
1.3.7 E-learning and Learning Management System (LMS) platforms ...... This
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Exercise and evaluation generator, posting exercises online analysis of results.

Part of the document

|Module Title |An exploration of ICT tools |
|Editing date | |last update | |
|Hours | |
|Price | |
|Learning Outcomes|The aim of the module 4 is to help you to find |
| |your way in the different categories of tools, |
| |understand their use for learning activities, and|
| |give you some experience in each category of ICT |
| |tools. |
|Summary |The succes of ICT adapted for learning depend |
| |essentielly of a good adaptation to a particular |
| |pedagogical objective. So, it is very important |
| |that designers for learning have a knowledge as |
| |large as possible of existing tools, be able to |
| |analyse in wich context they will be interesting |
| |for their purpose and finaly propose efficient, |
| |motivating and various contents and activities to|
| |learners. |
| |This module is developed with Ecole des Mines de |
| |Nantes, using ICT cartographies to help trainers,|
| |teachers to find their way in ICT tools for |
| |educational purpose. The website is here : |
| ||
| |rticle=312 and you will find in chapter |
| |"Evaluation guide & table" how tools are |
| |evaluate. |
| | |
| |Pre-requisites/Previous knowledge: |
| | |
| |Throughout the course you will need regular |
| |access, either at work or home, to a PC with an |
| |Internet connection using a version 4 browser or |
| |above and an email address. |
| |No prior experience or particular technical |
| |knowledge, other than basic computer skills, is |
| |required. |
| | |
| |Anticipated results of the program: |
| | |
| |On completion of the course, you will be able to:|
| | |
| |· In a particular pedagogical context and |
| |activity, you will be able to find and choice the|
| |most adapted tool. |
| |· To use at least one tool in each category with |
| |a focus on tools for design |
| |· Use technical and pedagogical criteria to |
| |classify a new tool and evaluate it for a future |
| |use. |
|Tutor |Nadine Jouanen |
|Tutor mail | |
|Tutor CV |Elearning consultant |
Communication / Exchanges
Tools that structure and facilitate the exchange of messages, documents and
Example: virtual classrooms
1 Delayed communication (asynchronous communication) Access to interactive cartographies developed by Ecole des Mines de Nantes
: 1 Forum When discussion without borders goes online General purpose: Themes for online discussion Advantage of these tools: The tools for asynchronous communication allow
people (in all time zones) to participate in a discussion in a shared
virtual forum. Context of use: Nowadays widely used by ministers, associations and
companies in-house, where individuals create debate forums on their
internet sites that revolve around topics, projects and problems. Educational applications: Nowadays, teachers, giving face-to-face classes
or classes in distance mode, organise discussions in forums with their
students or have their students participate in professional discussion
forums or forums in their scientific community: it is an excellent place to
create "socio-cognitive conflict", one of the bases for learning. It is one
of the most widely-used tools in group exploration and pastoral education. Selection of corresponding tools:
To see public forums on the internet: You can discuss science on the Forum
Futura sciences ( or participate in a
specialist forum on mathematics (e.g. There are
forums for just about every subject. Create a free forum online: PhP BB ( allows you to
create a forum on your own personal webpage, while Le Forum
( allows you to create online forums for
free and invite people to participate in the discussion. Oscar, a forum adapted to illocution
Oscar (, by LIUM (Tools section), is a
forum that enables the user to structure, state and qualify the linguistic
intentions of participants using icons associated with their messages. A
type of visual language is added and qualifies the textual discussion in
the forum, a little bit like faces or smilies in messaging. These "meta-
messages" significantly improve understanding and increase the productivity
of group work.
|Which of the following statements is true? |
|X |The form of involvement in a forum is a model similar to that of |
| |a seminar. |
| |Leading a group in a forum implies that the tutor is the focal |
| |point of all communication. |
| |In a forum, the role of a tutor is essentially to respond to the |
| |questions of students. |
| | |
| Which of the following three educational uses is the most suitable for |
|the forum? |
| |Oral reports |
|X |Doing homework and preparing for the exam |
| |Holding a virtual laboratory |
| | | 2 Educational videos How to make educational videos available to students General purpose: Educational video service and servers Advantage of these tools: The service given to teachers is based on digital
video technologies to create educational films and make them available to
students for display immediately after the online course or class. Context of use: As a teaching aid. Educational applications:
Demonstrations using images, tutorials, dangerous experiments, complex
experiments, experiments difficult to replicate, etc. Selection of corresponding tools
Educational video service: (Safari or Internet Explorer recommended)
Canal U, the higher learning and research web TV channel
|Mark the statement which is TRUE: |
| |Video services are not suitable for viewing dangerous experiments|
|X |Video services can be viewed online or in the classroom |
| |Video services cannot be used to view tutorials |
| | | 3 Newsgroups
Active participation in the life of a professional community General purpose: Participation in newsgroups Advantage of these tools: Newsgroups (also referred to as dissemination
groups, hence the confusion) are open (or semi-open if subject to access
control) to anyone interested in the topic or problem being discussed in
the newsgroup. (e.g. health control methods in the food and catering
The creator or moderator of the group controls the access of new
subscribers and regulates the content and quality of discussions, and
filters off-topic messages and messages that do not comply with standards
of netiquette. Each participant promises to suggest their contribution (via
text messages sent using their email software) whenever possible, all of
which is available for access. A robot disseminates each message to all of
the subscribers in the group. Some newsgroups contain thousands of members
and are very dynamic. Context of use: Scientific, professional and cultural communities. Educational applications: Teachers can use newsgroups in two ways:
Method 1: By enrolling their students in newsgroups they consider to be "of
educational interest". Often, students register themselves.
Method 2: The teacher creates, leads and moderates a newsgroup (on a
dedicated website related to the topic to be discussed) and invites their
students and others to participate. The teacher ensures coherence in
discussions for this community, the duration of which will long outlive the
students' period of enrolment at their school or university. Selection of corresponding tools:
To find or create newsgroups (examples of directories)
Medicaliste. to find newsgroups relating to medicine.
Til-Net (science, research, technology) (http://tile