
01082 interesting. 01083 remains. 01084 waiting. 01085 attack. 01086 ready ......
04178 artificial. 04179 folk. 04180 boats. 04181 controlling. 04182 exercises.

Part of the document

00001 the
00002 of
00003 and
00004 to
00005 a
00006 in
00007 that
00008 is
00009 it
00010 was
00011 for
00012 's [possessive]
00013 on
00014 be
00015 with
00016 I
00017 he
00018 as
00019 by
00020 you
00021 at
00022 are
00023 this
00024 not
00025 have
00026 had
00027 his
00028 from
00029 but
00030 they
00031 which
00032 or
00033 an
00034 were
00035 her
00036 she
00037 we
00038 there
00039 been
00040 their
00041 one
00042 has
00043 will
00044 n't
00045 can
00046 all
00047 would
00048 do
00049 if
00050 more
00051 when
00052 who
00053 what
00054 so
00055 about
00056 up
00057 its
00058 some
00059 into
00060 them
00061 could
00062 no
00063 him
00064 said
00065 time
00066 only
00067 two
00068 out
00069 other
00070 then
00071 my
00072 may
00073 like
00074 over
00075 also
00076 new
00077 these
00078 your
00079 any
00080 me
00081 now
00082 did
00083 people
00084 first
00085 very
00086 after
00087 should
00088 just
00089 than
00090 most
00091 where
00092 made
00093 between
00094 back
00095 way
00096 our
00097 many
00098 years
00099 work
00100 much
00101 know
00102 being
00103 those
00104 down
00105 how
00106 before
00107 see
00108 through
00109 such
00110 make
00111 get
00112 because
00113 us
00114 three
00115 year
00116 own
00117 good
00118 think
00119 still
00120 well
00121 must
00122 right
00123 even
00124 go
00125 both
00126 too
00127 last
00128 take
00129 used
00130 er
00131 government
00132 use
00133 however
00134 off
00135 under
00136 same
00137 Mr
00138 does
00139 're [=are]
00140 world
00141 here
00142 man
00143 day
00144 might
00145 got
00146 say
00147 going
00148 life
00149 come
00150 against
00151 another
00152 while
00153 need
00154 again
00155 each
00156 old
00157 never
00158 part
00159 long
00160 thought
00161 little
00162 since
00163 number
00164 put
00165 house
00166 end
00167 different
00168 found
00169 home
00170 place
00171 within
00172 local
00173 children
00174 system
00175 want
00176 great
00177 without
00178 set
00179 during
00180 left
00181 small
00182 few
00183 came
00184 something
00185 case
00186 around
00187 look
00188 always
00189 social
00190 although
00191 group
00192 went
00193 percent
00194 party
00195 company
00196 second
00197 given
00198 give
00199 find
00200 four
00201 important
00202 state
00203 next
00204 information
00205 until
00206 point
00207 women
00208 high
00209 later
00210 public
00211 often
00212 why
00213 every
00214 national
00215 men
00216 things
00217 far
00218 fact
00219 took
00220 really
00221 further
00222 help
00223 head
00224 seen
00225 quite
00226 British
00227 form
00228 business
00229 school
00230 possible
00231 away
00232 area
00233 less
00234 London
00235 taken
00236 general
00237 water
00238 large
00239 family
00240 five
00241 early
00242 whether
00243 hand
00244 told
00245 best
00246 money
00247 face
00248 already
00249 development
00250 looked
00251 having
00252 power
00253 young
00254 better
00255 night
00256 days
00257 country
00258 change
00259 asked
00260 side
00261 called
00262 yet
00263 says
00264 become
00265 almost
00266 political
00267 times
00268 enough
00269 perhaps
00270 mean
00271 support
00272 done
00273 service
00274 together
00275 whole
00276 himself
00277 John
00278 members
00279 nothing
00280 control
00281 market
00282 able
00283 council
00284 room
00285 major
00286 eyes
00287 though
00288 thing
00289 act
00290 open
00291 court
00292 problem
00293 week
00294 others
00295 towards
00296 available
00297 working
00298 war
00299 report
00300 law
00301 interest
00302 held
00303 following
00304 problems
00305 research
00306 making
00307 round
00308 full
00309 felt
00310 either
00311 yes
00312 policy
00313 level
00314 question
00315 six
00316 education
00317 labour
00318 half
00319 known
00320 show
00321 police
00322 once
00323 mind
00324 body
00325 main
00326 clear
00327 Britain
00328 period
00329 services
00330 voice
00331 person
00332 above
00333 tell
00334 saw
00335 name
00336 minister
00337 care
00338 keep
00339 anything
00340 office
00341 using
00342 feel
00343 past
00344 ever
00345 road
00346 health
00347 knew
00348 itself
00349 child
00350 mother
00351 months
00352 across
00353 several
00354 am
00355 effect
00356 areas
00357 book
00358 society
00359 words
00360 upon
00361 car
00362 themselves
00363 therefore
00364 likely
00365 looking
00366 economic
00367 turned
00368 million
00369 probably
00370 began
00371 process
00372 black
00373 kind
00374 view
00375 position
00376 white
00377 community
00378 seemed
00379 England
00380 among
00381 doing
00382 programme
00383 particular
