A2 - CBSE Guess

Newspapers which indulge in untruth or exaggeration harm the cause they
profess to espouse. ... Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct
blank numbers. .... she will get you a motorbike if you score more than 85% in the
examination. .... Give two examples from the poem that show its 'power' and '

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Sample Paper - 2010
Class - X
Subject - English

A1. Read the following passage carefully. (12 marks)
1. The newspapers have taken the place of the Gita, the Bible and the Quran
with the people. For them, the printed sheet is gospel truth. The fact
throws a great responsibility on the editors and newswriters.
2. Newspapers are a powerful influence. It is the duty of the editors to
see that no false report or report likely to excite the public is published
in their newspapers. The editors and their assistants have to be extra
careful about the news they give and the manner in which they dress it. In
a state of independence, it is practically impossible for Governments to
control the Press. It is the duty of the public to keep a strict watch on
the newspapers and keep them on the right path. An enlightened public would
refuse to patronize inflammatory or indecent newspapers.
3. Newspapers which indulge in untruth or exaggeration harm the cause they
profess to espouse. I admit that there is enough untruth in enough
newspapers to warrant action. But my experience is that no amount of public
criticism will affect the policy of newspapers which make their livelihood
by such policy But I write this in no way to condone untruths in
newspapers. I am quite clear that if newspapers weighed every word that is
printed therein, we should have a speedier removal of abuses whether in the
States or elsewhere.
4. The superficiality, the one-sidedness, the inaccuracy and often even
dishonesty that have crept into modern journalism, continuously mislead
honest men who want to see nothing but justice done.
5. The sole aim of journalism should be service. The newspaper press is a
great power, but just as an unchained torrent of water submerges whole
country sides and devastates crops, even so an uncontrolled pen serves but
to destroy. If the control is from without, it proves more poisonous than
want of control. It can be profitable only when exercised from within. If
this line of reasoning is correct, how many of the journals in the world
would stand the test? But who would stop those that are useless? And who
should be the judge? The useful and the useless must, like good and evil,
go on together, and man must make his choice.
A1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following
sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank
numbers. (1 x 6 = 6 marks)
(a) It is the duty of the editor to see that ..............
(b) As it is practically impossible for the Governments to control the
press, ............
(c) Newspapers which indulge in untruth or exaggeration need to be rejected
by the people because ................
(d) The modern journalism suffers from ......................... which
mislead honest men.
(e) The sole aim of journalism should be because it ................
(f) As the useful and the useless must, like good and evil go on together,
man ...................
A1.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the questions given
below in one or two lines only. (1½x2=3 marks)
(a) What is the duty of the enlightened public with respect to the
(b) If newspapers weighed every word thai. is printed therein, we should
have a speedier removal of abuses whether in the States o elsewhere. Why?
A1.3 Find words / phrases from the passage which mean the same as the
following from the paragraphs indicated. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)
(a) intending to cause very strong feelings of anger (para 2)
(b) not studying or looking at something thoroughly (para 4)
(c) to go under the surface of water (para 5)
A.2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (8)

The phenomenon of ageing has been with us. Anything that is born must
disappear. We cannot avoid old age, but how to face it and add zest to
life in the remaining years of our living on this earth?
Ageing should bring control over three human passions- lust, anger and
greed. Controlling these forces changes the mode of our living and our
There are two factors which are responsible for our well being. First,
keeping ourselves fully occupied both mentally and physically, with
something we like. The second is directing ourselves towards spirituality.
Spiritual learning makes us calmer and gives inner peace.
Meditation, reading books and keeping company with spiritually-enlightened
people keep us mentally occupied and bring tranquility. A life full of
contentment at this stage particularly would make the remaining years of
our life happier.
We understood the meaning of renunciation, wrongly perhaps. Running away
from the world and its material attractions is not the path being
professed. The stage of life that we are at, is one in which we must not
ignore the spark that guides us to the correct path. We are not the
external body alone, but the soul within also. According to our
scriptures, God resides in every soul.
There are three weapons, which God has given us for our happiness -
awareness, wisdom and goodness.
Awareness refers to knowing one's real self. It means to be aware of our
real personality. Wisdom is our second weapon. Most of us lead this life
without being aware of our aim, goal and priorities and each one's inherent
capacities. A person of wisdom will succeed by disciplining his life,
fixing the priorities and reorganizing his reactions, emotions and
thoughts. Wisdom lies in knowing our goal in life. Goodness is in fact the
core of all philosophies. It is the sheet anchor of the teaching of
various religions. What are the Ten Commandments? What is compassion
taught by Buddha? What is Ahimsa taught by Saint Mahavir? The Gita
repeats, again and again, that unless we enhance our content of nobility
and purity, the goal of self realisation will remain beyond reach.
Goodness and humility go hand-in-hand and complement each other. One has
to replace selfishness with selflessness and bring one's ego under control
To practice compassion you have to have all the qualities of goodness -
truth, love, purity and humility.
The Dalai Lama has repeatedly brought out in his discourses that love and
anger cannot be generated exactly at the same time in the same person.
Once you become accustomed to one class of attitudes, the other side
automatically will diminish.
He said: "Ignorance, anger, attachment and pride are your ultimate enemies.
They are not outside but within you and must be fought with the weapons of
wisdom and concentration. Have a good heart, a good mind and warm
feelings?" This will lead us o live a beautiful life.
Source: The Tribune
A2.1. On the basis of your reading the passage complete the notes. Write
your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.
a) To add zest to old age one should control three human passions:
i) ________________
ii) ________________
and lust.
b) One should keep oneself occupied:
i) ___________________________________ and mentally.
c) One should be spiritually inclined through
i) ______________________
ii) ______________________
and reading books.
d) Three weapons God has given us for happiness are
i) ________________
ii) ________________
and awareness.
e) One should follow:
i) _________________________________

A2.2. On the basis of your reading paras 7-11, complete the following
sentences briefly. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the
correct blank number.
a) Wisdom lies in _________________________
b) We cannot achieve self-realisation unless ________________________
c) Truth, love, purity and humility are essential to practise
d) According to Dalai Lama our four ultimate enemies are ------------
A2.3. Find words/phrases in the passage that have the same meaning as the
following. Write your answers in your answer sheets against the correct
blank number. (2marks)
a) enjoyment (para 1)
b) asserted; stated (para5)


B1. You are Kaushik Rana from Secunderabad. You are studying in class X.
You have received a letter from your grandmother who is in Delhi advising
you on how to work hard for your board exams. She has also given you some
tips on optimum utilization of your time and energy. In her letter she has
promised that she will get you a motorbike if you score more than 85% in
the examination. Reply to this letter in a postcard. Copy down the correct
format of the post card. The body of the letter should not exceed 50 words.
(5 marks)

B.2. You have received the following invitation with a note from Mr. Peter
requesting you to inform Mr. Charles, a common friend living in your
neighbourhood. Mr. Peter has somehow misplaced Mr. Charles address. Write
a message to Mr. Charles, giving the details about the wedding. Also
mention in the message your willingness to go together to the wedding.
(5 marks)

B3. All the Schools in Bikaner are celebrating a Road Safety month now.
You being the Head Boy/ Head Girl of your school have been asked to deliver
a short speech on the subject of Road Safety for school children. Study
the graph given below showing the number of school children who lost their
lives in road accidents. Using the information together with your own
ideas, write a short speech stressing the importance of road safety for
children. Also make some practical suggestions in th