NASA Dryden Flight Research Center -

Edwards-MAE 227 homework exercises.pdf. 402894 Jan 4 2005 66. Edwards-
MAE 227 variable printout.pdf. 954652 Jan 4 2005 67. Seidel et al-TM-84583.pdf.
832306 ...... 28631 Feb 5 03:04 3001_7.PDF. 40195 Feb 5 03:04 3001_8.PDF.
26380 Feb 5 03:04 3001_9.PDF. 543863 Feb 5 03:04 Scan001_2_9_20_10.PDF

Part of the document

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
History Office Supplemental Finding Aid
Electronic Records Inventory John W. Edwards Papers, 1965-2011
Collection Number PP12.01
Series V, Electronic Records, 1995 - 2011 Subseries 1. E-mail, 2007 - 2011
E-mail files were retrieved from Edwards' personal computer. They had been
stored as Microsoft Outlook files. In preparation for transfer, in 2012
they were converted to TXT files and HTM files, and attachments were copied
into the same folder as the associated email text files. Edwards' original
file structure for these documents has been retained. Total size: 232 MB
Total number of files: 574
See list of filetypes in extended summary, below
Subseries 2. Electronic Files, 2001 - 2011 (bulk 2003 - 2011)
These records were transferred directly from Edwards' personal computer in
2011 and file lists created in 2012. Total size: 10.8 GB
Total number of files: 4,700
See list of filetypes in extended summary, below
Subseries 3. Optical Media, 1995 - 2005
Records are stored on CD, CD-R, and DVD disks, and two 3 ½ -inch floppy
disks. Total size: 5.62 GB (plus unknown extent on two 3 ½-inch floppy disks)
Total number of files: 1,174
See list of file types in extended summary, below. Compiled by: Susan Edwards
Date: April 2012 Extended Summary
Subseries 1. E-mail, 2007 - 2011 Total size: 232 MB
Total number of files: 574 Overview of folders:
|Folder name |Number of|Size of |Type of files |Dates |
| |files |folder | | |
|RTO AVT |70 files |15.9MB |Graphic |2007-2008 |
|NATO Research and | | |Interchange | |
|Technology Organization | | |Format (gif) | |
|Applied Vehicle | | |Microsoft | |
|Technology | | |Exchange Mail | |
| | | |(msg) | |
| | | |Microsoft Word| |
| | | |Document (doc)| |
| | | | | |
| | | |MIME HTML | |
| | | |(mht) | |
| | | |Portable | |
| | | |Document File | |
| | | |(pdf) | |
| | | |Rich Text | |
| | | |Format (rtf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|RTO AVT-154 papers |43 files |61.4MB |Microsoft Word|2008 |
|NATO Research and | | |Document (doc)| |
|Technology Organization | | | | |
|Applied Vehicle | | |Portable | |
|Technology | | |Document File | |
| | | |(pdf) | |
| | | |Rich Text | |
| | | |Format (rtf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
| | | |vCard File | |
| | | |(vcf) | |
|accidents |7 files |208KB |Hypertext |2009 |
| | | |Markup (htm) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|afdc |10 files |160KB |Hypertext |2007-2011 |
|Aerospace Flutter and | | |Markup (htm) | |
|Dynamics Council (The | | |Text File | |
|"Flutter Club") | | |(txt) | |
|aiaa |71 files |63MB |Microsoft Word|2008-2010 |
|American Institute of | | |Document (doc)| |
|Aeronautics and | | | | |
|Astronautics | | |Rich Text | |
| | | |Format (rtf) | |
| | | |Tagged Image | |
| | | |File Format | |
| | | |(tiff) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|computations |4files |724KB |Portable |2009-2010 |
| | | |Document File | |
| | | |(pdf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|corresp |14 files |3.5MB |MIME HTML |2007-2009 |
|Correspondence | | |(mht) | |
| | | |Portable | |
| | | |Document File | |
| | | |(pdf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|ifasd2001 |21 files |5.1MB |Portable |10/2010 - |
|International Forum on | | |Document File |5/2011 |
|Aeroelasticity and | | |(pdf) | |
|Structural Dynamics | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
| | | |vCard File | |
| | | |(vcf) | |
|mavric |12 files |17.1MB |Audio Video |2009-2010 |
|Models for Aeroelastic | | |Interleaved | |
|Validation Research | | |(avi) | |
|Involving Computation | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|me233 class notes |20 files |3.1MB |Portable |2010 (*scanned |
| | | |Document File |in 2010, orig |
| | | |(pdf) |docs from |
| | | |Text File |earlier) |
| | | |(txt) | |
|nesc |232 files|58.7MB |Hypertext |2007-2010 (bulk|
|NASA Engineering and | | |Markup (htm) |2008) |
|Safety Center Review | | |Microsoft | |
|Board | | |Excel File | |
| | | |Format (xls) | |
| | | |Microsoft | |
| | | |PowerPoint | |
| | | |(ppt) | |
| | | |Microsoft Word| |
| | | |Document (doc)| |
| | | | | |
| | | |Rich Text | |
| | | |Format (rtf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | |
|rodden |70 files |3.3MB |Hypertext |2007-2010 |
|Bill Rodden | | |Markup (htm) | |
| | | |Microsoft | |
| | | |Exchange Mail | |
| | | |(msg) | |
| | | |Joint | |
| | | |Photographic | |
| | | |Experts Group | |
| | | |(jpg) | |
| | | |Portable | |
| | | |Document File | |
| | | |(pdf) | |
| | | |Text File | |
| | | |(txt) | | Subseries 2. Electronic Files, 2001 - 2011 (bulk 2003 -