The Army exercises discretion on whether a Phase I award recipient is invited ......
and Evaluation of the Man-Machine Interface Between the Apache Longbow and
...... Robert H. Anderson, Amado Cordova, Anthony C. Hearn, Rosalind Lewis, ...

Part of the document

INTRODUCTION: The responsibility for the implementation, administration and management of
the Navy STTR Program is with the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The Navy
STTR Program Manager is Mr. Steve Sullivan. If you have questions of a
general nature regarding the Navy's STTR Program, contact Mr. Sullivan
( For general questions regarding NAVAIR topics
N13A-T001 through N13A-T008, please contact the NAVAIR STTR Program
Administrator, Dusty Lang ( For inquiries or
problems with electronic submission, contact the DoD Help Desk at 1-866-724-
7457 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET). For technical questions about a topic,
you may contact the Topic Authors listed under each topic before 25
February 2013. Beginning 25 February for technical questions you must use
the SITIS system or go to the DoD Web site at for more information.

The Navy's STTR Program is a mission-oriented program that integrates the
needs and requirements of the Navy's Fleet through R&D topics that have
dual-use potential, but primarily address the needs of the Navy. Companies
are encouraged to address the manufacturing needs of the Defense Sector in
their proposals. Information on the Navy STTR Program can be found on the
Navy STTR Web site at Additional information
pertaining to the Department of the Navy's mission can be obtained by
viewing the Web site at

