article 20: Children temporarily or permanently deprived
of their family environment 182-201 40
Article 21: Inter-country adoption 202-213 43
Article 11: International child abduction 214-227 45
Article 19: Domestic violence, sexual abuse of children, and
neglect 228-255 47
VI. Basic health and welfare 256-348 52
Article 23: Disabled children 256-272 52
Article 24: Health and health care 273-320 55
Articles 26 and 18, paragraph 2: Social security and youth
care 321-338 62
Article 18, paragraph 3: Childcare services 339-346 65
Article 27, paragraphs 1-3: Standard of living 347-349
VII. Education, leisure and cultural activities 350-399 67
Article 28: Education, including vocational training and
guidance 350-375 67
Article 29: Aims of education 376-387 72
Article 31: Leisure, recreation and cultural activities
388-399 74
VIII. Special protection measures 400-562 76
A. Children in emergency situations 400-410 76
Articles 22 and 39: Refugees 400-407 76
Article 1f: Children 408-409 77
Article 38: Children in armed conflicts 410 78
B. Children and the criminal justice system 411-466 78
Article 40: Juvenile criminal law 411-440 78
Article 37 b-d: Children deprived of their liberty 441-
478 84
Article 39: Special care for victims of crime 479-484
C. Children in exploitative situations 485-562 92
Article 32: Economic exploitation of children, including child
labour 485-493 92
Article 33: Drugs 494-495 94
Article 34 : Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse 496-
551 94
Article 35: National, bilateral and multilateral measures
to prevent the abduction of, the sale of or traffic in children
552-553 105
Article 36: Protecting children against forms of exploitation
554-555 106
Article 30: Education for ethnic and language minorities
556-562 106
Part two: The Netherlands in the Caribbean 563-604 108
Introduction 563-565 108
I. Basic principles underlying the Netherlands' drive to improve
youth services in the
Netherlands in the Caribbean 566 108
II. The situation of young people on the islands in 2009 567-568
III. Progress made in the area of education 569-577 109
IV. Prevention and help with educational and developmental problems
578-585 110
V. Guardianship Board and youth probation service 586-604 112
Part three: Aruba 608-664 116
Introduction 608-609 116
I. General measures of implementation 610-617 116
A. Measures taken to ensure compliance of Aruban law and policy
with the provisions of the Convention 610 116
B. Existing or planned mechanisms at national or local level for
policies relating to children and monitoring implementation of
the Convention 611-615 116
C. Measures taken or envisaged to make the Convention's
and provisions widely known to adults and children alike
616 118
D. Measures taken to make the reports widely available to the
public 617 119
II. Definition of the word "child" 618 119
III. General principles 619-620 119
IV. Civil rights and freedoms 621-623 119
V. Family environment and alternative forms of care 624-632 120
VI. Basic health and welfare 633-652 121
Article 23: Disabled children 633-636 121
Article 24: Health and health care 637-650 122
Articles 26 and 18, paragraph 2: Social security and youth
care 651 125
Article 18, paragraph 3: Childcare services 652 125
VII. Education, leisure and cultural activities 653-655 125
VIII. Special protection measures 656-664 126
Part four: Curaçao 665-927 127
Introduction 665-666 127
I. General measures of implementation 667-704 127
Article 42: Making the Convention widely known 705-714 133
II. Definition of the word "child" 715-718 135
III. General principles 719-747 135
Article 2: The right to non-discrimination 719-729 135
Article 3: Allowing the best interests of the child to prevail
730-733 137
Article 6: The right to life, survival and development
734-737 137
Article 12: Respect for the views of the child 738-747
IV. Civil rights and freedoms 748-774 139
Article 7: Name and nationality 748-752 139
Article 17c: Access to information 753-759 140
Article 37a: Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading
or punishment 760-774 141
V. Family environment and alternative forms of care 775-799 143
Article 9: Separation from parents and the right of access
775-777 143
Article 10: Family reunification 778-780 143
Article 11: Illicit transfer and non-return of children abroad
781-782 144
Article 18: Parenting support 783-785 144
Article 19: Protection from abuse and neglect 786-796
Article 20: Children deprived of their family environment
797-799 146
VI. Basic health and welfare 800-862 147
Article 6: The right to survival and development 800 147
Article 18: The right to childcare facilities 801-806
Article 23: Disabled children 807-830 148
Article 24: Health and health care 831-853 151
Article 27: Standard of living 854-858 154
Article 33: The right to protection from the illicit use of
drugs 859-862 155
VII. Education, leisure and cultural activities 863-877 156
Article 28: Education, including vocational training and
guidance 863-864 156
Article 29: Aims of education 865-870 157
Article 30: The right to one's own culture, to profess and