00384 provide
00385 father
00386 today
00387 centre
00388 result
00389 south
00390 city
00391 English
00392 study
00393 future
00394 door
00395 present
00396 became
00397 behind
00398 international
00399 means
00400 staff
00401 evidence
00402 action
00403 line
00404 certain
00405 gave
00406 real
00407 woman
00408 sense
00409 including
00410 start
00411 top
00412 hard
00413 experience
00414 order
00415 management
00416 difficult
00417 yeah
00418 read
00419 special
00420 big
00421 age
00422 let
00423 particularly
00424 sure
00425 wanted
00426 idea
00427 west
00428 land
00429 north
00430 love
00431 job
00432 taking
00433 light
00434 run
00435 thus
00436 seems
00437 range
00438 actually
00439 close
00440 moment
00441 century
00442 third
00443 European
00444 training
00445 free
00446 cost
00447 church
00448 meeting
00449 pay
00450 believe
00451 outside
00452 death
00453 industry
00454 needs
00455 rather
00456 trade
00457 groups
00458 involved
00459 human
00460 matter
00461 play
00462 lot
00463 god
00464 individual
00465 brought
00466 turn
00467 history
00468 late
00469 central
00470 changes
00471 Mrs
00472 whose
00473 language
00474 united
00475 move
00476 sometimes
00477 try
00478 committee
00479 rate
00480 based
00481 course
00482 similar
00483 cases
00484 section
00485 building
00486 data
00487 role
00488 necessary
00489 word
00490 authority
00491 common
00492 food
00493 shall
00494 subject
00495 along
00496 Europe
00497 nature
00498 single
00499 air
00500 short
00501 leave
00502 sort
00503 else
00504 states
00505 ago
00506 heard
00507 lost
00508 street
00509 patients
00510 usually
00511 systems
00512 reason
00513 hands
00514 companies
00515 price
00516 hours
00517 member
00518 department
00519 table
00520 value
00521 practice
00522 class
00523 simply
00524 union
00525 team
00526 UK
00527 personal
00528 morning
00529 call
00530 indeed
00531 east
00532 total
00533 ask
00534 certainly
00535 true
00536 type
00537 required
00538 terms
00539 sir
00540 private
00541 someone
00542 countries
00543 bank
00544 increase
00545 former
00546 French
00547 town
00548 decision
00549 expected
00550 getting
00551 herself
00552 coming
00553 president
00554 low
00555 financial
00556 seem
00557 issue
00558 wife
00559 trying
00560 date
00561 friend
00562 return
00563 earlier
00564 minutes
00565 American
00566 ten
00567 stage
00568 hope
00569 paper
00570 higher
00571 approach
00572 especially
00573 concerned
00574 account
00575 live
00576 needed
00577 recent
00578 foreign
00579 figure
00580 provided
00581 cut
00582 university
00583 king
00584 started
00585 near
00586 gone
00587 makes
00588 remember
00589 offer
00590 conditions
00591 quality
00592 parents
00593 tax
00594 ground
00595 strong
00596 force
00597 greater
00598 results
00599 production
00600 situation
00601 various
00602 award
00603 everything
00604 march
00605 include
00606 lord
00607 amount
00608 club
00609 living
00610 soon
00611 hundred
00612 rest
00613 shown
00614 according_to
00615 secretary
00616 clearly
00617 final
00618 saying
00619 art
00620 led
00621 costs
00622 schools
00623 field
00624 organization
00625 deal
00626 yesterday
00627 talk
00628 described
00629 ways
00630 knowledge
00631 followed
00632 basis
00633 plan
00634 students
00635 understand
00636 music
00637 record
00638 workers
00639 chapter
00640 decided
00641 June
00642 royal
00643 paid
00644 planning
00645 added
00646 project
00647 seven
00648 April
00649 wrong
00650 series
00651 agreed
00652 current
00653 friends
00654 despite
00655 forward
00656 easy
00657 structure
00658 weeks
00659 studies
00660 month
00661 below
00662 eight
00663 lead
00664 comes
00665 poor
00666 &
00667 board
00668 mm
00669 bring
00670 allowed
00671 works
00672 tried
00673 points
00674 questions
00675 bed
00676 moved
00677 natural
00678 simple
00679 attention
00680 answer
00681 sound
00682 hospital
00683 security
00684 anyone
00685 met
00686 oh
00687 material
00688 girl
00689 game
00690 front
00691 agreement
00692 red
00693 David
00694 considered
00695 capital
00696 analysis
00697 carried
00698 heart
00699 computer
00700 test
00701 news
00702 instead
00703 movement
00704 share
00705 meet
00706 feet
00707 written
00708 population
00709 kept
00710 per
00711 hair
00712 success
00713 rights
00714 design
00715 green
00716 story
00717 St [=Saint]
00718 model
00719 inside
00720 theory
00721 manager
00722 legal
00723 increased
00724 received
00725 environment
00726 running
00727 relationship
00728 modern
00729 authorities
00730 performance
00731 evening
00732 parties
00733 produced
00734 growth
00735 sent
00736 died
00737 whom
00738 cause
00739 letter
00740 sea
00741 finally
00742 stop
00743 property
00744 built
00745 complete
00746 standard
00747 d