PHASE I PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Read the DoD front section of this solicitation for detailed instructions
on proposal format, submission instructions and program requirements. When
you prepare your proposal, keep in mind that Phase I should address the
feasibility of a solution to the topic. The Navy only accepts Phase I
proposals with a base effort not exceeding $80,000 and with the option not
exceeding $70,000. The technical period of performance for the Phase I base
should be 7 months. The Phase I option should be 6 months and address the
transition into the Phase II effort. Phase I options are typically only
funded after the decision to fund the Phase II has been made. The Phase I
technical volume, including the option, has a 20-page limit. Please use the
proposal template located at
Technical Volumes that exceed the 20 page limit will be reviewed only to
the last word on the 20th page. Information beyond the 20th page will not
be reviewed or considered in evaluating the Offeror's proposal. To the
extent that mandatory technical content is not contained in the first 20
pages of the proposal, the evaluator may deem the proposal as non-
responsive and score it accordingly. The Navy will evaluate and select
Phase I proposals using scientific review criteria based upon technical
merit and other criteria as discussed in this solicitation document. Due to limited funding, the Navy reserves the right to limit awards under
any topic and only proposals considered to be of superior quality will be
funded. The Navy typically provides a firm fixed price contract or awards
a small purchase agreement as a Phase I award. All proposal submissions to the Navy STTR Program must be submitted
electronically. It is mandatory that the entire technical volume, DoD
Proposal Cover Sheet, Cost Volume, and the Company Commercialization Report
are submitted electronically through the DoD SBIR/STTR Submission Web site
at This site will lead you through the
process for submitting your technical proposal and all of the sections
electronically. To verify that your technical volume has been received,
click on the "Check Upload" icon to view your uploaded technical volume. If
you have any questions or problems with the electronic submission, contact
the DoD SBIR Helpdesk at 1-866-724-7457 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST). Your
proposal must be submitted via the submission site before 6:00 a.m. ET,
Wednesday, 27 March 2013. Within one week of the Solicitation closing, you will receive notification
via e-mail that your proposal has been received and processed for
evaluation by the Navy. Please make sure that your e-mail address is
entered correctly on your proposal coversheet or you will not receive a
notification. In accordance with section 4.10 of the DoD Instructions, your request for a
debrief must be made within 15 days of non-award notification.
PHASE II PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: All Phase I awardees will be allowed to submit an initial Phase II proposal
for evaluation and selection. The details on the due date, content, and
submission requirements of the initial Phase II proposal will be provided
by the awarding SYSCOM either in the Phase I award or by subsequent
notification. All SBIR/STTR Phase II awards made on topics from
solicitations prior to FY13 will be conducted in accordance with the
procedures specified in those solicitations (for all Department of Navy
topics this means by invitation only). Section 4(b)(1)(ii) of the SBIR Policy Directive permits the Department of
Defense and by extension the Department of the Navy (DON), during fiscal
years 2012 through 2017, to issue a Phase II award to a small business
concern that did not receive a Phase I award for that R/R&D. The DON will
NOT be exercising this authority for SBIR or STTR Phase II awards. In order
for any small business firm to receive a Phase II award, the firm must be a
recipient of a Phase I award under that topic and submit an initial phase
II proposal. The Navy will evaluate, and select Phase II proposals using the evaluation
criteria in Section 6.0 of the DoD Program Solicitation with technical
merit being most important, followed by qualifications and
commercialization potential of equal importance. Due to limited funding,
the Navy reserves the right to limit awards under any topic and only
proposals considered to be of superior quality will be funded. The Navy STTR Program structures Phase II contracts in a way that allows
for increased funding levels based on the project's transition potential.
This is called the Phase II.5 and is accomplished through either multiple
options that may range from $250,000 to $1,000,000 each, substantial
expansions to the existing contract, or a second Phase II award. For
existing Phase II contracts, the goals of Phase II.5 can be attained
through contract expansions, some of which may exceed the $1,000,000
recommended limits for Phase II awards. All awardees, during the second year of the Phase II, must attend a one-day
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) meeting. This meeting is typically
held during the summer in the Washington, D.C. area. Information can be
obtained at Awardees will be contacted
separately regarding this program. It is recommended that Phase II cost
estimates include travel to Washington, D.C. for this event. PHASE III: A Phase III STTR award is any work that derives from, extends or completes
effort(s) performed under prior STTR funding agreements, but is funded by
sources other than the STTR Program. Thus, any contract or grant where the
technology is the same as, derived from, or evolved from a Phase I or a
Phase II SBIR/STTR contract and awarded to the company which was awarded
the Phase I/II STTR is a Phase III STTR contract. This covers any
contract/grant issued as a follow-on Phase III STTR award or any
contract/grant award issued as a result of a competitive process where the
awardee was an STTR firm that developed the technology as a result of a
Phase I or Phase II STTR. The Navy will give STTR Phase III status to any
award that falls within the above-mentioned description, which includes
according STTR Data Rights to any noncommercial technical data and/or
noncommercial computer software delivered in Phase III that was developed
under STTR Phase I/II effort(s). The government's prime contractors and/or
their subcontractors shall follow the same guidelines as above and ensure
that companies operating on behalf of the Navy protect the rights of the
STTR company. Award and Funding Limitations: In accordance with STTR Policy Directive section 4(b)(5), there is a limit
of one sequential Phase II award per firm per topic. Additionally in
accordance with STTR Policy Directive section 7(j)(1), each award may not
exceed the award guidelines (currently $150,000 for Phase I and $1 million
for Phase II) by more than 50% (SBIR/STTR program funds only) without a
specific waiver granted by the SBA. Topic Award by Other Than the Sponsoring Agency: Due to specific limitations on the amount of funding and number of awards
that may be awarded to a particular firm per topic using SBIR/STTR program
funds (see above), Head of Agency Determinations are now required before a
different agency may make an award using another agency's topic. This
limitation does not apply to Phase III funding. Please contact your
original sponsoring agency before submitting a Phase II proposal to an
agency other than the one who sponsored the original topic. (For DON
awardees, this includes other SYSCOMs.) Transfer Between SBIR and STTR Programs: Section 4(b)(1)(i) of the STTR Policy Directive provide that, at the
agency's discretion, projects awarded a Phase I under a solicitation for
SBIR may transition in Phase II to SBIR and vice versa. A firm wishing